Cropwell Bishop

Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting

7th November 2017

7.00pm -The Old School

(The meeting started at 7.04pm and finished at 8.47pm)

Present: Cllrs. C. Bryan, J. Gelsthorpe, J. Greenwood, L. Hazell, J. Jones, J. Wroughton & A. Wilson

In Attendance: Mrs J. Towndrow (Clerk), Cllr. G. Moore RBC, 7 Local Residents


Apologies Approved

187. Cllr. Lockley – Ill.

Declarations of Interest & Confirmation of Agenda

188. DOI – Cllr. Jones – Agenda Item 4 Land North of Memorial Hall, Cllr. Bryan Agenda Item 5d), Co-Opted member Cllr. Willow later declared an Interest in Agenda Item 4 Land North of Memorial Hall.

The Agenda was confirmed.

189. Standing Orders were suspended at 7.06pm to allow the order of business to be amended to enable attendees to speak to the meeting.

Parishioners’ Question Time & Policing Report

Village resident Pam Wregg asked regarding funding for the village from the Stackyard Development on

Church Street – Could the phone box be painted? Cllr. Wilson advised that the painting of the phone box was in hand by the Scouts.

It was suggested the church approach the developers to request a sum of money to help towards the refurbish and repair of the church clock.

Village resident Bob Eyre asked if there could be any speed awareness done on Hoe View Road and thanked the Parish Council for purchasing the new wheelie bin 30mph stickers. Cllr. Wilson advised that the speedwatch team that were active at present would be ceasing operation and advised that other volunteer schemes in Radcliffe on Trent and Langar had also ceased. Cllr. Wilson advised that the Community Speedwatch run by himself and other volunteers was no longer viable. He had been told by P.C. Howard Shinn to no longer send in the speedwatch information as no action would be now taken with the data going forward. Cllr. Hazell advised that she will be running a training session on the new system which will be used in the future on the 7th December at 4pm at The Old School if he would like to attend.


Village resident Jean Sharp raised the issue of the 822 bus service becoming increasingly unreliable and

advised the meeting that on the previous Monday 5 buses were missing in one day. Cllr. Greenwood advised he

was aware of the situation that Monday and it was due to a driver not turning up for work! Cllr. Greenwood

stated that the situation with the bus service would be covered further down on the Agenda. Cllr. G. Moore

suggested that our residents also try the 852 service which connects with Radcliffe on Trent.

The Crime figures for period October 2017 were read by Cllr. A. Wilson

30th October – Theft – Co-Op Cropwell Bishop – Items Taken

2nd November – Theft – Co-Op Cropwell Bishop – Items Taken

2nd November – Theft – Co-Op Cropwell Bishop – Items Taken

190. Standing Orders reinstated at 7.15pm.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

191. It Was:

RESOLVED: “That the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd October 2017 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman”.


192. M.159 - 1/10/17 – Vandalism to Village Entrance Sign Kinoulton Road

The clerk has contacted Malcolm Lanes and the cost to repair the sign is £250 plus V.A.T. The graffiti has been scratched down to the metal so the backdrop will need to be sanded, re-painted and lettering re-sprayed.

Action: Clerk to authorise the repairs and place an article in the newsletter to advise of the costs.

193. M.160 - 2/10/17 – White Lines Cropwell Butler Road

Complete: The Clerk contacted Kendra Hourd of Via East Midlands to ask if centre lines could be put onto this section of road. Kendra Hourd advised that centre lines can be a useful tool, predominantly on wide roads

where lance discipline might otherwise be poor or someone may try and make a third lane out of the middle of the road. However, on narrower roads they can be counter-productive. It is illegal to put white lines on roads less than 5.5 metres wide or less and in some areas Cropwell Butler Road does fall below 6 metres. There have been no accidents reported on this road in the last 3 ½ years so it was not felt a viable project.

194. M/178 2/10/17 – Senior Citizens Xmas Party

The clerk has booked the buffet with Delucy’s Deli and written to Cllr. G. Moore and Cllr. N. Clerk to request a community grant towards the cost of the event.

195. M.179 – 2/10/17 – Review of 822 Bus Service

The Clerk wrote to C. Ward of N.C.C. to request the promised review meeting. Chris Ward advised he was

meeting with Local Members on the 2nd November and following that meeting would hopefully have a date to circulate for a meeting with Parish & Town Council representatives.

Action: Clerk to circulate meeting details when received.

196. M.181 2/1017 – Wheelie Bin 30mph Stickers

Complete: The clerk has purchased 100 of the stickers and an advert has been sent to go into the November Cropwell News, and is already on the village websites to advise residents that if they require one to come to the office and collect them.

197. M.182 – 2/10/17 – Letter to Mr. Ashley Mould

Complete: The clerk has written to Mr. Mould on the 23rd October to thank him for keeping the grass cut and

tidy during his time at the Lime Kiln. The Clerk has also written to Kendra Hourd to ascertain who is responsible for the upkeep of the grass verges going forward.

198. Cllr. Wilson asked the meeting if Agenda Item 6a) Co-Option of new Parish Councillor could be moved up the agenda – All Agreed.

199. Cllr. Wilson invited Willow Allison to speak to the meeting regarding her application to become a Parish Councillor. Willow addressed the meeting and told of her history and that she would like to bring the village young people’s voice to the council

Cllr. Bryan proposed Willow Allison as a Co-Opted Member

Cllr. Jones seconded the proposal.

Willow Allison signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, Councillors Code of Conduct and Register of Interest Form and was invited to join the meeting as a new Co-Opted Member. Cllr. Allison then declared an interest in Agenda Item 4.

Planning Matters & Applications

200. RBC: Grant Permission: 17/01327/FUL – Erection of 4 No. poultry buildings, highway access and associated structure – Land East of Fosse Way, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3BA.

