Progressing from a first-year student to a second-year student brings with it a new set of items to accomplish, consider and explore. Avila would like to take the guessing out of how you can make the most of your college experience as well as items you should understand and recognize. If you have questions about the information on this page, contact:
The Office of Retention and the First Year Experience, Hodes Center
Paige Illum, Ph.D., Coordinator of Retention and the First Year Experience
Email:; Phone:816.501.3760
Academic Success
1. Begin the semester by creating a schedule that includes dedicated time for class attendance, studying (approximately 3 hours for each credit hour; 3 credit hour class = 9 hours), co-curricular activities (athletics, student organizations, etc.), on-campus or off-campus job and other personal commitments.
2. Calendar all of your activities. A visual calendar helps with organizing and prioritizing. Visuals can be calendars, planners, electronic devices, etc.
3. Make sure you know your advisor and schedule time to begin discussing career opportunities as well as an academic plan course plan to work toward graduation. You advisor can be found by logging into MyAU or contacting the Registration and Student Records Office in Blasco Hall.
4. Become familiar with MyAU including how to access final and mid-term grades, financial information and the advising worksheet (this worksheet identifies required core and major classes and which requirements have been satisfied).
5. Explore study abroad or travel course opportunities. For information on some of Avila’s travel courses and scholarship opportunities, visit the Center for Global Studies & Social Justice.
6. Utilize tutoring and the writing center when necessary from Learning Services. Visit their site for detailed information and to schedule an appointment.
7. If applicable, renew the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon after January 1st as possible at.
Career Preparation
1. Identify your major or explore career opportunities with a Career Services staff member located in the Hodes Center.
2. Utilize the many career assessment tools found on Avila’s Career Services webpage.
3. Develop or update your resume. For detailed information or to schedule an appointment with a staff member, visit Career Services online.
4. Consider how a minor or certificate program might enhance your educational experience and career preparation.
5. In the Spring, begin to develop ideas regarding summer jobs, internships or volunteer opportunities related to your career interest.
Personal Growth
1. Understand your financial aid package including the difference between different types of aid (grant, loan, scholarship, work study, etc.).
2. Estimate your monthly loan payment upon graduation in order to help make good financial decisions with the net princecalculator.
3. Reflect on your values and passion. What is your calling and purpose?
4. Create balance in your life and prioritize as needed in order to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, sleep and exercise.
Community Involvement
1. Become an active member of a student organization. View a list of organizations with contact information. You might consider an organization that enhances your major/career and one that interests you outside your career path.
2. Consider service opportunities within the community. For additional information you can contact Campus Ministry located on the first floor of Carondelet.
3. In the Spring, begin thinking about and preparing for where you will live your junior year.