Strategic Planning Form – Goals, Action Plans, Assessment

Program/Unit/Area / Vice President Academic Affairs / Preparer: Farley Herzek / Supervisor: JERRY PATTON
FY 2010-2011 Program Goal  Unit Goal  Area Goal X (Check Appropriate Box) / College wide Goal
1 / Utilizing COD’s Educational Master Plan to identify programming for our East Valley, West Valley and Palm Desert sites.
2 / Implement an Academic Affairs Reorganization (that make students and learning the highest priority) / 2
3 / Strengthen Mecca-Thermal campus services and connection to the east valley communities / 1,2,4
4 / Ensure appropriate staff support is provided for EVC Indio facility / 1,2,4
5 / Support the Nursing Program with assistive personnel to comply with state and national regulatory agency requirements: their approvals and accreditation. / II/VI
6 / Strengthen skills and simulation lab for consistency, safety, student use and student success in the Nursing programs curriculum. / I/II/VI
7 / Improve the quality and efficiency of remedial math program / 1
8 / Improve students placement in math courses
9 / Raise success rate of Reading from 50% to 60% / 1, 6
10 / Improve student learning in the writing lab and accurately identify student placement in reading, English and ESL. / 1,6
11 / Improve the quality, efficiency and capacity of the chemistry program at COD
12 / Strengthen Fine Arts programs / 1
13 / Engage faculty in improvement and assessment of General Education courses / 1
14 / Continue services for RN Nursing student success and retention, and expand student success services to all nursing programs and pre-service nursing students. / I/II/III/IV/VI
15 / To provide theoretical and hands-on training in all automotive and alternative fuels areas with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and training. / Career and technical programs that provide a context for academic coursework and set the standard for challenging, engaging, student-centered instruction preparing students for success in the global workforce.
A broad range of lifelong learning opportunities.
16 / To provide theoretical and hands-on instruction in Energy Systems related courses with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and training. / Career and technical programs that provide a context for academic coursework and set the standard for challenging, engaging, student-centered instruction preparing students for success in the global workforce.
A broad range of lifelong learning opportunities.
17 / Assess the opportunity and evaluate the need to ladder non-credit curriculum to provide seamless transition of ESLN students to credit programs. Utilize similar teams to partner with CTD for fee-based delivery of training. / 1,2,4,6
18. / Design and implement enhanced Student Support services to Non-Credit students to increase basic skills success rates. / 1,2,4,6
19. / Provide professional development opportunities to enhance Non-Credit instruction and to shape an inclusive and collaborative Non-Credit Learning Community. / 2,4,6
20 / Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Geology courses
21 / Strengthen delivery and quality of instruction at EVC Indio / 1,2
22 / Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Chemistry courses
23 / Improve the quality and effectiveness of the Geology program at COD
24 / Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Biology courses
25 / Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Physics and Astronomy courses
26 / To provide theoretical and hands-on instruction in all Construction Technology and Green Building areas with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and training. / Career and technical programs that provide a context for academic coursework and set the standard for challenging, engaging, student-centered instruction preparing students for success in the global workforce.
A broad range of lifelong learning opportunities.
27 / Coordinate, facilitate or direct activities designed to create a seamless transition for CTE students from K12 through COD to workplace or higher ed. / 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
28 / Enhance availability of student support services at EVC Indio & MTC / 1,2,4
29 / Strengthen interaction of ASCOD / Student Activities Office with EVC Indio & MTC students / 1,2
30 / Reduce District expenditures while maintaining the quality of student learning / 1
31 / Improve safety for students in program facilities / 1
32 / Improve communication between Student Affairs programs and Athletic Staff / 2
33 / Create an ESL Reading/Writing Center to ensure ESL student persistence through the program. / 1,2,4,6
34 / Improve the quality and accessibility of instructional materials
35 / Improve the quality and efficiency of the biology program at COD
36 / To provide the student with hands-on and theoretical training in Environmental Horticulture and Turfgrass Management with an outcome expectation of employment in the green industry with recognized certification and degree preparation. / CTE programs that provide a context for academic coursework and set the standard for challenging, engaging, student-centered instruction preparing students for success in the global workforce. A broad range of lifelong learning opportunities.
37 / Improve the quality and efficiency of the Physics and Astronomy programs at COD
