Choosing Key Details /




Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

15 / What if someone told you about a kind of grass that grows as tall as the tallest trees? A grass that can be made as strong as steel? A grass from which houses, furniture, boats, and hundreds of other useful things can be made? A grass that you would even enjoy eating? Would you believe that person? You should, for that grass is bamboo, In most Asian countries, bamboo is nearly as important as rice. For example, many Asians live in bamboo houses. They sit on bamboo chairs and sleep on bamboo mats. They fence their land with bamboo and use the wood for cages for chickens and pigs. Bamboo is used to build large buildings as well as homes. When it is glued in layers, it becomes as strong as steel. On some islands in the South Pacific, bamboo is even used for water pipes. This extraordinary material has many other uses. It is used to make musical instruments, such as flutes and recorders. Paper made from bamboo has been highly prized by artists for thousands of years. / 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
a)Bamboo is nearly as important as rice.
b)Bamboo can be eaten, built with, and written on.
c)Bamboo is incredibly useful.
d)Bamboo can only be grown in Asia.
2. Which of the following is a key detail found within the passage?
a)Asians sit on bamboo chairs
b)Bamboo is a grass.
c)Bamboo is used for a variety of things in the house.
d)Bamboo is used on some islands in the South Pacific.
3. According to the passage, what is the most important crop grown?
d)It doesn’t say.
20 / Carson’s older sister, Madison, is the kind of student that every parent would kill for. She isn’t satisfied to just get by in school; she yearns to be the best she can possibly be. She’s not only involved in extracurricular activities like band and the Good Citizens Club, she’s won awards for both. In band, for example, Carson was named All-State as a sophomore and won the John Phillip Sousa Award after her junior year. She also won a spot in the prestigious Helping Hands Summer Program for high school volunteers.
Almost every day after school, Madison and Carson have fun at the local winter sports facility. Carson glides down the mountainside without ever losing his balance. He is grace personified. Boys want to be him, and girls want to be with him. Madison, however, has a different style. She often soars into the air like a bird, but lands like a drop of rain. Splat. She hits the ground in positions so twisted, she would make a yogi envious. Still, she continues on, unafraid of looking like a fool. / 4. Which statement is not supported by the first paragraph (1-11)?
a)Madison is older than Carson.
b)Madison is a straight A student.
c)Madison is in at least one club.
d)Madison wants to be the best person she can be.
5. What is the main idea of the first paragraph (lines 1-11)?
a)Madison is a very good student.
b)Madison is in many clubs and extracurricular activities.
c)Carson is jealous of Madison.
d)Carson is a talented musician.
6. From the entire passage, we can conclude that ______
a)Madison is physically gifted, while Carson is talented in other areas.
b)Both Madison and Carson are physically gifted.
c)Madison has a physical handicap that prevents her from doing well.
d)We can conclude none of these things.
7. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
a)Both Carson and Madison enjoy their time on the snowy slopes.
b)Both Carson and Madison are on their high school’s ski team.
c)Carson likes to snowboard; Carson prefers to ski.
d)Both Carson and Madison make excellent grades.
20 / Katrina is watching too much television. She spends hours in front of the boob tube, and it’s definitely affected her actions. She screams odd catchphrases; “Go, Teen Titans!, all the time. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. Just last week, she tried to throw a kitten off the roof just to see if it would sprout wings and play a harp! After watching an episode of “Max and Ruby,” she insisted on wearing around glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth. I found four suspicious puncture wounds on the dog, and it won’t go around her anymore, so I’m pretty sure she bit Shelby. She’s bonked Jackson on the head with her play hammer-- thank God it was plastic! We need to spend more time reading books with her, and pull the plug on the TV! / 8. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
a)Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Maria.
b)Cartoons are not good for children.
c)Books are better than TV.
d)Maria likes to spend time with her parents.
b) catchphrase- “Go, Teen Titans!, all
c) catchphrases-- “Go, Teen Titans!-- all
d) catchphrases- “Go, Teen Titans!; all
10. a) NO CHANGE
b) glow in-the-dark
c) glow in the dark
d) Glow—In—The—Dark--
11. a) NO CHANGE
b) hammer- thank
c) hammer: thank
d) hammer. Thank’s
12. Which of the following is a key detail found in the paragraph?
a) Katrina likes to watch Teen Titans
b) Katrina is becoming a psychopath
c) Katrina is spending hours watching TV.
d) Katrina is copying things she sees cartoon characters do.
10 / Samantha, I can’t eat or sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your scratchy voice and see your lovely, toothless smile. I miss that special way that you eat soup with your fingers. I dream of your lazy eye once again catching the light just right. I miss your distinctive cabbage and rotten foot breath as we lie close together in bed. Please come home soon! / 13. What is the main idea of this passage?
a)Samantha, I can’t sleep when you’re gone.
b)Samantha, I miss you.
c)I dream of you, Samantha.
d)You smell bad, Samantha.
14. Which of the following would be a question you might ask in order to better understand the passage?
a) Why does the author miss Samantha?
b) Why is the author attracted to such an ugly person?
c) What’s wrong with the author?
d) How do you eat soup with your fingers?
5 / My ex wife tried to convince my mother-in-law that I was a bad person. I’m not bad. In fact, I opened to car door for her many times, of course, we were going 60 at the time! / 15. a) NO CHANGE
b) ex-wife
c) Ex-Wife
d) ex-wife-
16. a) NO CHANGE
b) times, of course—
c) times-of-course,
d) times-- of course,

