Options for 9th Grade Science


Guidelines for 9th Grade Science Choices:

IPS / Honors IPS / Biology / Honors Biology
Grade in Science 8 / All Students / B or better / A / A
Grade in Math 8 / All Students / B or better / B or better / A
Algebra / All Students / C or better / B or better / B or better
Geometry / All Students / C or better / B or better / B or better
5th grade Science MSP / All Students / Level 3 or 4 / Level 4 / Level 4
Reading / All Students / MSP level 3 or 4 or Lexile of 1100+ / MSP level 3 or 4 or Lexile of 1100+ / MSP level 4 or Lexile of 1200+
Motivation / Willing to work at a pace and level of rigor to complete requirements of the course / Willing to work at faster pace and explore topics in greater depth / Willing to independently learn chemistry material covered in IPS / Willing to independently learn chemistry material covered in IPS, work at faster pace, and explore topics in greater depth
Learning Style / High school level study skills / Able to handle a greater volume of work at a more rigorous level / Independent learner who can gather, study and learn information on one’s own / Independent learner who can gather, study and learn information on one’s own and can handle a greater volume of work at a more rigorous level
Summer Homework / No / Yes / No / Yes

Students entering 9th gradein 2016have several choices for science:

  • Integrated Physical Science and Honors Integrated Physical Science: comprehensive courses that address high school physical science and earth and space science standards.
  • Biology and Honors Biology:courses that address high school life science standards.

Students taking Integrated Physical Science or Honors Physical Science in 9th grade and Biology or Honors Biology in 10th grade will not only be prepared to take the Biology End Of Course exam, but also the comprehensive Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) exam scheduled to begin in 2018. These two courses, along with a third credit science lab elective, will provide a solid foundation for students planning to enter a two or four-year college or university. All options are open to all students. However, students may use the table below to compare the course options available in Grade 9 and the recommended evidence of achievement.

High School Science Guidelines for 9th Grade

High School Science Course Pathways

Information on the AcceleratedCourse Pathway

The accelerated pathway begins with Biology or Honors Biology in 9th gradeand skips Integrated Physical Science (IPS). By choosing this pathway, students will be able to access chemistry and other upper level sciences in the 10th grade. However, by skipping IPS, new high schoolstandards in earth and space science will not be addressed in other courses. These standards can be found on this document: ( ESS DCI combined 6.13.13.pdf) Assessment of these standards on the state high school science exam will begin for juniors in 2018; therefore students choosing this pathway should be prepared to independently learn these concepts outside of class timein addition totaking a Chemistry class and Physics or AP Physics 1 before their senior year.Furthermore, students who choose to take Biology or Honors Biology in the 9th grade should also be prepared to independently study these concepts on Matter and Its Interactions ( before starting the class. Students will need to have an understanding of these concepts to be successful in some of the topics addressed in the biology course.Students must take a total three lab science credits to graduate from high school.

We hope this information will help guide decisions to determine which course will be most appropriate for you. If you still have questions, please contact your science teacher and/or school counselor.