38 / Assess need for Certificates of Completion in compliance with CCCCO regulations.
39 / Integrate the ECE instruction program with the Child Development Center and the Coachella Valley ECE community to recruit and retain ECE students at the college in order to enable local ECE programs to meet federal and state ECE staff training requirements. / I/II/III/IV/V/VI
40 / Provide instruction in Spanish and other languages to meet the needs of COD students while developing and refining curriculum and assessment of all language courses. / 1, 2, 6
41 / Increase the number of declared undergraduate majors in speech and meet the inherent student need by offering more online and hybrid courses. / 1, 4
Goal # / Obj # / Objectives / Responsible Unit/Area
2 / 2.1 / Employ new director of Art & Media / Dean, Director
2.2 / Establish chair responsibilities and professional development opportunities / VP, Dean, Directors
3 / 3.1 / Enhance staff support of MTC / Dean
3.2 / Employ part-time MTC Security/Maintenance/Groundskeeper position / Dean, HR
3.3 / Increase interaction with east valley community groups and K through 12 schools / Dean, EVC/MTC staff
4 / 4.1 / Employ two (2) part-time front counter EVC secretaries / Dean, HR
4.2 / Review new job duties and responsibilities of two (2) front counter secretaries / Dean, HR
5 / 5.1 / Maintain files for regulatory agencies. / Dean and Division Directors, Faculty and Staff
5.2 / Provide support services for reporting requirements concerning issues identified by NLN (fall 09 visit). / Director of Nursing / RN Faculty
5.3 / Formalize and implement orientation and mentoring of clinical faculty to program policies and procedures and communication to ensure consistency. / Director of Nursing and RN Faculty
5.4 / Create a system to better manage data and information to support required reporting data. / Dean, DON, staff and Nursing Faculty
5.5 / Provide clerical support and documentation for agency / program meetings. / Dean/DON/staff/N Faculty
6 / 6.1 / Provide the nursing labs with security and oversight. / Dean, DON, staff and N faculty
6.2 / Increase hours of availability of skills lab for use by nursing and allied health students. / Dean/DON
7 / 7.1 / Create/Rewrite existing departmental finals to allow for curriculum changes
7.2 / Improve communication with counseling staff
7.3 / Increase the offering of hybrid/ISA courses in remedial math
7.4 / Continue benefit assessment of hybrid/ISA courses over traditional course format
7.5 / Articulate remedial math courses with local high schools
8 / 8.1 / Improve assessment testing and placement in math courses
9 / 9.1 / Institute online tests for each area of competency / COMM/RDG
9.2 / Institute online CAI for students to study / COMM/RDG
10 / 10.1 / Evaluate current software at ASC / COMM/ENG
10.2 / Evaluate tutoring services / COMM/ENG
10.3 / Explore students’ needs to improve success in English (reading, writing) / COMM/ENG
10.4 / Evaluate assessment tests / COMM/ENG
11 / 11.1 / Meet steadily increasing demand for Chemistry courses
11.2 / Honor our pre-existing agreement with CSUSBPD to teach some of our chemistry courses at their campus
12 / 12.1. / Employ Fulltime Temporary Faculty in theater arts / Dean & Faculty
12.2 / Employ Fulltime Temporary Faculty in 3D art area / Dean & Faculty
12.3 / Review theater and dance curriculum / Faculty
12.4 / Explore partnerships to expand dance offerings / Dean, Director
12.5 / Offer courses in technical theater to working professionals / Dean, Director, Faculty
12.6 / Establish visiting artists program using Foundation funds / Dean, Director & Faculty
12.7 / Participate in design of new visual arts facility / Dean, Director & Faculty
12.8 / Work with Foundation to establish endowed position for Marks Center / Dean, Director, Faculty
13 / 13.1 / Use division meetings for professional development focused on learning and assessment / Dean & Faculty
14 / 14.1.1-14.3.1 / Meet regularly with DON and N Faculty to monitor progress. / Dean/DON/N Faculty
14.1.2-14.3.2 / Hire Nursing Counselor if funding is available. / Dean/DON
15 / 15.1 / Given industry compatible workstations and tools the student will be able to complete lab tasks which are required for NATEF certification and / Automotive/Advanced Transportation ASBU
15.2 / Given hands-on training using workstations and tools, and successfully completing coursework and study for ASE test, increase student pass rate of ASE certification tests. / Automotive/Advanced Transportation ASBU
15.3 / Students will score higher in all automotive and alternative fuels courses. / Automotive/Advanced Transportation ASBU
15.4 / Increase student’s employability in the automotive field. / Automotive/Advanced Transportation ASBU
16 / 16.1 / Develop instructional offerings in partnership with industry, K-12, Riverside County office of Education and UCR to create an Energy program that is a seamless pathway for students in high school to COD to industry or higher Ed. / HVAC&R/ ASBU/ATTEC
16.2 / Develop Instructional offerings in related career skills areas such as welding, electrical, engineering tech. / HVAC&R/ ASBU/ATTEC
16.3 / Creation of Credit Courses based upon Economic and Workforce Development not-for-credit curricular models i.e. wind turbine tech. / HVAC&R/ ASBU/ATTEC
16.4 / Increase student’s employability in the Energy field. / HVAC&R/ ASBU/ATTEC
17 / 17.1 /

