Oklahoma Wheat Commission (OWC)Oklahoma Wheat Commission

Board of Directors’ MeetingMain Board Room

December 13, 2016 – 9:00 A.M8820 Silver Hill Drive

Oklahoma City, OK 73132

(405) 608-4350

  1. Welcome and Invocation
  1. Consideration and Possible Vote of NovemberMinutes------A
  1. Consideration and Possible Vote of the October Financial Reports FY 17------B
  1. Consideration and Possible Vote of the November Financial Reports FY 17------C
  1. Reports from other Organizations Represented:

Oklahoma State University (OSU), Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food& Forestry (ODAFF), National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), USDA/ARS Stillwater Facility, Oklahoma Wheat Growers’ Association (OWGA), Plains Grains, Inc. (PGI), Oklahoma Genetics Inc. (OGI), Oklahoma Foundation Seed Stocks (OFSS), Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association, (OCIA)

  1. Report from Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s Executive DirectorSchulte:

Past Events:

November-Plains Grains Fall Board Meeting, Denver, CO; US Wheat Associates Fall Board

Meeting, Denver, CO; Oklahoma Farm Bureau State Convention, Oklahoma City, OK

December- Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association Board Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK;

Oklahoma Genetics Incorporated, Oklahoma City, OK

Upcoming Events:

January- National Farm Bureau Convention, Phoenix, AZ; Wheat Foods Council Meeting, Phoenix AZ;KNID Enid Farm Show, Enid, OK;

February-US Wheat/NAWG Winter Meeting, Washington D.C., OK Seed Trade

Association Meetings, Oklahoma City, OK; Oklahoma Genetics Incorporated

Oklahoma City, OK; Oklahoma Crop Improvement Assoc. Annual Meeting, Oklahoma

City, OK; Wheat Quality Council Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO; AFR State Convention, Norman, OK

  1. Consideration and Approval of new health insurance and benefits program for calendar

year January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017.------D

8. Consideration and Possible Approval of purchasing ad space in the Oklahoma Agriculture

Magazine sponsored by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry.


  1. Consideration and possible vote to fund the printing of 10,000 cookbooks with Mercury Press from the 2016 Best of Wheat State Fair Bread Baking Competition for consumer promotion. ------F
  1. Discussion on continued Export Initiatives with Canimolt.
  1. Discuss National Farm Bureau Convention attendance and schedules.
  1. Discuss KNID Enid Farm Show board schedules for wheat promotion booth.
  1. Discuss USW/NAWG Winter Board Committee Meeting assignments.


  1. Discuss AFR trade show logistics.
  1. Discuss National Festival of Breads in conjunction with summer Wheat Foods Council Meeting.

16. Consideration and Possible Vote for Actual and Necessary/ Out of State Travel


*Nebraska Wheat Commission—contracting for wheat promotion booth

Lincoln, NE

December 14-16, 2016


*Wheat Food Council Winter Meeting

Phoenix, AZ

January 9-11, 2017

Staff: Kirby

*US Wheat/NAWG Winter Board Meetings

Washington D.C.

January 30, 2017-February 3, 2017

Commissioner: Stephens, Peters, Failes, Gammill, Schieber

Staff: Schulte

  1. Consideration and Possible Vote for February OWC Board Meeting.
  1. NEW BUSINESS, New Business Will Now Be Heard, If Any.
  1. Vote to Adjourn Meeting.

Mike Schulte, Executive Director