Notes of Meeting

Held on 14th April 2015

Present: Dr Chana, Dr Baker, Karen Sadler, Julia Lovett, Joan Hayward-Surry, Cheryl Kirby, Roy Sainsbury, Harry Brett, Corinne Wheeler, Adrian Fletcher, John Brennan, June Sales, Amanda Sales, Marie Howard and Debbie Dennis (minute taker)

Guest: John Peck

Apologies: Deborah Ridley, Hari Tanna, Howard Norton, Beverley Egan, Jillian Reeves, Dianne Blowes, Dorothy King and Richard Holsgrove

Subject / Action by
Welcome, introductions and apologies.
Minutes from last meeting reviewed for accuracy.
  • Roy kindly updated notices on notice boards
  • Notice has been put up informing patients of the complaints procedure
  • PRG suggested to put up a suggestion box – this was put up and has received one compliment

Partnership changes: Dr Hiscock is leaving the practice, he is not retiring. We are sorry to see him go. Dr Turner will automatically be taking over Dr Hiscock’s patients (she is already a partner at the practice).
The practice will be known as Dr Khan & Partners in future.
Dr Gardiner’s practice is closing in Rayleigh Road. The 3,000 patients will all receive a letter as to what GP practice they will be moved too. Dr Gardiner’s lease is up and is not going to be renewed and unfortunately new premises could not been found.
Dr Peter Long joins Dr Khan’s practice in July therefore until he commences work at the practice Dr Khan has closed his list for 3 months. As of yet Dr Patel’s practice has not closed their list.
Essex Way practice is also closing in the near future, which could mean a potential shortage of GP’s in the area.
JP came to talk to the group about how he has improved his health. JP used to wake up feeling anxious and depressed which in turn did not make him feel motivated. JP has tried the gym but finds the music too loud and then ends up not going regularly because of the effort it takes. He started to march for 10 – 30 minutes daily in his house to military marching music This has improved his health, helped his neck pain and he feels better/motivated after marching. He marches up and down in his house.
JP would like to promote marching within the practice so if anyone has any good ideas how to spread this information please let the PRG know so this can be fed back to him. / JP will create a poster to put up in the practice.
Prescription changes: RS changed his order of his repeat prescriptions on line so he received them all at the same time. He has since found he can’t do this as it has been stating some of his medication is not due.
Update. To get medication in line a synchronisation form needs to be completed, then it should be ok online. / JL to ask the prescription clerks to investigate & will phone RS
Face Book: JHS raised in absence as DR had asked if it was worth generating a face book page. We discussed the pros and cons and decided as we have a website then it was best not to have a face book page as we would have to be careful with confidentiality and other practices do not have a face book page. A face book page would also be difficult to police.
Telephone: Raised by HN via email - When patients are ringing into the practice at 8am they could be anything up to number 50 in the queue. JL advised there are 6 lines coming into the practice with a queuing system of no more than 50, something that was agreed in the consultation prior to the change of number. When in the queue it does not currently update you as to where you are in the queue – this is in process of being changed soon so everyone will be updated as they move down the queue.
Discussed having a ring back call but this can only happen if there is an engaged tone and not a queuing system. JL confirmed patients can use the on line booking system as the same appointments are available at 8 am as the ones the receptionists are offering for that day. If anyone is having issues with logging onto their on line booking system please ring the practice who will support you with this. Appointments can also be cancelled on line.
If patients can’t get through at 8am to cancel an appointment they may just hang up and not cancel it therefore it may be best to encourage patients to cancel appointments after 8.30 am when the rush had died down.
The two practices cannot have two separate numbers as it is not possible to transfer calls and there is only one prescription desk
AS was informed that nurses could not prescribe the cream she needed. Practice confirmed that there are 2 Nurse Practitioners who can prescribe certain medication. AS to discuss this with Dr khan after the meeting.
Update: Our Nurse Practitioners at the Khan Practice can issue medication for the issue raised and any other minor ailment. JL has spoken to the receptionists to ensure they are aware of this
AF asked how he could have a new sharps box as his small sharps box is now full, he has tried to have one prescribed without much joy. A process needs to be put in place for disposing of sharps boxes as they are classified as hazardous, clinical waste.
Update: JL since advised re Sharps Boxes: She has contacted the Benfleet Clinic on the High Road. The sharps bins can be dropped off there for disposal and they will give the patient an empty one. They can also be dropped at the Hadleigh Clinic in this area.
DNA: JL looked into what other practices do when patients do not attend and it’s the same as our practice – after patients have got to the stage where they receive a strong letter, repeat offenders are removed from the practice.
CK discussed patient reference groups which are a way of disseminating information. We have no one involved in CRG meetings at present. The practice does have their website which has a feedback option and our minutes available for everyone to access.
Update: The minutes from the CRG meetings are still available to anyone who wants to read them to keep up to date with changes on the CCG website at . The minutes for the January meeting are attached, and the ones for the March meeting will be published on the above link after they have been approved at the next meeting on 12 May 2015.
Weekend access is looking to start from May/June onwards.
Prescriptions – there was no objections to repeat prescriptions having a 72 hour turn around rather than the current 48 hour turn around as the practice is having difficulty in keeping to the time scale, and it was felt it was not good to have people wait longer than expected, although this could increase the number of emergency prescriptions if you have to wait three days. Patients may make a GP appointment to acquire their prescription.
The Patient Survey normally happens in August. These do not have to be carried out any longer unless as a practice there is something we specifically want to ask about. One is not planned for this year.
JHS confirmed she will be stepping down as Chair in October 2015 after 3 years due to other commitments. Please can everybody think about who would like to be the new Chair and JHS is more than happy to support/help the person who becomes the new chair. / JL will look into this and get back to AF
Next meeting 7th July at 7pm
Minute taker: Deborah Ridley

PRG: Patients Reference Group

CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group

CRG: Commissioning reference Group

DNA: Did not attend