Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Case Management Institute

Case Management Institute

October 25-26, 2007

NationalCenter for Employee Development

Norman, Oklahoma

The 2007 Case Management Institute, Turning Challenges Into Opportunities, will bring together change agents for mental health transformation. This two-day event will offer information for staff providing direct client care in the field and those working in psychosocial rehabilitation. The Institute is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, October 25-26, 2007, at the NationalCenter for Employee Development, 2701 E. Imhoff Road, Norman, OK73071.

The Institute will provide participants with necessary tools, knowledge and skills to enhance one’s interactions with clients, family members and resources in the community. This Institute will also focus on the personal needs of the workforce such as avoiding burnout and increasing productivity. Participants will leave this Institute with fresh ideas, new knowledge and recharged to go make a difference for others.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

7:30 – 8:30 Registration

8:30 – 9:00 Institute Overview/Presentation of PACT AWARD

Randy May and June Elkins-Baker

9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and Introduction.

Carrie Slatton-Hodges, Deputy Commissioner for Mental Health, ODMHSAS

9:15 – 10:45 Keynote: Culture of Addictions, Mental Health Prevention, and Trauma.George Henderson, Ph.D. This keynote presentation will discuss basic human relations principles and strategies for being an affective care provider.

10:45 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 12:30 Plenary: Let Me Tell You the Secret: Exploring thoughts and principles of strengths based practice.Melody Riefer, BA. We will explore the role that strength based case management has played in mental health systems transformation and identify ways the practice contributes and supports current and emerging best practices. Commonalities between strength based principles and recovery principles will be highlighted.

12:30 – 1:30 Networking Lunch

1:30 – 3:00 Concurrent Workshops: Session 1

1-A. O-EPIC Health Insurance Subsidy for Oklahomans. Melissa Pratt, LBP and Van Rhodes, LCSW. This presentation will discuss and share how to obtain health insurance subsidy for small businesses and individuals.

1-B. The Business of Thinking – Maximizing Your Organization’s Whole Brain. Sarah Phelps, MA. It is a metaphoric model approach based on a sophisticated understanding of how people think and communicate, backed by years of practical experience in organizations large and small. The HBDI™ is a quick, easy-to-take survey that registers and interprets your thinking preferences. For some, taking the HBDI™ suddenly identifies a lifetime pattern of personal and professional choices. For others, it sends signals as to which area of interpersonal growth cries out for development. And yet others find that HBDI™ results lend insight to the inner workings of past and current relationships with family members and friends.

1-C. Safety Awareness. Corporal Nancy McKinnis and Corporal Joel Warner. This workshop will encompass prevention measures for individual and community to give them safety awareness tips on how to live safely and from becoming a victim of crime.

1-D. Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Recognition and Safety. Phil Stewart, Harrah Police Department. Certified Crisis Intervention and Certified Hostage Negotiator. In this workshop we will discuss the hazzards associated with Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs and recognition of current emphasis on procedures.

3:00 – 3:15 Break

3:15 – 4:45 Concurrent Workshops: Session 2

2-A. Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Recognition and Safety. Phil Stewart. Repeat.

2-B. Core-Level Co-Occurring Training. Khepra NuRa Khem, Ph.D. The workshop will introduce participants to the basic level of knowledge needed to serve people with Co-Occurring disorders.

2-C. Scoot Over and Let Me Drive! PACT’s Participant-Driven Approach to Services. Tania Rubio-Rosas, LCSW. Participants will learn a short overview of the Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT). Participants will learn how the PACT model is providing consumer driven strengths based services in the State of Oklahoma.

2-D. Protecting Peer Support. Melody Riefer. The emergence of Medicaid billable peer services has lead to important progress in consumer directed services. However, the standardization of peer support can threaten or diminish the natural aspects of and power in being a peer and offering support. In this workshop we will explore ways to maintain the balance of meeting the needs of the system while protecting the values of authentic peer support. Our dialog will be organized around SAMHSA’s Consensus Statement on Recovery and Medicaid’s recent memo to State Director’s regarding peer support.

Friday, October 26, 2007

7:30 – 8:30 Registration

8:30 – 10:00 Concurrent Workshops: Session 3

3-A. Case Management Changes and Updates. Sherris H-Ososanya, LPC and Kelli Epps, LADC. Case management has taken on a new vision from disease and deficits to strengths based and recovery. It is a paradigm shift of perceiving the services offered and solving problems for the persons that are served. This workshop will deal with a Strengths Based / Recovery model focused to help case managers understand the jobs that are to be done and the expectations of how it should be done with persons served in mind. Case management is a current collaboration of mental health and substance abuse services to reach people with diverse needs. Review of new case management changes and rules will also be discussed. You should walk away with a clear understanding of how case management can be applied to many different venues of provider services.

