Our promise to you
- We will treat you well
- We will believe and take what you say seriously
- We will listen to you
- We will be honest with you about what we can do and explain what we can’t do
- We will involve you and keep you fully informed
Useful contacts
If you think you are being abused or at risk please tell someone or contact the Council on 01204 33 3333 and report it to a Social Worker.
Or contact the Police on 101 or dial 999 in an emergency.
Tell us what you think
If you have a complaint, compliment or a comment to make about this process please tell your Social Worker named at the top of this booklet or:
- Email:
- Visit
- Phone 01204 338021
- Or write to:
Quality Assurance and Improvement Team
Children’s and Adult Services
First Floor
Town Hall
Bolton BL1 1RU
My Personal Plan for Keeping Safe
My personal plan for keeping safe
This booklet will give you some useful information about the safeguarding process. It will also be used to describe the things that you want to happen to keep you safe and happy.
The Social Worker working with you to keep you safe is:
You can contact them on:
Why are you talking to me about keeping safe?
The Council has been told about something which may have happened to you. We want to make sure that you are ok and that you are safe from anything happening to you in the future.
I agree to this plan and I confirm that I was involved in putting it together.
Signed by service user/advocate/representative:
Signed by Social Worker:
My plan to keep me safe and happy.
This describes the things that we will do with you to help you achieve your outcomes and lessen the risk to you. It may take some time to write this plan because we may need to talk to other people and you may want to change some of it or add something else. We will always talk to you about what goes into this plan.
Things to do / People who will support me to do it / When will it be done?What does safeguarding mean?
Safeguarding is the term used to describe the process to keep people safe from abuse and harm. It means that the Council will work with you and other organisations like the police or health to stop abuse from happening and protect you from other things happening in the future.
We will:
- Talk to you to find out what happened
- Find out what you would like to happen to keep you safe
- Find out why and how the abuse happened and who was
- Help you to keep safe and stay happy
Can I decide what happens?
We want to keep you safe but in a way that works for you and allows you to live your life how you want. We will ask you what you want to happen and how you want it to happen. Sometimes we will have to do things which you may feel uncomfortable with like talk to the police but we will always talk to you about it first and involve you in decision we need to make to protect you. Sometimes we will share information about you with other organisations to help keep you safe.
Which other organisations are involved?
It depends on the situation. Often we will work with people in the Health Service or the Police. We may also work with the people providing your care. Really, we will work with whoever is able to help keep you safe. We will always tell you who we are working with.
What I want to happen
This describes what you told us you want to happen as part of this safeguarding process. These are the things you want to change or stay the same. They are sometimes referred to as outcomes.
Things that may go wrong
This describes the things that we discussed may happen if your outcomes are or aren’t achieved. They are sometimes known as ‘risks’. By writing them down It does not mean that they will happen but it helps us to work with you to make sure they don’t happen or are less likely to happen. We will help you to lessen these risks.