Create and coordinate inter-disciplinary teams of faculty to establish ladders for non-credit students.

17.2 /

Design tiered curriculum to seamlessly transition advanced ESLN students into credit programs and to work cooperatively with CTD for fee-based curriculum delivery.

17.3 /

Explore need and opportunity for supplemental instruction for non-native English students wishing to advance in CTE programs.

17.4 /

Integrate workforce preparation/readiness skills into curriculum.

/ Non-Credit faculty
18 / 18.1 /

Create a Counseling-Career Guidance Center for non-credit ESL/ABE basic skills students.

/ Non-Credit Faculty & Counselors
18.2 /

Complete the development of a Non-Credit Orientation.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
18.3 /

Modify the ESLN Celebration/Graduation based on assessment of 9/10 ceremony.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
18.4 /

Design and produce a Non-Credit Student Handbook.

/ Non-Credit Faculty & Counselors
18.5 /

Fully implement ESL Non-credit placement test.

/ ESLN, Student Services (ASC)
19 / 19.1 /

Utilize website and library teaching/learning resources to support continuous instructional improvement in Non-Credit.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
20 / 20.1 / Improve existing lab experiences and create new laboratory experiences in order to enhance the learning in the Geology courses
21 / 21.1 / Work with Communication & Math division deans in the availability of laptop computers for faculty and students at EVC / Math, Communication and OCP Deans
21.2 / Establish an EVC designated “Smart English/Math Classroom” / Math, Communication and OCP Deans
21.3 / Collaborate with Communication and Math division deans on the cost of establishing an EVC “Smart English/Math Classroom” / VP of Academic Affairs, Communication, Math and OCP deans
22 / 22.1 / Improve existing lab experiences and create new laboratory experiences in order to enhance the learning in the Chemistry courses
23 / 23.1 / Increase numbers of degrees/majors and transfer students
24 / 24.1 / Improve existing lab experiences and create new laboratory experiences in order to enhance the learning in the Biology courses
25. / 25.1 / Improve existing lab experiences and create new laboratory experiences in order to enhance the learning in the Physics and Astronomy courses
26 / 26.1 / Offer instructional courses in partnership with industry, to create a viable construction and real estate development program that provides a seamless pathway for students in high school to COD to industry or higher Ed. / Env. Design/ ASBU/ATTEC
26.2 / Provide opportunities for collaboration in instruction with K12 and higher-ed. partners. / Env. Design/ ASBU/ATTEC
26.3 / Partner with Habitat for Humanity to create energy efficient designed homes for residential occupancy while providing hands on real world experience for COD students. / Env. Design/ ASBU/ATTEC
26.4 / Increase student’s employability in the construction and real estate development fields. / Env. Design/ ASBU/ATTEC
27 / 27.1 / Expand number of Program/course Articulation agreements / BTWE
27.2 / Participate in the CTE Cal PASS PLC / BTWE
27.3 / Finalize K12 – COD Articulation Handbook / BTWE
27.4 / Continue to develop the role of new Tech Prep Specialist / BTWE
28 / 28.1 / Work with Student Support Services dean to enhance A&R and Financial Aid staff at EVC Indio & MTC / OCP, A&R and Counseling deans
29 / 29.1 / Collaborate with ASCOD & Student Activities Office in the enhancement of student activities and events at EVC Indio and MTC / OCP Dean and Director of Student Life
29.2 / Plan and implement with ASCOD & Student Activities Office calendar of student events at EVC Indio and MTC / OCP Dean, and Director of Student Life
29.3 / Encourage regular meetings with Coordinator of Student Activities Office regarding EVC & MTC / OCP Dean, and Director of Student Life
29.4 / Schedule some student meetings with ASCOD representatives at EVC Indio & MTC
30 / 30.1 / Reduce athletic travel by 5% / Athletic Director