Ambassador Honor Society

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday September 14th @1:30 Pm

Thursday September 15th @ 3:00 Pm

Welcome and Introductions

Dominique Martinez welcomed members.

Dominique introduced Regine Standley, Vice President and Debra Lybyer, Staff Advisor. She mentioned that Marlowe Daly-Galeano is the Faculty Advisor who normally attends one of the two meetings each month. She also mentioned that we currently have an opening for the Secretary/Treasurer, described the position, and announced that we are seeking interested members for this position.

The club email is: and the club office is located in SUB room 214.

New Business

Name Tags were distributed.

Volunteer Hour Requirements were explained:

  • Dress must be appropriate for event for which a member is volunteering, AHS attire (T-Shirt or Sweatshirt) is recommended, if fitting.
  • 12 hours total; 6 per semester, 3 hours per semester must be on campus events, although all 6 could be done on campus as well.
  • Service hour sheet (found on must be completed by member and signed by event supervisor.
  • Volunteers must where AHS nametag while volunteering. If not yet received, stop by SUB 214 during office hours to get it.
  • Volunteer hours will only be counted if they are strictly for AHS, double volunteering is not acceptable, nor can a member be receiving pay or credit for the event.

Chair Positions need to be filled

Dominique provided descriptions of each of the ollowing chair positions and explained that all six on campus hours can be completed by successfully fulfilling a chair position.

  • Communications chair-
  • Public Info/Marketing-
  • Refreshments-
  • Graduation Party-
  • Center for Arts and History-
  • Web/Facebook-
  • Christmas chair-
  • Sweatshirt-

 Opportunities for Hours:

Volunteers are needed for "All systems go!" Day.
What: Fun hands-on science activities and a magic show for all third graders in Lewiston. Three hundred and fifty third graders will be coming to campus to learn about science in a relaxed and friendly environment and we need help with set-up, running stations and clean up. No science background is required but volunteers should enjoy working with children.On-campus hours.
When: AHS volunteers are needed for Thursday Nov. 17 to help set up and Friday Nov. 18 to help with the stations, magic show and clean up.
Contact: Rachel Jameton at

Also, the Festival of Trees, Tri-State Hospitals’s annual fund raiser at the Nez Perce County fairgrounds, needs a bunch of volunteers. Here is a paragraph:

Volunteers are needed for Tri-State Hospital’s Festival of Trees.
What: Come help with Tri-State Hospital’s annual fund raiser: the Festival of Trees. Volunteers are need for a variety of jobs including set-up and help with events. To see the sort of events that are a part of the Festival of Trees, here is last year’s schedule: and this year will be similar/the same. Off-campus hours.
When: AHS volunteers are needed over Thanksgiving week. If you are interested in volunteering, we will find something that fits into your schedule.
Contact: Rachel Jameton at


Wednesday, 14th 1:30 pm, SAC 208

Thursday, 15th 3:00 pm, SUB 143


Wednesday, 12th 1:30 pm, SUB 143

Thursday, 13th 3:00 pm, SUB 143


Wednesday, 16th 1:30 pm, SUB 143

Thursday, 17th 3:00 pm, SUB 143

