Supply Chain Management Association
2018 In-Residence Week (IRW) Student Bursary Application Form
Application Deadline: March 9, 2018
Supply Chain Management Association
2018 In-Residence Week (IRW) Student Bursary Application Form
§ The IRW Student Bursary was created to award one deserving student a $2,500 contribution to their expenses relating to In Residence Week.
§ Full participation by students in IRW is critical to the success of the SCMP designation program.
§ The Bursary is an opportunity to alleviate some of the attendant financial pressure of pursuing the designation.
§ The Bursary will be available through an application process that includes criteria focused on financial need.
· The application deadline is March 9, 2018.
· A Canadian citizen or have landed immigrant status in Canada.· An SCMA member/affiliate in good-standing.
· Enrolled in the SCMP designation program, confirmed by Institute as eligible to participate in IRW.
· Able to demonstrate financial need.
· Current members of the SCMA Awards Committee are not eligible to apply for the Bursary.
The following criteria are considered in determining the recipient:
Ø NEED: The individual can demonstrate some degree of financial need, i.e. may not be able to continue to study without assistance of the Bursary.
Ø RECOMMENDATION: Applicants must provide two written letters of recommendation. It is preferable if at least one is from a current or previous program instructor.
Ø ENGAGEMENT: The individual has been actively engaged in the SCMP designation program and the profession of supply chain management and shows qualities that exemplify leadership, motivation and inspiration to others.
· That the monies awarded through the IRW Student Bursary Program belong to the individual member and are not transferable.
§ That the IRW Student Bursary may only be used to contribute to expenses relating to In Residence Week.
§ If the recipient is unable to participate in 2018 IRW due to unforeseen circumstances, the SCMA Awards Committee will review the recipient’s circumstances and determine if the bursary can be brought forward to the next scheduled IRW.
One $2,500 IRW Student Bursary will be awarded for the 2018 In-Residence Week through SCMA.All activities of the program shall be in accordance with SCMA’s approved policies and procedures and guiding principles. The SCMA Awards Committee is responsible for the application review and selection of the winner and their decision is final. The recipient will be notified on an individual basis.
The Supply Chain Management Association
Supply Chain Management Association
2018 In-Residence Week (IRW) Student Bursary Application Form
Application Deadline: March 9, 2018
The Supply Chain Management Association
Supply Chain Management Association
2018 In-Residence Week (IRW) Student Bursary Application Form
Application Deadline: March 9, 2018
1. ApplicantName:______
Local SCMA Institute: ______SCMA Membership Number ______
Social Insurance Number: ______
2. Funds are Required For
□ IRW Registration Fee
□ Travel and accommodation expenses related to attending IRW
3. Education
What is the most recent level of formal education you have completed? ______
Date of enrollment in the SCMP program:
4. Qualities
Describe the qualities that you have that exemplify leadership, motivation and inspiration to others related to participation in the SCMP designation program and/or the profession of supply chain management (Max. 200 words): ______
5. Financial Need
Please describe your financial need and why the funds are needed (Max 200 words): ______
6. Related Experience
What is your experience in the field of supply chain management (SCM)? (Max. 200 words).
7. Recognition
Have you had any specific recognition for any personal achievements as they relate to SCM? (Max. 200 words).
8. Volunteer Work
Have you been involved in any volunteer work in support of SCM? What was your role and how did that align with your supply chain competencies/experience? (Max. 200 words).
9. Special Initiatives
Give a detailed explanation of any SCM initiative that you have participated in, what was your involvement and what was the end financial benefit. (Max. 200 words).
10. Additional Comments
Please provide additional comments that you feel the committee should know about you.
11. Checklist
The following must be completed and enclosed in order for this application to be considered:
☐ All sections of the Application Form
☐ Two letters of recommendation
o Please note that when submitting an Application Form you should take into account that the IRW Bursary application process is comparable to an RFP process and applications will be evaluated accordingly.
o Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Submit completed application form and supporting documentation by March 9, 2018 by email to:
Inquiries: Jacintha Ward, Manager, SCMA Executive Office - – toll free 1-888-799-0877, ext. 3122/direct tel: 416-542-9122.
12. Declaration
I hereby apply for the IRW Student Bursary. I confirm that the information on this Application Form and any attached information is accurate and complete. I authorize the Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) to verify all information on this form. I agree that if I am awarded the Bursary that I will only use the funds to contribute to expenses relating to In Residence Week. If awarded, I give SCMA permission to include my name and/or photograph in any recognition listings or applicable advertisements.
Signature: ______Date:______