VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms.
1.amnion ______
2.allantois ______
3.chorion ______
4.albumen ______
5.keratin ______
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____1.One group of extinct reptiles that could fly were the
a.dinosaurs. b.pterosaurs.c.plesiosaurs.d. ichthyosaurs.
_____2.The asteroid-impact hypothesis proposes that
a.all dinosaur fossils more than 65 million years old were destroyed by an asteroid.
b.all reptiles were destroyed by an asteroid 65 million years ago.
c.the ancestors of dinosaurs were brought to Earth on an asteroid.
d.the sudden extinction of dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid that hit Earth.
_____3.Birds are thought to be most closely related to
a.dinosaurs. b.lizards.c.crocodiles.d. turtles.
_____4.The amniotic egg is found only in
a.reptiles. c. reptiles, mammals, and birds.
b.reptiles and birds. d. amphibians, reptiles, mammals,
and birds.
_____5.Gas exchange in reptiles takes place in the
a.gills. b. and skin.
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1.List two pieces of evidence that support the asteroid-impact hypothesis.
2.What functions are performed by the shell of a reptilian egg? ______
3.Why is the skin of a reptile better adapted to a terrestrial environment than is the skin of an amphibian?
4.Critical Thinking At one time, all of Earth’s land masses were joined in a supercontinent called Pangaea. About 180 million years ago, Pangaea began to break up into separate continents, which slowly drifted apart. Fossil evidence indicates that dinosaurs became much more diverse after this time. Explain how the breakup of Pangaea may have contributed to the increase in dinosaur diversity.
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS The phylogenetic diagram below provides a hypothesis for how modern reptiles are related to each other and to dinosaurs and birds. In the blank spaces, write the names of the animals that belong on each branch of the diagram. Choose the names from the following list:
VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms.
1.alveoli ______
2.Jacobson’s organ ______
3.ectotherm ______
4.viviparity ______
5.placenta ______
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____1.Unlike the heart of a lizard, the heart of a crocodile has atria.c.a single ventricle that is partially divided. conus arteriosus.d.two separate ventricles.
_____2.A snake uses its columella to
a.inject venom. b.detect odors.c.hear.d.detect heat.
_____3.Ectotherms require less energy than endotherms because
a.their muscles are very efficient. c.they have very large fat reserves.
b.their metabolism is very slow.d.their cellular activities do not require ATP.
_____4.The body temperature of a lizard is
a.usually maintained within a narrow range.
b.usually equal to the environmental temperature.
c.always lower than the environmental temperature.
d.always higher than the environmental temperature.
_____5.A female snake that retains her fertilized eggs within her body exhibits a pattern of reproduction called
a.oviparity. b.ovoviviparity.c.viviparity.d. vovoparity.
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1.List three conditions under which a reptile might redirect blood away from its lungs.
2.Explain how a snake detects ground vibrations. ______
3.Explain how a pit viper detects warm objects. ______
4.List three things a lizard might do to regulate its body temperature. ______
5.List three ways a female crocodile provides parental care. ______
6.Critical ThinkingWhy is internal fertilization necessary in reptiles?
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Identify the structures labeled a–d in the diagram of a turtle’s heart shown below. In the rectangles labeled e–g, draw an arrow to indicate the direction in which blood normally flows through that part of the heart.
VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms.
1.carapace ______
2.autotomy ______
3.constrictor ______
4.elapid ______
MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.
_____1.One difference between turtles and other reptiles is that turtles
a.have their pelvic and pectoral girdles within their ribs.
b.fertilize their eggs externally. not produce amniotic eggs.
d.respire with gills rather than lungs.
_____2.The living reptiles most closely related to dinosaurs are
a.turtles. b. lizards.c.crocodiles.d.tuataras.
_____3.Crocodilians usually capture prey by
a.chasing after prey on land.
b.digging prey out of the mud at the bottom of a lake.
c.lying in wait until the prey approaches.
d.using bait to lure prey into a pit.
_____4.Lizards live on every continent except
a.Africa. b.Asia.c.Australia.d.Antarctica.
_____5.An example of a constrictor is a
a.cobra. b. king snake.c.rattlesnake.d. coral snake.
SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.
1.Explain how the shell and limbs of water-dwelling turtles are adapted to an aquatic environment.
2.How can a snake swallow an object that is larger in diameter than the snake’s head? ______
3.How does a viper immoblize its prey? ______
4.Why is tuatara an appropriate name for reptiles in the order Rhynchocephalia? ______
5.Critical Thinking Explain why snakes have a difficult time moving forward if they are placed on a very smooth surface.
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONSThe table below lists several structures found in reptiles. Complete the table by identifying a reptilian order in which each structure is found and briefly describing the function of each structure.
Structure / Order / FunctionFangs in back of mouth / a ______/ b ______
Valve at back of throat / c ______/ d ______
Forked tongue / e ______/ f ______
Domed carapace / g ______/ h ______
Pads on fingers and toes / i ______/ j ______
Elastic ligaments in jaw and skull / k ______/ l ______
Modern Biology Study Guide1