Second Grade Weekly Newsletter Aug. 29th-Sept.2nd, 2016

Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon

Spelling Words-*test on Friday Vocabulary-*test on Friday

cake wipe tops- the highest parts

mine race picked-took or grabbed

plate line chipmunks-furry animals with a stripe, that look like small squirrels

size pile busy-full of activity

ate rake south-a direction opposite of north

grape gave turned-to change colors

prize bike grew-got bigger and bigger

woods-a place with many trees; a forest

Story of the Week – “Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon” Read every night and daily in class

Reading Skills: author’s purpose-the reason or reasons the author wrote the book

multiple-meaning words-a word that has more than one meaning

ex: pet-1. An animal kept at home 2. stroke or pat lightly

long vowels a, i ex: Spelling words

Grammar: Statement- a sentence that tells you something ex.-The boy walks in the woods.

Question- a sentence that ask you something ex.- When would you like to go?

Math: Place value(1’s, 10’s)

Ex. What is the value of the underlined digit? 56, 39, 98, 86

Expanded form with 2-digit

Ex. 3 tens 8 ones, 30+8=38

Different Ways to Write Numbers

Ex. 53 5 tens 3 ones 50 + 3 = 53 fifty-three

78 7 tens 8 ones 70 + 8 = 78 seventy-eight

*Test on Friday

P.E. Students will be doing Yoga in P.E. Yoga works on the whole body and is suitable for children of all ages and physical abilities. It promotes strength and flexibility, good coordination and posture. It is also a non-competitive form of exercise that all children can enjoy.

Science: Unit A Life Science Chapter 2 Animals

Lesson 1: What is a Mammal?

1. Mammals are animals that are covered with hair or fur.

2. The hair or fur helps to keep the animals warm.

3. Mammals use lungs to breathe.

4. Mammals usually look like their parents.

5. Most animal babies are born alive.

6. Milk gives animal babies what they need to grow and stay healthy.

7. Mammals will be able to reproduce.

8. Some examples of mammals are humans, dogs, or cows.

9. The largest water mammal is the whale.

10. The only flying mammal is the bat.

*Test on Friday

Social Studies: Landforms

1. A landform is a kind of land with a special shape.

2. Land that rises above the land around it is called a hill.

3. A plain is flat land that stretches as far as the eye can see.

4. A mountain is a very high hill.

5. A valley is low land between hills or mountains.

6. Landform with water around it is called an island.

7. A landform that is only surrounded on three sides by water is called a peninsula.

8. A desert is a dry, often sandy region with little rainfall.

9. An elevated, fairly level expanse of land is called a plateau.

10. Land next to the sea is called a coast. *Test on Friday

August 29th – MAP Testing Begins