3-B. Ethical Dilemmas While Meeting Mental Health Care Needs. PartI.Dewayne Moore, JD. This presentation will provide an overview of boundary and other ethical issues encountered when delivering mental health services, as well as guidelines for solutions.

3-C. Finding Services for Older Oklahomans. Mich Magness, MAG and Lanell Daniel, LCSW. The general population of Oklahoma and the nation is aging. People are living longer, including people in recovery with a serious mental illness. The Older Americans Act of 1965 established a set of services that all Older Americans are entitled to receive. Learn how to access these services from the aging network.

3-D. SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) - Improving Access to SSI/SSDI. Bruce E. Smith, Professional Relations Specialist, Disability Determination Division; and Dawn Talton, CPRP, Community Support Specialist, ODMHSAS. This presentation will provide a general overview of the SSI/SSDI application and disability determination process and help case managers and other service providers actively assist applicants to get the initial application approved.

10:00 – 10:15 Break

10:15 – 11:45 Concurrent Workshops: Session 4

4-A. Disaster Safety: How to survive the next calamity. Thomas R. Thomson, M.Ed., LPC, CPM. This workshop will discuss the do’s and don’ts regarding safety in disaster situation. Participants will

learn appropriate actions in disaster situations to assure safety for themselves, their families and their clients.

4-B. Ethical Dilemmas While Meeting Mental Health Care Needs. Part II. Dewayne Moore, JD

4-C. Recovery: The Expectation not the Exception. Kaye Rote, MBA, Executive Director, Consumer Mental Health Council. What Recovery means to the consumer of services. The true advocacy role of consumers and how this makes the job of case management much easier and friendlier.

11:45 – 1:00 Networking Lunch

1:00 – 2:30 Concurrent Workshops: Session 5

5-A. Effective Community Management of Sexual Offenders. Mark Pursley, Department of Corrections. This presentation is designed to dispel myths from facts and provide participants with a description as to the intricacies of the containment approach to sex offender management. The containment model of supervision will be described in terms of the roles of the model’s collaborating partners. Additionally, registration and notification of sex offenders will be discussed along with current legislative trends.

5-B. A Practical Overview of Psychiatric Medication. Stan Ardoin, MD. This presentation will consider the historical context of psychiatric medication and provide an overview of frequently used medications. The benefits and risks of current trends in prescription patterns will be discussed.

5-C. General Psychiatric Rehabilitation (PSR). Sheri Grotts, BA, CPRP, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist, Case Manager, Certified Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practitioner, Director of Community Integration Programs at CentralOklahomaCentralOklahomaCommunityMentalHealthCenter, and individuals of Team Green PSR program will educate others about PSR programs. Team Green will provide education on the mission, core principles, application, and benefits of PSR. A power-point presentation, orientation packets for all, member testimonials, and a question and answer panel will be utilized to teach new case managers how PSR can help consumers living with serious mental illness reach their recovery goals.

5-D. Cultural Competency. Renea Butler-King, LCSW. This workshop will help participants understand strength based recovery and case management.

2:30 – 2:45 Break

2:45 -4:15 Concurrent Workshops: Session 6

6-A. Medicaid Case Management: Policy and Documentation Rules. Debbie Spaeth, LMFT and Van Rhodes, LCSW. This workshop will educate participants on what Medicaid Rules covers and requires for Case Management services for kids and adults.

6-B. Models for Change: Improving Your Communities’ Response to People with Mental Illness in Contact with the Criminal Justice System. Vicki Downing, LCSW. Evidence-based initiatives involving law enforcement, mental health, and the judicial system in Oklahoma will be presented. The workshop will focus on how these programs are developed, the mechanics of how they work and strategies for implementing these programs in one’s own community.

6-C. Battery Recharger Workshop: If your battery is runnin’ on empty, come, and get recharged! Randy May, LPC and June Elkins-Baker, CADC. This highly interactive and fast-paced workshop will get you motivated, remind you of why you do what you do, help you find thatenergy again. Come have some fun while you learn about strengths based philosophy, case management tools of the trade, and caring for the caretaker. You will leave this presentation ready to change the world!