____17.Which of the following would you not put on an application for a job?

a.Working the Repair Affair with your church youth group

b.Babysitting for your aunt as a favor

c.Working at Wendy’s as a fry cook

d.Winning the Perfect Attendance Award your freshman year in high school.

20 / Scientist Finds Life
No, they’re not the little green men from 1950’s science fiction movies, nor are they likely to take over the world. Actually, they’re so tiny they can’t even be seen. But Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiology scientist at NASA, believes that he has found the fossils of bacteria in meteorites.
Not surprisingly with such a controversial claim, the scientific community is highly dubious. So, Hoover has invited over 5,000 scientists to review his work and to publish their comments. “I hope the scientific community will come to believe, as I do, that life forms can indeed be found in specific meteorites, No matter how questionable they may be at the beginning, the evidence I’ve collected will prove correct,” Dr. Hoover said in a prepared statement released today by NASA.
Author: Marcie Jackson
Article Title: Scientist Finds Life
Publisher: Highlights Magazine
Date Published: 21 August 2010
Page number: None / 18. According to this passage, what type of outer space life form was found by Dr. Hoover?
a)Little green men
b)Scientists from NASA
19. If you were to use this article as a source in a paper and needed to parenthetically cite your information, which of the following would be the correct parenthetical citation of the article?
a)(Marcie Jackson, Highlights Magazine)
20. Why does Dr. Hoover seem confident that his research will be proven correct?
a)he has invited many scientists to look closely at his work
b)he’s from NASA
c)he’s an astrobiology scientist
d)he has the meteorite in his possession
21. Based on the reading selection, which of the following statements is true?
a)Dr. Hoover is wrong to believe in life from outer space.
b)Dr. Hoover believes he has found fossils of alien bacteria.
c)Little green men are coming to take away our leaders!
d)Dr. Hoover is going to be given an award for this amazing discovery.

____22.Which of the following is the most important aspect of filling out applications?

a. / Understanding what you need to do and doing it
b. / Using expert penmanship
c. / Making sure to put down all possible community service so that you look like a really good person
d. / Making sure this is the job you want for the rest of your life

____23.Which of the following details does NOT directly support the main idea of “The Sun Parlor”?

a. / There was no room in West's childhood home that the children could not enter.
b. / As time passed, the author's generation became the oldest in the family.
c. / West wonders if her mother ever allowed Sis to play in the sun parlor.
d. / West regrets not letting her young relative, Sis, play in her sun parlor.

____24.Which of the following would not be a significant detail from “Swimming to Antarctica”?

a. / The author ate croissants because she didn’t like white bread, wheat bread, or pasta.
b. / The author was able to reach beyond herself to survive swimming in the Antarctic.
c. / The author was worried about a number of physical problems, including hypothermia and slow thinking.
d. / The author’s quick thinking and physical ability allowed her to survive the ordeal in the frigid waters.

____25.After West tells Sis not to play in the sun parlor, she worries about the effect this will have on Sis. What is West's concern?

a. / that Sis will sneak into the room and destroy it when West is not home
b. / that Sis will have learned that rooms are more important than children
c. / that Sis will never learn to appreciate beautiful things
d. / that Sis will think that West is a selfish and cruel woman