Cllr. Greenwood asked Cllr. Moore why this had not gone to planning committee. Cllr. Moore responded he had looked into 4 other chicken farms in the local area and following planning permission no complaints had been received by the council. As Borough Councillor, he had taken a balanced view to take a neutral stance and if the Borough Councillor does not raise an objections it will not go to planning committee.

Cllr. Moore went on to explain that R.B.C. employed the services of an independent planning consultant on this application who looked into all the facts and figures and gave the view the application should be passed. Cllr. Moore advised the meeting he had been subjected to personal accusations of bribery amongst others but felt vindicated by the planning consultant’s decision.

Cllr. Greenwood stated that the environmental report left ambiguity regarding waste. Cllr. Moore advised that the environmental agency had ruled the waste cannot be used in the adjacent anaerobic digester and cannot be stored on site for this purpose. It therefore has to be taken off site.

Cllr. Wilson stated £100K had been spent on the application to ensure every measure for this type of application had been met.

Cllr. Gelsthorpe stated you can already smell the waste undercover at the site and it was offensive for people coming into the village.

201. RBC Grant Permission: 17/02026/FUL – Vary conditions 2 and 8 on 16/00139/FUL (To include substation in the north-east corner of the site and increase the number of deliveries from two to no more than three a day) – Wheatsheaf Inn, 11 Nottingham Road, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3BP.


202. RBC Grant Permission: 17/01873/FUL – Single Storey rear extension – 5 Barratt Close, Cropwell Bishop, Nottingham NG12 3GH


203. Rushcliffe Local Plan Consultation Documents – Sites CBI02 Land North of Memorial Hall and CBI05

Land East of Church Street

Points raised for/against both sites:

·  More housing will increase the possibility of an improved bus service through the S.106 agreement.

·  Not enough space in the school and a worry that there might be insufficient funds from the S.106 agreement to cover the cost of the extra classrooms required.

·  Health facilities would also need to be expanded and again there were concerns about whether there would .be enough funds allocated from the S.106 agreement.

·  Infrastructure – the nature of the roads in and around the village – two new housing developments either end of the village will have a huge impact on the already poor conditions roads.

·  The latest developments within the village provide enough increased housing with two Social Housing Sites providing 24 homes, the news houses built on the Chequers car park providing 10 homes, the Stackyard 9 homes and further potential of infill homes when the Co-Op moves site.

Points raised against site CBI02

·  Cllr. Greenwood felt some of this land should be released for recreational facilities such as a Cricket Pitch or Football Pitch.

·  Access from Mercier Avenue not considered the best option.

Points raised against site CBI05

·  Access/Egress in this area will be a problem from an already difficult corner.

·  Concerns about potential flooding from this site onto Church Street.

·  Real worries about the potential of further expansion of this site in the future, all the way round onto Fern Road. This might be a further 300+ homes.

Cllr. Allison asked what mix of houses would be on the sites and Cllr. Moore advised each site would have 30% affordable homes,

Vote on the Sites

CBI02 - 4 against 2 for and 2 non-voters due to Declaration of Interest

CB105 - 5 against and 3 for

Cllr. Wilson wished that his vote be recorded that he supported CBI02 and opposed CBI05.

The Borough Planning Questionnaire was completed on behalf of the Parish Council and it was agreed to say 'no' to all the proposals and not make any comments. A copy of the Parish Council Consultation Response is attached to these minutes as a matter of record.

204. Cllr. Wilson advised the meeting that the Clerk had received back that day the results of the Social Housing Survey from Midland Rural Housing and this would be added to the agenda for December for discussion.


205. a) Financial Statement up to 31st November 2017

It was:

RESOLVED: “To approve the financial statement.”

206. b) Payments made up to 31st October 2017 and awaiting November 2017

It was:

RESOLVED: “To approve all payments as reproduced on payments document 128.”

207. c) Receipts and Payments Reports – April 2017 to September 2017

It was:

RESOLVED: “To approve all receipts and payments as produced on the reports.”

208. d) To Consider Community Grant Application – St Giles Church Clock Repairs

Cllr. Bryan asked that this item be refereed until the next meeting as the clock had since broken again therefore

the quoted repair figures on the application were incorrect. Cllr. Bryan is seeking advice from outside engineers

to find out what further repairs need to take place.

It was:

RESOLVED: “To defer the item to Decembers agenda.”

Correspondence for Action

209. b) To Consider Church Christmas Tree Festival

The issue was whether the Parish Council wished to purchase and decorate a Christmas tree for display inside the Church for one week.

It was:

RESOLVED: “Not to take part as public funds should not be spent on an item that does not benefit the whole of the village and the Parish Council already provide trees throughout the village.”

210. c) To Consider Attendance to RCVS AGM/Training Event on 21st November 2017

It was:

RESOLVED: “No one would attend.”

Village Ranger Inspections

211. The Ranger/Lengthsman has now switched to winter hours.

212. Winter Service of Equipment:

The Ranger has purchased the parts required to service the small pieces of equipment and is requesting that the

two large mowers and the Billy Goat be serviced to a cost of approx. £200.

It Was:

RESOLVED “To go ahead with the service of the larger equipment.”

213. The Ranger/Lengthsman is having to clean the Pinfold every morning removing drug debris and food wrappings strewn around the floor daily. Local residents have put forward some names of local suspects and these have

been given to PCSO John Heaps who has informed the clerk he will pay the suspects a visit.

The Old School

214. a) Entertainments, Activities & User Update

Country Booze and Blues evening on the 28th October was a success selling 42 tickets and everyone enjoyed the event. One of the acts may play at the 2018 Picnic In The Park event.

Miss Sloane was a good film and was fairly well attended.