Our website is Club News Sheet – No. 341

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Myhome phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880 25thMay2009

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Mon18th 1stBob P & Robbie61%2nd=Paul Q & Terry Q 57%

2nd= Jeremy & Sally57%

Wed 20th 1stPaul Q & Terry Q64%2ndIvy & Richard M55%

Fri 22nd 1stJeremy & Sally56%2ndFrode & Robbie55%

Bidding Quiz Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.

Hand AHand BWhat do you open with Hand A?


♥KJ♥J109With Hand B LHO opens 1♥ and partner doubles. You bid 2♦

♦ 4♦AJ8654and partner bids 2♥ (looking for 3NT). What do you bid?


Hand CHand DWhat do you open with Hand C?

♠10843♠ QJ7

♥AKJ♥ AK8What do you open with Hand D?



Current Championship standings

Gold Cup = Best 30 / Silver Plate = Best 10 / Bronze Medal = Best 5
10 / 1813.6 Janne Roos
1788.5 Hans Vikman
1758.0 Paul Quodomine / 643.2 Janne Roos
639.3 Hans Vikman
631.1 Sally Watson
629.9 Paul Quodomine
615.1 Lars Broman
611.1 Bob Short
609.7 Jeremy Watson
609.2 Jean Wissing
607.6 Per Andersson
597.7 Ivy Schlageter / 331.8 Janne Roos
329.0 Hans Vikman
324.5 Sally Watson
323.5 Paul Quodomine
321.7 Bob Short
321.3 Jeremy Watson
321.0 Per Andersson
318.2 Ivy Schlageter
316.1 Lars Broman
315.7 Jean Wissing

The Western cue bidBoard 5 from Monday 18th

When you bid the opener’s suit that is often asking for a stopper for NoTrump purposes. Called the Western cue bid in America, it is similar to the Directional Asking Bid (DAB), popular in Europe. The difference is that the DAB only asks for a partial stop, and this makes a lot of sense to me as a single stop from partner will often not be enough unless you have 8 quick tricks elsewhere.



N-S vul♦3-1♥dblpass


3NT(2)all pass


♥J109WE♥K(1)Asking for a ♥ stop.

♦AJ8654S♦ KQ7(2)What did you bid with this West hand B in this

♣102♣AK843week’s quiz? This pair play the DAB in sequences

♠ J87like this, and a ½ stop is enough. West jumped as

♥ 6542he was near maximum for his original negative

♦1092(non-jump) response.


And what happened? 3NT+2, 3NT+1, 4♦=, 3♠= and 1♥*(N)=,

The bottom lines: -

-You have to decide whether your bid of the opponent’s suit in sequences like this asks for a full stop or a ½ stop; I prefer the ½ stop DAB style and it worked well on this hand.

Dave’s ColumnHere is Dave’s 1stinput concerning the play of the hand.

WestEastYou are East, declarer in 4♠. South leads the ♦2 and North wins

with the ♦Q and continues with the ♦A, plan the play for East.

♠ 87642♠AKQJ953


♦1064♦ 4


Dave’s Column answerBoard 6 from Wednesday 20th

Dealer:♠10Book Auction


E-W vul♦AKQ63--1♠(1)pass




♥53WE♥KJ(1)What did you open with this East hand A

♦1064S♦ 4in this week’s quiz? I don’t like this bid from

♣Q98♣K107the book and would open 4♠ or possibly 4♦

♠ -if playing Namyats – you do not want to let

♥ Q9764the opposition in cheaply.

♦J982(2)Forcing playing 2/1

♣A632(3)Here we see the problem with the opening bid, dbl is an alternative.

(4)This is pathetic, with a ♠ void and 4 ♦’s and favourable vulnerability, 5♦ seems clear.

South leads the ♦2 and North wins with the ♦Q and continues with the ♦A, plan the play for East.

Declarer ruffed the 2nd♦ high and cashed the ♠A. He then led his ♠3 to dummy’s ♠4 and ruffed dummy’s last ♦ high. Next he led his ♠5 to dummy’s ♠6 to lead a ♥ from dummy. When North ducked declarer guessed right by playing the ♥K. Declarer then exited with the ♥J and whichever defender won would be end played – either opening up the ♣ suit or conceding a ruff and discard.

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠= three times and 3♠+1.

Dave’s2ndColumnHere is Dave’s 2ndinput about the play of the hand.

NorthSouthYou are North, declarer in 4♠. East leads the ♣3, plan the play.


♥J7♥ Q9865

♦K8643♦ A

♣-♣ AQ972

Dave’s2ndColumn answerBoard 8 from Wednesday 20th

Dealer:♠QJ10876Book Bidding


Love all♦K86431♣2♠(1)pass4♠

♣-all pass

♠K5N♠432(1)Weak jump overcall


♦J2S♦ Q10975



♥ Q9865

♦AEast leads the ♣3, plan the play.

