Pregnancy and Labor and Delivery

Unit 3

A. Explain the Characteristics of Pregnancy

1. Review what happens during the female’s menstrual cycle that begins prenatal development.

Due to an increase in hormones, around the 14th day of menstruation, an ovary follicle swells and

releases an egg/ovum. The Fimbrae “catch” the ovum and brings it into the fallopian tubes. If a

sperm is present, conception can occur, thus beginning prenatal development.

What is ovulation and when does it occur?

The “explosion” of the ovary follicle and the releasing of an ovum. About day 14 of the menstrual

cycle, but can be day 15 or 16 too.

2. What are 3 common signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Fatigue, breast tenderness, sensitive to smells, cravings, absence of menstrual cycle, increased

need to urinate…….

B. Explain the processes occurring during prenatal development

3. What is pre-natal development and How long is it?

Growth of the baby from conception to birth. It lasts 40 weeks, or 280 days, or 9 (10) months

4. Prenatal Development is divided up into 3 trimesters explain each one and related terms.

A. First Trimester: The focus is on the physical development of the baby.

Ovum – The female sex cell or egg that is needed for reproduction

Sperm – The male sex cell that is needed for reproduction

Conception/Fertilization – The union of an ovum and sperm, resulting in the beginning

of pregnancy.

 This trimester is the greatest time of risk and vulnerability for birth defects to the developing fetus. Be careful with medication, environment, and lifestyle choices.

B. Second Trimester: Increased organ development and physical growth

Quickening - Feeling the fetus move for the first time. Usually felt in the 5th month

Lanugo - Fine hair that covers the fetus’ body to keep it warm. Helps the vernix to stick to the body..

 This trimester is physically the easiest (the golden trimester) on the Mom

C. Third Trimester: The fetus continues to grow and begins to practice using its body and bodily functions. Lanugo

begins to drop of the body. Fetus gains a protective fatty layer, gains weight rapidly.

Vernix - A White, waxy coating covering the fetus’ body to keep it warm and from getting wrinkly.

Lightening - When the baby drops own into the pelvis, head down, in preparation for delivery

This trimester is physically the most demanding on the Mom.

5. Describe the 3 names of the baby and length during prenatal development

Zygote - the developing baby during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. From conception until implantation into

the uterus or endometrial lining.

Embryo - Begins the 3rd week of pregnancy and goes through the 8th week of pregnancy

Fetus - the developing baby from the beginning of the 9th week until term (40 weeks)

6. Explain the parts of the “house” that the fetus lives in during prenatal development

Uterus/Womb - The fetus grows inside this

Amniotic Sac - This sac contains the embryo and the amniotic fluid. A clear transparent membrane that is

very strong until it is broken.

Amniotic Fluid - About 4 cups of clear, odorless fluid that protects the baby from bumps, bruises, and jolts.

Prevents shock to the fetus, keeps a constant temperature, and keeps the

fetus from adhering to the uterine wall.

Placenta - A flat pancake shaped organ with the amniotic sac attached to one side and the umbilical cord

attached to the other. Develops in between the fetus and the uterus. Completely formed by 4 months.

At birth, it is 1” thick, 8” in diameter, and weighs 1 pound. Its purpose is to filter nutrients and oxygen

to the fetus. If the woman is undernourished during pregnancy, the placenta does not transfer essential

nutrients to the fetus.

Umbilical Cord - A 20” long cord that reaches from the fetus’ stomach to the placenta. It carries away waste

from the baby and returns the waste products back to the mother. It also brings in oxygen, food, and

nutrient rich blood to the embryo to keep it alive.

7. Know and Describe the events occurring at each month during Prenatal development

(DO THIS ON YOUR How did you get here? HANDOUT)

REVIEW: Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes. Only one sperm may penetrate the ovum. If more than

one ovum is present, they may both be fertilized and this will cause multiple births.

A fertilized ovum will implant itself in the endometrial lining / uterus lining and begin to develop.

