
Senior Managers’ Performance and Development Review

Appraisee Name:
Appraiser Name:
Line Manager (if different to Appraiser):
Job Title:
Name of School or Professional Services Function:
Time in present role:
Date of last Review:
Date of this Review:

Parts 1 & 2 of this form to be completed within a week of the review meeting. Part 3 to be completed after moderation.

Part 1: Looking Back – Annual Review of 2014/15
  1. Self-Assessment of achievements over the lastyear (to be completed by appraisee)

1. Your objectives

Taking your agreed objectives from your previous appraisal, summarise your achievements over the year against each objective, referencing key measures and milestones. These should demonstrate your contribution to thedeliveryof theUniversity’sCorporatePlan2014/15 and student success through the relevant School orProfessional Servicesfunctions’Local Delivery Plans (LDPs).

Objectives / Key milestones /
deadlines / Summarise progress in achieving objectives with reference to key measures and milestones. Where the objectives met?

2. Your self-reflection and review

Looking back over the year, please reflect on your personal achievements and effectivenessover the last 12 months and whether you have met your personal development and/or career aspirations. Use this opportunity to discuss(where appropriate) anychallenges or constraints you have experienced during the past year personally or professionally. You may wish to self-assess your own performance against the rating grid below.

3. Our LSBU Values- Excellence, Professionalism, Inclusivity, Integrity and Creativity

Please give two or three examples of howyou personally have demonstrated LSBU Valuesduring the course of your work.Our Values

4. Your Learning and Professional Development Plan

Please reflect on the learning and professional development undertaken this year (include any specific professional development training or other learning and development activities undertaken e.g. conferences, workshops).How has this supported your personal development and performance and benefitted LSBU?

What learning or developmentactivity did you undertake? / When? / Summarise learning and how it helped you to meet your objectives or work more effectively?
1. / Please include the relevant Mandatory training course

B. Your Appraiser’sreview of your achievements over the lastyear (to be completed by the Appraiser)

These comments are in relation to theAppraisee’s overall performance across all objectives;including demonstration of LSBU Values, learning and development and any other contributions and achievements during the past year.

C. Appraiser’s overall provisional performance rating

A provisional rating may be discussed and indicated but ratings will only be confirmed once the moderation process is complete.

Appraiser’s provisional rating:
Additional comment to support this rating and comments from Appraiser:

Appendix 1

Senior Managers’ Pay and Performance Ratings

Rating / Definition
Outstanding / You have consistently achieved results well beyond your job responsibilities and objectives and, in doing so you have exemplified the LSBU’s Values. You also have demonstrated a proactive approach in delivering additional activities or goals throughout the year.
Your performance stands out as excellent and has been recognised as such by senior management, customers and stakeholders. It has had a significant impact on achieving the University’sCorporate Plan and your School/Professional Services function’s Local Delivery Plan.
Good* / You have achieved your job responsibilities and objectives in an effective manner and, in doing so;have demonstrated the LSBU’s Values. You have also demonstrated a flexible approach to delivering additional activities and goals you have been required to take on during the year.
Your performance has enhanced the results of your team or department and has contributed to the achievement of LSBU’s Corporate Plan and your School/Professional Services function’s Local Delivery Plan.
Developing / You have demonstrated potential but as yet, you may not be effectively achieving all of your job responsibilities and objectives or doing so in a manner that fully demonstrates the LSBU’s Values. It is expected that with development and, in some cases, experience in the role, you will achieve good performance. Advice and guidance will be given to help you achieve the improvement required through your learning and development plan.
Underperforming / You have not consistently achieved your key job responsibilities and objectives and your performance does not currently meet expected performance standards either in one specific area or generally across the range of your job responsibilities. Your performance needs to improve to an acceptable standard and a plan of action to achieve this will be agreed with you.

*previously described as ‘effective’.

Senior Managers Pay and Performance Ratings –Assessment Grid

Assessment of Objectives (‘What’)
Assessment of LSBU’s Values
(‘How’) / Underperforming / Developing / Good / Outstanding
Outstanding / Developing / Good / Good / Outstanding
Good / Developing / Developing / Good / Good
Developing / Underperforming / Developing / Developing / Developing
Underperforming / Underperforming / Underperforming / Developing / Developing
Part 2: Looking Forward – Work Plan for 2015/16
  1. Objective setting for the coming year (to be completed jointly by appraisee and appraiser)

1. Your Objectives

Please agree the SMART objectives the appraisee is expected to deliver over the next year. These will contribute to thedeliveryof theUniversity’sCorporatePlanand the relevant School orProfessional Services functions’ Local Delivery Plans (LDPs). Outline the success measures that will demonstrate effectiveness and achievement and key milestones or deadlines. Where appropriate, relate objectives to planned learning and career development opportunities.

For Academics

Focus on delivering objectives relating to academic pathway core areas:a)learning and teaching, b) research, knowledge transfer and professional impact and c) Administration, management and leadership and citizenship.

For Professional Servicesfunctions

Focus on delivering objectives relating to Corporate Strategy operating principles: One Organisation, Customer Focused, Accountable, Efficient and Effective.

Agreed SMART Objectives / How will success be measured? / Key milestones/deadlines

2. YourLearning and Professional Development Plan

Please clearly state the specific learning and professional development requirements you have identified to support the delivery of objectives and career progression. How will this support your performance and benefit LSBU? This may take different forms, e.g. training courses or links toUKPSF, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), conferences,work shadowing. Will this support longer-term personal and career development? Please ensure required Mandatory Training (including refresher) courses are booked. OD Courses

Agreed objectives / What learning/development is required & what are the benefits? / When
1. / Include relevant Mandatory course

Are there any other, specific learning or professional development requirements (For example development requirements linked to Academic or Professional Service Function Career Pathways)?

3. Declaration of interest

In accordance with London South Bank University’s Financial Regulations all members of staff who have a beneficial financial or other interest in any contract between the University and a third party must disclose that interest to their Dean/Professional Services Lead, the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of HR. Please complete the following:

I have no interests to declare:

I have an interest to declare:

Please forward a copy of this form to the Appraisee within one week of the review meeting and to Human Resources (Joanne Monk) email address: .by 30 SEPTEMBER 2015.

Part 3: Formal Rating and Sign Off
Formal Performance Rating outcome (to be completedby appraiser only after moderation): / Rating:
Supporting comments or observations for rating:
Agreed by appraiser (sign): / Date:
Agreed by appraisee (sign): / Date:
Mid-year review: / Date:
Agreed by countersigning manager (sign): / Date:
Any further comments:

Completed forms should be forwarded to Human Resources (Joanne Monk) email address: .copied to appraiser and appraisee.

LSBU Senior Manager Appraisal Form 2015-20161