2016 New York State Archery Association

State Championships


In the West:

February 20st & 21nd 2016

Allied Sportsmen of Western New York

12846 Clinton Street

Alden, New York 14004

In the East:

March5th March 6st, 2016

Proline Archery Lanes

95-11 101st Ave.
Ozone Park, NY 11416



  • Masters 70+ – 70 years of age or older
  • Masters 60+ – 60 years of age or older
  • Masters 50+ – 50 years of age or older
  • Senior – any adult
  • Collegiate – any college student currently enrolled in a NYS College
  • Junior -- up to and in the year of the 20th birthday
  • Cadet -- up to and in the year of the 17th birthday
  • Cub -- up to and in the year of the 14th birthday
  • Bowman -- up to and in the year of the 12th birthday
  • Yeoman -- up to and in the year of the 9th birthday

Please remember that this division is a learning division for those children unable to keep the majority of their arrows on the target at 18 meters, those who are capable should compete in the bowman division.


  • All recurve & crossbow classes -- 60 arrows at a 40cm target (outer 10 ring)
  • All compound classes -- 60 arrows at a 40cm target (inner 10 ring)


  • Junior & Cadet Recurve -- 60 arrows at the 40 cm. target (outer 10 ring) @ 18 meters
  • Cub & Bowman Recurve -- 60 arrows at a 60 cm target (outer 10 ring) @ 18 meters
  • Junior & Cadet Compound -- 60 arrows at the 40 cm. target (inner 10 ring) @ 18 meters
  • Cub & Bowman Compound -- 60 arrows at a 40 cm target (inner 10 ring) @ 18 meters
  • Yeoman -- 60 arrows at a 60 cm target @ 9 meters


  1. All FITA rules will be enforced.
  2. Awards in the adult divisions will be divided into flights based on participation.
  3. Archers Must have a current USA Archery membership and signed waiver form to participate in this event.
  4. Shooting Times:

Proline Archery Lanes will offer shooting lines at the following times: 9:00 am, 1:30 pm, 6:00 pm, Saturday, Marc 5thandSunday March 6th

PLEASE NOTE the Tournament site in the EAST will only offer a 6:00pm line on SundayONLY if all of the other lines on Saturday and Sunday are filled

Allied Sportsmen of Western New York will offer shooting lines at the following times: 9:00 am, 12:30 pm on Saturday, February 20st

and 9:00 am and 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 21nd.

PLEASE NOTE the Tournament site in the WEST will only offer a 4 pm line on Saturday ONLY if the first two lines on both days are filled.

(Every effort will be made to put you on your chosen line, but these positions will be filled on a first received, first assigned basis.)


Adults: $ 30.00LATE FEE:

Junior Olympic Entry Fee: $ 25.00WESTERN REGION: $10.00 for any entry not postmarked by February 5st, 2016

EASTERN REGION: $10.00 for any entry not postmarked by February 26th, 2016


Complete the entry on the next page then mail the entry and check to the appropriate Tournament Director as indicated at the bottom of the entry. Proof of USA Archery Membership is required for this event.

2016 New York State Archery Association

State Championships

Please use one entry form for each participant and complete the entire entry

Name ______Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______Phone 1-(______)-______

Email: ______USA Archery/NFAA Membership #______

(USA Archery Membership is required for this event; NFAA Members must complete the FREE Membership form at the following and provide a membership number.)

Date of Birth: (Junior Olympic Divisions)______

Junior Olympic Entries without birthdates will automatically be put in the Junior Division.

Please place a check mark to indicate appropriate classification:

(Please check ALL that apply)

Male / Collegiate / Olympic Bow
Female / Junior / Compound Unlimited
Master 50+ / Cadet / Compound Limited
Master 60+ / Cub / Crossbow
Master 70+ / Bowman / Barebow
Senior / Yeoman
Indicate your preference of shooting day and line by placing a 1 for your first choice and a 2 for your second choice.
Eastern Region: Pro Line Archery Lanes
**The Tournament site in the EAST will offer a 6 pm line on SundayONLY if all of the lines on Saturday and Sunday are filled / Western Region: Allied Sportsmen of Western New York
**The Tournament site in the WEST will only offer a 4 pm line on Saturday if the first two lines on both days are filled.
Saturday / Saturday
9:00am _____ 1:30pm _____ 6:00 pm _____ / 9:00am _____ 12:30pm _____ **4:00 pm _____
Sunday / Sunday
9:00am _____ 1:30pm _____ **6:00pm______/ 9:00am _____ 12:30pm _____

Fees Enclosed:

Adult Entry Fee:
Junior Olympic Entry Fee:
Late Fee if postmarked after: West 2/5/2016
(see entry fees) East 2/26/2016
Total enclosed / $30.00______

Mail your entry and check made payable to:

In the Eastern Region:

Payable to: Proline Archery Lanes, Inc.

Proline Archery Lanes

Attn: NYSAA Indoor Championships

95-11 101st Ave.
Ozone Park, NY. 11416

In the Western Region:

Payable to: Dale Hoffman

Dale Hoffman

104 Autumnwood Road.

Cheektowaga, NY 14227

Consent and Waiver Form

Please Read Carefully Before Signing:

In consideration of my involvement in the 2016 NYSAA Indoor State Championship, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

1) I risk bodily injury, including paralysis, dismemberment and death, as well as loss or damage to personal property.

2) I knowingly and freely assume all risk, and I, for myself, and on behalf of my heirs, assign, and next of kin, hereby release, agree to hold harmless and promise not to sue National Archery Association, USA Archery, NYSAA, Pro Line Archery Lanes, Inc. Allied Sportsman of Western NY and their officers, directors, facilitators, coaches, agents and/or employees and other participants, with the respect to any and all injury, paralysis, dismemberment, and or loss or damage to personal property from this date forward to the end of time, except that which is resultant from the gross negligence and/or willful or wanton misconduct.