8. Know and describe the common discomforts of the Mom during each month of Prenatal development

(DO THIS ON YOURHow did you get here? HANDOUT)

9. Explain basic nutrition guidelines and weight gain for Mom to follow during pregnancy.

Follow the current food guide requirements and Daily Dietary Guidelines for best nutritional health.

Exercise - whatever you did before you pregnant is what you can do while you are pregnant, as long as it does

not cause pain or discomfort. Walking is excellent to do anytime.

Gain a total of 25 - 30 pounds during the entire pregnancy.

Drink lots of water

10. Identify potential pregnancy complications and danger signs.

Complication / Symptoms and Danger Signs / Possible cause of the complication / Possible effects
on Mom / Possible effects
on Baby
Gestational Diabetes / High blood sugar levels / Pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to counteract pregnancy hormones / Thirst, increased unrination, blurred vision / Baby becomes too big
Low Birth Weight / Baby born under 5 pounds / Mom’s nutrition / May not bring baby home very soon / Physical and mental side effects
Longer hospital stay
Placenta Previa / The placenta covers the cervix / When the cervix dilates, the placenta
may tear and bleed.
Multiple fetuses,
c-sections, being over 40 years old / Hemorrhage Bleeding during the 2nd or 3rd trimester. / Death, early delivery, lack of nutrients and oxygen, slower growth
Premature / Born before 33 weeks / Multifactoral / May not bring baby home very soon / Lungs not developed yet
Physical and mental side effects
Longer hospital stay
Preterm Labor / Labor before 37th week. / Possible risk factors include: Multiple fetuses, abnormal cervix, vaginal infections. 50% of women who go into this have no risk factors. / Bloody or watery vaginal discharge or experience cramps or backache. / Premature baby, low birth weight, physical and mental complications
Rh Factor / Antibodies in the mother’s blood attack and destroy the fetus’ red blood cells.
When Mom is Rh- and Dad is Rh+ / Incompatibility of mother’s and baby’s blood types. (RH+ or RH-). Problem does not happen with first child, but every child after that is at risk. / Still births, miscarriage, no more kids / Anemia, brain damage, or death
Stillbirth / A full term baby is born dead / Multi-factoral / Death
Spontaneous Abortion / Miscarriage / Baby is naturally aborted before 3rd trimester. 1-4 pregnancies, most in 1st trimester. / Baby’s inability to survive / Emotional / Death
Toxemia /
Pre-Eclampsia / High blood pressure and protein in the urine that afflicts up to 8% of pregnant women. It can cause blood clotting and impaired kidney and liver function. Sudden weight gain. / Multiples, mom’s weight, women over 40, genetics, diet, sedentary life / High blood pressure, swelling of hands and feet, severe headaches, blood in the urine, extreme nausea / death
C. Explain the sequential events in the childbirth process

1. List possible signs that indicate the beginning stages of labor.

Contractions begin (weak cramps and back aches), lightening happened,passage of the mucus plug from the cervix

Braxton Hicks – false labor pains that stop, go away and are not regular

Show– pinkish red plug which covers the cervix and falls

Water breaks – rupturing of the bag of waters/amniotic sac. May be a small trickle or a gush of fluid.

2. Describe the 3 stages (length, events, contractions...) of Labor and Delivery

A. First Stage(Dilation stage) When the cervix expands from 1/4” to about 4”. If the bag of waters has not

ruptured yet, the doctor will do it. The longest stage of labor.

Labor is: energy and effort used to move the baby out of the mother’s body. Accomplished thought a

series of contractions in the uterine muscles. Average length for first baby is 12-14 hours, but could be

shorter of longer.

What is the purpose of contractions during this stage? To push the baby’s head against the cervix,

causing it to widen. Come about 5-10 minutes apart and lasting 30-40 seconds at first and getting closer

together as the cervix dilates.

Dilation – cervix stretching and expanding from 0-10cm so the baby can pass through the birth canal.

