Registration form

Living History Event Call to Arms III from 08.09.2016 to 11.09.2016 in Bexbach

Please complete form, sign it and mail it to


The event is a Living History event set in the Year 1474. We recreate a skirmish between the avant-gardes of the Burgundian and Imperial Armies on the border between the duchy of Lorraine and the Holy Roman Empire.

Arrival and installation will start Wednesday, 07.09.2016 – early arrival as soon as 05.09.2016 is possible after consultation with the organizer.

Begin of the event is on Thursday 08.09.2016 at 16:00 – No Cars or modern clothing are allowed in the camps afterwards.

To ensure the continuing quality of the event we want to see some pictures of your clothing and camp. More information about the clothing and camp guidelines will soon be posted to our website

The registration fee for the event is 50,- €.

If you pay cash on the day of the event the costs are 80,- €. Please contact us if you want to choose this payment option. The surplus money will, as always, be spent on the drinks for Saturday night's party open to all attendees from either camp.

Bank details:

IXeme e.V

IBAN: DE 79 5905 0101 0067 0898 13


With my signature I confirm to be in possession of a valid Health and General liability insurance.

We will confirm your registration after we receive both the fee and signed form

We are glad to welcome you at our Event.

La IXème compagnie d’ordonnance

Name of group:



First and last Name:

Date and Place of birth:


Phone Number:


General liability insurance:

Health Insurance:

Planned Date of arrival:



Displayed area:

( ) Imperial Camp (Imperial German, Lorrain, Bohemian, Austrian, Swiss etc.)

( ) Ducal Camp (Burgundian, Flemish, British and Italian allies and Mercenaries etc.)


Size (ca. m x m):

Own kitchen: ( ) Yes ( ) No

Number of tents (group):

Small: Medium:

Large: Awnings:


Branch (of military service):

Special features (guns, cannons, horses, waggons, music etc.):

Concerns, wishes, suggestions:

We ask you to sign your registration underneath the exclusion of liability.

Exclusion of liability

The participant signing below takes part in the Call to arms - 1474 event (hereafter: 'event') at his own risk. The participant alone is liable for all civil or legal damages caused by the participant.

La IXème e.V., its agents and auxiliaries are only civilly or legally liable for participants' damages if said damages are the result of intention or gross negligence on the part of the organizers of the event.

This exclusion of liability does not include damages to life, body or health of the participant or damages resulting from violation of contractual obligations essential to the event, such as those which the organizing party's contract imposes on its agents and auxiliaries by its content and intended purpose or the implementation of which is essential to fulfilling the contract and which the participant may be expected to rely on being fulfilled.

The participant indemnifies La IXème e.V. and its agents and auxiliaries from all third party claims, if these claims result from damages caused by the participant, unless La IXème e.V. is liable for the damages suffered by the participant.

The participant particularly agrees to regulate any damages caused by the participant e.g. to other participants or to their property directly with the damaged party or parties or by way of an appropriate insurance, if feasible.

This exclusion of liability explicitly also applies if the participant takes part in any 'battles'.

The organizers reserve the right to change, for reason of force majeure or necessary safety precautions, any aspects of the event or cancel the event, should extraordinary circumstance necessitate it, without incurring any damage claims.

The participant and accompanying persons at the event agree to La IXème e.V. or its representatives photographing, recording or filming the event. The participant accords La IXème e.V. the right to use the materiel gratuitously, particularly for advertising purposes.

By signing this disclaimer, I accept this exclusion of liability without exception.

Children are under attendance of their legal person in charge.

With my signature I confirm to have read and understood the terms, conditions and the exclusion of liability for the Event Call to Arms 2016 in Bexbach Germany.

With my signature I confirm to be at the event in possession of a valid Health and General liability insurance.

Date and placeSignature