APRIL 9, 2018

THOSE PRESENT: Linda Bacon, Bernie Sherman, Ann Hintz, Cathy Kaminski, Ruth Ann Meyer

Our meeting started at 6:10pm with Ann leading us in prayer.

Cathy read the minutes from our previous meeting, which were approved.

Ann gave a Treasurer’s report with savings of $2,474.15 and checking of $8,230.83. All bills are up to date. We discussed a new Treasurer. Cathy will follow up with Patti Kluhman to see if she is interested. We will try to find someone else if Patti is not interested.

Kate e-mailed an up-date on Scrip with a $1,800 amount in checking. Kate thought we should take the donation for the speaker from our Scrip account. After discussion, Bernie motioned that we give $250 with Linda giving a second. All were in favor. Ann will pass that information on to Kate.

Joyce was not at the meeting to up-date us on Fellowship Sunday openings. We think they are May, June and July.

Cathy went over the brainstorming ideas she and Ruth Ann worked on to change up the Bazaar. The ladies gave ideas to better some of the areas.

When Ann discussed the Little Books and the postage it was found that the postage cost was better when paying for bulk (200 or more) books rather than mailing 100 @ a time to parishioners.

Ann said that half of the Scholarship monies for 2017 were paid by the Knights of Columbus. For the 2018 Scholarships, Ann has not yet sent out the applications. She is waiting for Father to give the okay date for Graduation Sunday.

Ann asked if we had any Easter Season Little Books. Bernie said there were some left for Ann to mail out in the College/Military Care Packages.

Ann mentioned that the spring Vicariate meeting will be in Hortonville on Thursday, April 26th. They need an RSVP by April 22nd.

The Ladies Night Out was discussed and decided to table it for now.

A thank you and invite/donation was given to the PCCW. It is on April 27th at 5PM. After discussion,Cathy motioned to donate $100 as a general donation. Ruth Ann seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Ann talked about the up-coming Marian Day at SS Peter & Paul in Green Bay. This is run by the DCCW. It will include a delicious lunch, reflections, benediction and adoration. The theme is “Mary Our Lady of Gutaloupe”. RSVP is May 7, 2018.

Ann and the ladies discussed Marian Day at St. Paul. Father mentioned it at Mass. It was decided to wait for Father to approach us about what he wants for this event.

Meeting ended 7:40pm