Effacement – The cervix is thinned and shortened

Crowning – When the crown of the head is able to be seen right before delivery

B. Second Stage (Expulsion Stage) Begins when the baby’s head is in the birth canal and ends when the baby is born. Does not last long, usually 5-10min. Contractions become frequent, longer, and stronger. (1-3min and last 1-11/2 min)Places a great strain on the baby so the heartbeat will dramatically increase.

Delivery / Expulsion is: Pushing the baby out through the pelvis and birth canal

What is the purpose of contractions during this stage? To push the baby out through the pelvis and birth


Forceps/Vacuum – Extraction methods to help the baby come out.

Forceps = specialized tongs made of surgical steel that are molded to fit the shape of the baby’s


Vacuum = a soft cap is put on top of the baby’s head and suction is applied to help pull the baby

though the birth canal.

Episiotomy = A small incision from the vagina to the anus in the perineum to prevent tearing. At

The completion of birth, the incision is stitched closed.

Fontanel’s – allow the bones of the baby’s skull to move during delivery

C. Third Stage = The contractions of the uterus continue, causing the placenta to separate from the wall of the uterus and be expelled. The afterbirth is delivered.

Afterbirth = placenta, amniotic sac, umbilical cord, and lochia

Lochia = heavy vaginal discharge after the birth of the baby. Continues for an average of 21 days

3. Who are these people? Obstetrician =baby delivery doctor. Seen by a pregnant woman

OBGYN = Obstetrician =baby delivery doctor. Seen by a pregnant woman Gynecologist = woman doctor

Mid-Wife= Does not have a high enough degree to perform surgery, but can deliver a baby

3. What are an Obstetrician and a Gynecologist?

4. Explain delivery options and why these might be used.

Vaginal delivery = The baby id delivered through the vaginal canal

Cesarean Section delivery = delivered through an incision in the abdomen and uterus; surgery

Birthing Room = labor, delivery and recovery all occur in the same room. Sometimes the baby is born in the

delivery room and then the Mom and baby are moved to a post-partum room.

Opeating Room = usually used for caesarean sections or other complications.

5. Explain choices and types of Anesthesia

Natural = childbirth without medication

Epidural = used to give relief, most common form of anesthetic used

6. Describe possible complications that may occur during childbirth: (umbilical cord, stress, heart rate...)

Umbilical cord wrapped around the baby’s neck, problems with the heart rate, fetus under stress, mom’s pelvisis not

big enough, Mom is not progressing

7. Explain possible ways a baby can be positioned for birth.

Normal = head first and face is down

Posterior = head is first and face is up

Breech = feet or buttocks are first

Transverse = fetus is laying sideways

Fetus doesn’t drop into position

8. What is an average birth weight and length of a full term healthy baby?

71/2 pounds and 19 inches long

9. How much does an average healthy pregnancy and delivery cost?


10. Define postpartum. What is a new Mom’s primary physical need after childbirth?

Relief, happiness, many emotions, “Baby Blues”, exhaustion, strain, worry.

Mom needs rest, good nutrition, help, and understanding,


So that’s how I was born?

Use the resources around the room to complete this prenatal development information.

Explain what is happening to Mom, the Baby, and basic prenatal information.

