Orange Board of Education Professional Development Plan 2015-2016

District Name / Superintendent Name / Plan Begin/End Dates
Orange / Ronald C. Lee / July 2015-June 2016

1:Professional Learning (PL) Goals

No. / Goals / Identified
Group / Rationale/Sources of Evidence
1 / Between July 2015 and June 2016, the Orange School District, in coordination with Montclair University and professional partners, will provide ongoing and structured support to teachers, leading them to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in their respective mathematics programs, and their alignment to the CCSS-M, as measured by a minimal a 25% increase in the number of students scoring at or above the district’s standard for proficient (college ready (9-12); on track for college and career (K-8)) in Mathematics. / Mathematics Teachers, GE, SE, and ELL
Mathematics Supervisors and Coaches
Director of Mathematics and Science / Danielson Evaluation Rubric 2014-15 Results
1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes 2.98
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction 2.96
3b: Using Question and Discussion Techniques 2.84
3c: Engaging Students in Learning 2.97
3d: Using Assessment in Instruction 2.95
2015-2016 District Target: Mathematics:
District-wide: 75.1 (ESEA Waiver- Annual Progress Target) 2013 District Performance: 52.2%
PARCC scores are not available for 2015.
2 / Between July 2015 and June 2016, the Orange School District, in coordination with Rider University and professional partners, will provide differentiated, ongoing, intentional coaching assistance to ELA teachers to:
  • develop model classroom teachers
  • strengthen best practices
  • assist focus teachers
  • support the implementation of text dependent questions, student discourse, close reading strategies, writers’ workshop and instructional strategies to facilitate the acquisition of 21st century literacy skills,
as measured by at a minimal a 25% increase in the number of students scoring at or above the district’s standard for proficient (college ready (9-12); on track for college and career (K-8)) in English Language Arts. / English Language Arts Teachers, GE, SE, and ELL
ELA Supervisors and Coaches
ESL/Bilingual Supervisor and Coach
SE Supervisors and Coaches
Director of Language Arts and Testing / Danielson Evaluation Rubric 2014-15 Results
1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes 2.98
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction 2.96
3b: Using Question and Discussion Techniques 2.84
3c: Engaging Students in Learning 2.97
3d: Using Assessment in Instruction 2.95
2014-2015 District Target: ELA:
District-wide: 67.1% (ESEA Waiver- Annual Progress Target)
2013 District Performance: 48.3%
PARCC scores are not available for 2015.
3 / During the 2015-2016 school year, targeted teachers will utilize Universal Design for Learning to provide multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, and multiple means of engagement in order to increase student achievement by a minimum 10% increase, as measured by SGP’s and benchmark/unit assessments. / ESL/Bilingual Teachers
Special Education teachers
CST members
Special Services coach
Supervisors of Special Services
Director of Special Services / 2014 HSPA:
Mathematics: SE proficient and advanced proficient 13.4%
ELA: SE proficient and advanced proficient
2015-2016 District Target: Mathematics:
District-wide: 75.1 (ESEA Waiver- Annual Progress Target) 2013 District Performance: 52.2%
2014-2015 District Target: ELA:
District-wide: 67.1% (ESEA Waiver- Annual Progress Target)
2013 District Performance: 48.3%
PARCC scores are not available for 2015.

2: Professional Learning Activities

No / Initial Activities / Follow-up Activities (as appropriate)
1 / Summer Institutes:
  • Math Work Stations: Developing Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Skills in Mathematics, Gr. K-3
  • Operations in Algebraic Thinking and Fractions, Gr.K-5
  • Peer Assisted Learning in Mathematics, Gr. 4-11
  • Using Blended Learning Environments to Influence Time, Place, Path, and Pace, Gr. 3-12
  • Math in Focus, Gr. 6
  • Proportional Reasoning in Middle School, Gr. 6-8
  • Algebra and Geometry Content, Gr. 9-12
  • AP Calculus and AP Statistics: College Board Institute
  • First in Math and Middle School Math Competitions
/ PLC: Mathematics Institutes continued focus on content, including five (5) in-depth opportunity standards in each grade
Job-embedded Professional Development, including Developing Fluencies Using Calendar Counts and intense Algebra I and Geometry
PLC: Department Meeting PD on targeted areas
Common Planning Time sessions for individual/small group coaching
Peer visitations and Lesson Studies
2. / Summer Institutes:
  • K-2 Literacy PLC (Guided Reading, Mentor Texts, Lesson Design, Reading with Meaning book study)
  • Turning Assessment Data into Goal-Driven Instruction, Gr. K-5
  • Argument Writing, Gr. 6-9
  • Using the Units of Study, Gr. 6-8
  • The Summer Institute on the Teaching of Reading, Gr. K-5
/ PLC: ELA Institutes, including additional book studies
Job-embedded Professional Development, including developing teacher capacity; building model classooms; K-5 reading strategies, managing balanced literacy, and CPT designs
PLC: Department Meeting PD on targeted areas
Common Planning Time sessions for individual/small group coaching
Peer visitations and Lesson Studies
3. / Summer Institutes:
Universal Design for Learning / PLC: SE and CST Institutes
Job-embedded Professional Development
PLC: Department Meeting PD on targeted areas
Common Planning Time sessions for individual/small group coaching
Peer visitations and Lesson Studies

3: PD Required by Statute or Regulation

State-mandated PD Activities
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Blood Borne Pathogens and Right to Know
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
School Safety and Security
Potentially Missing, Abused or Neglected Children
Intervention and Referral Services
Gang Awareness
Sexual Harassment/Affirmative Action, Non-Discrimination, Equity
Suicide Awareness
Substance Abuse
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

4: Resources and Justification

1. GCN
2. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
3. Agile Minds
4. Rutgers University Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Educations
5. Rider University
6. Pearson
7. Scholastic
8. Rutgers School of Education
9. Montclair State University
10. Creative Mathematics
11. Seton Hall University
1. Provides cost effective state-mandated trainings
2. Sole provider for Math in Focus (Singapore Math) and Go Math
3. Cost-effective dynamic trainers for mathematics best practices
4. Cost-effective providers with proven success in technology, pedagogy, assessment, CCSS, and curriculum development
5. Cost-effective providers with proven success in ELA best practices
6. PARCC developer, CCSS implementation, Sole provider for Prentice Hall Literature implementation, Sole provider for Our World implementation
7. Sole provider for Read 180, Math 180, and iRead implementation
8. National Writing Project partnership
9. Proven success in mathematics content; PRISM grant partnership; CUSP grant partnership; WIPRO grant partnership: Woodrow Wilson grant partnership.
10. Cost-effective providers with proven success in job-embedded mathematics practices

Signature: ______

SuperintendentSignature Date

New Jersey Department of Education1