Oklahoma Wheat Commission (OWC)Oklahoma Wheat Commission
Board of Directors’ MeetingMain Board Room
December 13, 2016 – 9:00 A.M8820 Silver Hill Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
(405) 608-4350
- Welcome and Invocation
- Consideration and Possible Vote of NovemberMinutes------A
- Consideration and Possible Vote of the October Financial Reports FY 17------B
- Consideration and Possible Vote of the November Financial Reports FY 17------C
- Reports from other Organizations Represented:
Oklahoma State University (OSU), Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food& Forestry (ODAFF), National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), USDA/ARS Stillwater Facility, Oklahoma Wheat Growers’ Association (OWGA), Plains Grains, Inc. (PGI), Oklahoma Genetics Inc. (OGI), Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks (OFSS), Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association, (OCIA)
- Report from Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s Executive DirectorSchulte:
Past Events:
November-Plains Grains Fall Board Meeting, Denver, CO; US Wheat Associates Fall Board
Meeting, Denver, CO; Oklahoma Farm Bureau State Convention, Oklahoma City, OK
December- Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association Board Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK;
Oklahoma Genetics Incorporated, Oklahoma City, OK
Upcoming Events:
January- National Farm Bureau Convention, Phoenix, AZ; Wheat Foods Council Meeting, Phoenix AZ;KNID Enid Farm Show, Enid, OK;
February-US Wheat/NAWG Winter Meeting, Washington D.C., OK Seed Trade
Association Meetings, Oklahoma City, OK; Oklahoma Genetics Incorporated
Oklahoma City, OK; Oklahoma Crop Improvement Assoc. Annual Meeting, Oklahoma
City, OK; Wheat Quality Council Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO; AFR State Convention, Norman, OK
- Consideration and Approval of new health insurance and benefits program for calendar
year January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017.------D
8. Consideration and Possible Approval of purchasing ad space in the Oklahoma Agriculture
Magazine sponsored by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry.
- Consideration and possible vote to fund the printing of 10,000 cookbooks with Mercury Press from the 2016 Best of Wheat State Fair Bread Baking Competition for consumer promotion. ------F
- Discussion on continued Export Initiatives with Canimolt.
- Discuss National Farm Bureau Convention attendance and schedules.
- Discuss KNID Enid Farm Show board schedules for wheat promotion booth.
- Discuss USW/NAWG Winter Board Committee Meeting assignments.
- Discuss AFR trade show logistics.
- Discuss National Festival of Breads in conjunction with summer Wheat Foods Council Meeting.
16. Consideration and Possible Vote for Actual and Necessary/ Out of State Travel
*Nebraska Wheat Commission—contracting for wheat promotion booth
Lincoln, NE
December 14-16, 2016
*Wheat Food Council Winter Meeting
Phoenix, AZ
January 9-11, 2017
Staff: Kirby
*US Wheat/NAWG Winter Board Meetings
Washington D.C.
January 30, 2017-February 3, 2017
Commissioner: Stephens, Peters, Failes, Gammill, Schieber
Staff: Schulte
- Consideration and Possible Vote for February OWC Board Meeting.
- NEW BUSINESS, New Business Will Now Be Heard, If Any.
- Vote to Adjourn Meeting.
Mike Schulte, Executive Director