Science Independent Research Project


Each quarter of your honors science class you will be required to complete an independent out of class honors project. The project has been designed so that you can explore your own area of interest within the science course you are taking, as well as expand on scientific knowledge and skills. For each quarter you will be allowed to choose which topic and subtopic you would like to focus on, as well as the method of presentation of your project. All projects must be approved by a teacher. If they are not approved in advance the student cannot receive above an 80% on that project.


Each quarter we will be studying various topics (see attached topic list). You are to choose a specific topic (in bold) from the list, investigate what that topic includes and focus on a specific subtopic you would like to research further. After you have chosen a topic you will need to seek approval from your teacher. Once a student has reserved a specific subtopic no other student can complete their project on the same subtopic.

Additionally, one project will be a paper that discusses careers in the field of your research as well as a global aspect-relating it another country or culture. The other project will be a review presentation for the class for that topic.

1st Quarter Project Outline:

Paper Specifics

Your project must contain the following components to be considered 100% complete, if you are missing one of the components it will result in a 10% grade deduction per part missing.

Portfolio (Pocket folder with prongs is acceptable)

  1. Topic Approval Contract (5 pts)
  2. Must contain signatures of teacher, student, and parent to be valid
  3. Copy of Research Paper
  4. Double spaced, Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, 12 pt. font
  5. Also must be upload to Edmodo and (will not be graded unless this is done)

(see teacher for further details)

  1. Works Citied Document (15pts)
  2. MLA format, Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, 12 pt. font(do not double space)

Paper guideline:3-5 Page Research Paper(80 pts)

  • (5 pts)The first paragraph or page should be general and should introduce your topic. Define what is it is, and why it is important to modern science.
  • (25 pts)The next section (1-2 pages) should be more specific. Provide examples or current research on your topic (make sure you cite your sources).
  • (15 pts) The third section (1/2 -1 page) should then include a career that is related to your topic (Example: if your topic is genetics based, then you would have to include information about a genetic councilor, genetic researcher, or doctor.)
  • (15 pts) The fourth section (1/2 -1 page) should reference a global or “big picture” aspect of your topic (For example: If your topic is about superbugs, determine how your pathogen is impacting not just America, but other countries).
  • (5 pts) Conclusion (minimum 1 paragraph) of paper should talk about future of topic and summarize paper.
  • (10 pts) Correct Grammar and Spelling (1 pt per mistake up to 10 points—unless it is really bad)
  • (5 pts) Correct Internal Documentation

Science Independent Research Project

Due Dates

Note: Teacher will keep a copy on file and student will keep a copy.

Due Date / Material Due / Check if Received / Comments/Notations
Topic for Approval
Topic Contract
Final project due

Biology Topics 1st Quarter (Micro-biology)

Biochemical Properties of Living Things


Organic Molecules

Cell Types (Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic)

Stem Cells/Cell Specialization

Cell Processes



Asexual/Sexual Reproduction

Cell Cycle/Cancer

Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration

Protein Synthesis

Genetic/Chromosomal Mutations


Mendelian Genetics

Complex Inheritance

Genetic Diseases

Environmental Influence

Biology Topics 2nd Quarter (Macro-biology)

Science Independent Research Project


Transgenic Organisms

DNA Fingerprinting

Human Genome Project/Ethics



Natural Selection



Cellular Adaptations

Resistance (Ex. Antibiotics)

Immune Sys/Disease Agents

Behavioral Adaptations

Structural Adaptations

Reproductive Adaptations


Matter Cycles

Energy Flow


Population Dynamics

Human Impact