Pupil questionnaire
How far is your school rights-respecting?
You can use (or adapt) this questionnaireto help you complete the Audit and Action Plan form.
Name: Year:
Standard B: The whole school community learns about the CRC.Tick the box on the right hand side
1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = average, 4 = disagree,
5 = strongly disagree / Scores
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / I have learned about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and about respecting the rights of others
2 / I know my school is working on UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA).
3 / I have learnt about children’s rights in school e.g. in lessons, assemblies
4 / There are displays around school that help me learn about the CRC and children’s rights
5 / I talk about children’s rights at home sometimes
6 / We talk about rights in school when we learn about the world around us e.g. when we learn about news events, Fairtrade, poverty, natural disasters, saving energy, recycling, climate change.
7 / List some rights on the Convention that you can name: the right to …..
8 / Give an example of when you have learnt about children’s rights in a lesson or an assembly
Standard C: The school has a rights-respecting ethos.
Tick the box on the right hand side
1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = average, 4 = disagree,
5 = strongly disagree / Scores
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
9 / We have a classroom charter based on children’s rights
10 / Children and adults treat each other with respect in school
11 / I get a chance to share and celebrate my achievements
12 / I can make choices about my learning
13 / All students are treated fairly in school
14 / I feel safe in school
15 / If there is a problem or conflict in school, knowing about rights helps me to deal with it and sort it out
16 / If bullying happens in school I know what to do and teachers deal with it fairly
17 / Knowing about rights helps me to understand the world and be an active global citizen
Standard D: Children are empowered to become active citizens and learners.
Tick the box on the right hand side
1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = average, 4 = disagree,
5 = strongly disagree / Scores
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
18 / I know I have the right to express my opinion and that I should listen and respect the views of others
19 / Teachers listen to my ideas and worries
20 / My views are taken into account and lead to changes
21 / There are lots of ways in which students are involved in the running of my school (e.g. meeting with governors, interviewing new staff, knowing about plans for the school, peer mediators, playground leaders, school council)
22 / My School Council makes a difference in school.
23 / We learn in many different waysthat suits different children:e.g. from books, using computers, from each other, from visitors, by visiting places of interest, by presenting to others, in groups, on our own.
24 / I learn about how to keep fit and healthy
25 / Ilearn about children locally and around the world and campaign and raise money so that others can enjoy their rights and have a better life.
Thank you for completing the questionnaire
If you want to make any additional comments, please use the space below
Pupil questionnaire
Rights Respecting Schools Award ©Unicef UK 2015