The Prenatal House / Month 0 (1st 3 weeks after 1st day of last period, which includes conception and the 7 days until implantation)
Mom: No idea that she is pregnant
Information: During the first week, cells divide. A cluster of cells drift down fallopian tubes. The cluster attaches itself to the uterine wall.
Month 1 (days 8-35, weeks 3-6, 1st trimester)
Mom: Missed menstrual period
Embryo development (size and weight): ¼” long
Information: Egg attaches to the uterus lining. Fetal internal organs and circulatory system begins to form. Heart begins to beat. Small bumps show the beginnings of arm and legs. Body has head with beginning of eyes, ears, mouth and brain.
Month 2 (days 36-63, weeks 7-10)
Mom: Breasts begin to swell. Enlarging uterus places pressure on the bladder - more frequent urination. Possible “morning sickness”. Fatigue
Fetal Development (size and weight): ½ “ long
Information: face, eyes, ears, and limbs take shape. Development of internal organs. Slight movement begins. All major organs are formed. But not completely developed. Bones and muscles begin to form. Head grows rapidly at first, accounting for ½ of its head. Face and neck begin to take on human form. Brain develops rapidly. Leg and arm buds form and grow, eyes begin converging towards the center of the face. Mouth and nose form. Major organs of the digestive system become differentiated. Heart beating. / Month 3 (days 64-91, weeks 11-14)
Mom: Breasts are firmer, fuller, and ache. Nausea, fatigue, frequent urination, Abdomen becomes larger. Uterus is about the size of an orange. 2-4 pounds weight gain
Fetal Development (size and weight): 1” long
Information: Nostrils, mouths, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form. Fingers and toes are almost complete. All organs are present, but immature. Eyelids are fused. Nail beds are forming. Eyes move closer together and ears move up to eye-level. Taste buds appear. Roof of mouth come together. ‘tooth month” No new organs will need to form, but the ones that are present need to develop and mature. Digestive system, liver and kidneys are functioning. Fetus practices swallowing, breathing and using its vocal cords. Arms, legs, and fingers begin to move.
Month 4 (days 92-119, weeks 15-18, 2nd trimester)
Mom: Continued size change. Discomforts of early pregnancy are gone. Increased appetite.
Fetal Development (size and weight): 3” long. Fetus weighs about 1oz.
Information: Can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move. Facial features are clearer. Skin is thin, loose, wrinkly, and appears red due to blood vessels. Face is beginning to look like a human. The sex organs are distinguishable. Fingerprints are developing. Can begin to hear what is going on outside and inside the womb: mom’s voice, mom’s heartbeat, and mom’s gurgling stomach. / Month 5 (weeks 19-22)
Mom: Enlarged abdomen is obvious. Fetal heartbeat is heard through a stethoscope. QUICKENING is felt.
Fetal Development (size and weight): 6-7” and 4-5oz. Can fill the palm of your hand
Information: Hair and eyelashes appear. Teeth continue to develop. Organs keep maturing. Fetus is more active. LANUGO develops. Muscles and limbs are getting stronger and bones are hardening. Kicks, turns, curls his toes, frowns, purses his lips, and hiccups. Nails begin to form.
Month 6 (weeks 23-26)
Mom: Fetal movement I strong. Fetus kicks and thumps are felt. 10-12 pounds in weight gain.
Fetal Development (size and weight): 8-10” and 8-12oz
Information: Fat is depositing under the skin. Fetus looks wrinkled. Breathing begins. Taste buds on the tongue. A tiny version of a newborn. Startles at loud noises because their hearing is perfect now Strong enough heartbeat to be heard by a stethoscope. / Month 7 (weeks 27-30, 3rd trimester)
Mom: Posture is affected by increase weight and size
Might notice regular patterns of movement and rest
Fetal Development (size and weight): 10-12” long. 1 ½ pounds
Information: Fetus is active and then rests. Eyelids separate and open. VERNIX develops. Cries weakly, sucks its thumb, reflexes like startle, grasps and swim movements. Eyelashes and hair are growing.
Month 8 (weeks 31-34)
Mom: Backaches, leg cramps, shortness of breath, fatigue. Fetal kicks are stronger. Weight gain of about 18-20 pounds
Fetal Development (size and weight): 14-16” and 2 ½ - 3 pounds
Information: Fetus may react to noises with a jerking action. Fetus has moved to head-down position. Fingernails reach beyond the fingertips. Baby can kick, stretch, smile, and yawn / Month 9 (weeks 35 – delivery)
Mom: LIGHTENING occurs. It is easier to breath. Usual discomforts of late pregnancy. Uterus is the size of a small watermelon. May have false labor pains - BRAXTON HICKS.
Weight gain of 24-30 pounds.
Fetal Development (size and weight): 17-18” long and 5-6 pounds, but weight gain continues rapidly.
Information: Skin is smooth because fat deposits continue. Fetal movements are slowed due to lack of room. Disease fighting antibodies are taken from the mother’s blood. Fetus descends into pelvis and is ready for birth