♣ AQ972

North discarded a ♥ on dummy’s ♣A and cashed the ♦A. He then ruffed a ♣ and cashed the ♦K and ruffed a ♦ with dummy’s ♦9. West over-ruffed and returned a trump. Declarer could no longer ruff another ♦ and lost a ♥, 2 ♦’s and a ♦ over-ruff for one down.

How should declarer have played? The play to the first four tricks was correct but at trick 5 he stumbled by ruffing with dummy’s ♠9. Instead, he should have ruffed with the ♠A. Another ♣ ruff to hand would have enabled him to ruff another low ♦ but this time the over-ruff would not have hurt. The secret is to plan to concede a trump trick.

Dave’s comment: Why cash the ♦K? Surely simply keeping it and ruffing two ♦’s works equally well.

And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠-1, 3♠-2, 3♠-1 and 2♠+1.

Lead Quiz




♦J22NTpass3NTall pass


You are North, on lead against 3NT after partner has overcalled in ♥’s. Which ♥ do you lead?

Answer next page.
An obvious leadBoard 5 from Friday 22nd

You are North, defending 3NT on this bidding, which ♥ do you lead?


East ♥Q93-pass1♠2♥

E-W vul♦J22NTpass3NTall pass


♠9N♠AK8643What did you lead from the North hand? From

♥KJ6WE♥74Qxx in partner’s suit you should always lead low.

♦K10987S♦ A43The ♥Q lead was fatal and enabled declarer to

♣KQ87♣A2get an easy 11 trick when the obvious low ♥ lead

♠ Q1052holds declarer to 9 or 10 tricks.

♥ A10852



The bottom lines: -

Leading an honour in the suit that partner has bid generally applies only when you hold a doubleton. With Hxx and RHO showing stopper(s), lead low.

That horrible 4333 shape – part 1Board 26 from Friday 22nd

Dealer:♠ A76Table A

East ♥Q875West(C)NorthEastSouth

both vul♦94--passpass


4♠(2)all pass


♥AKJWE♥63Table B

♦A87S♦ Q10532West(A)NorthEastSouth


♠ K91NT(1)all pass

♥ 10942



Table A:(1)What did you open with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? 18 points so this West woodenly opened 1♣ with a 2NT rebid in mind.

(2)Again, not realizing how terrible the 4333 shape is, despite my continual writings in the news sheets, West overbids a 2nd time.

Table B:(1)This West opened the obvious 1NT, deduct a point for the totally flat shape and the fact that all of the honours are outside the 4-card suit makes this an obvious candidate for devaluation.So 1NT is the answer to question A.

And what happened? 4♠-1, 3NT-1, 2NT-1 and 1NT+1

The bottom lines: -

-Deduct a point for the terrible 4333 shape.

That horrible 4333 shape – part 2Board 3 from Friday 22nd

Dealer:♠K32Table A

South ♥963WestNorthEastSouth(D)

E-W vul♦J853---1♣(1)


pass3NT(3)all pass


♥Q42WE♥J1075Table B

♦2S♦ KQ1074WestNorthEastSouth(D)


♠ QJ7passpass2♦(4)pass

♥ AK82♥(5)all pass



Table A:(1)What did you open with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? 18 points so this South woodenly opened 1♣ with a 2NT rebid in mind.

(2) Continuing with the illusion that this hand is worth 18 points.

(3)With 6 points and a ten, North decided to accept the invitation, Obviously North should pass becausehe also has the terrible 4333 type shape.

Table B:(1)This South knows all about the 4333 type shape and correctly opened 1NT.

(4)Meant as showing ♦’s…

(5)…but the pair play Multi Landy and 2♥ here is forced.

And what happened? 2♥ by West went -3 for a bottom and the other results were spurious. N-S have a combined 24 points but 3NT is hopeless (it went -1 and -2 the two times it was bid), this is because both hands are 4333 type shape with no chance of setting up a suit.

The bottom lines: -

-Deduct a point for the terrible 4333 shape.

Bidding Quiz Answers

Hand A:4♠, you do not want the opponents competing. If you play Namyats then it’s close to a 4♦ opening but slightly light.

Hand B:3NT, that is provided that you play the DAB and partner promises a little something in ♥’s himself. 3♥ is also a possibility if you agree what it means (showing a half stop with game values). Without any agreement I guess you have to bid 3♦.

Hand C:1NT, deduct a point for the terrible 4333 type shape.

Hand D:1NT, deduct a point for the terrible 4333 type shape.