PRESENT: Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Handley

Councillors: J Batt, P Ireland, A Gallico, M Gallico, P McNamara, I Avery, A Willoughby, D Goode, C Willoughby,

C Reid and A Wright

Staff Present: The Deputy Clerk and the Office Assistant

Late Arrivals: None Early Departures: None

P14/156 ITEM 1 – To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillors K Sewell, P Beardsell and

H McNamara

P14/157 ITEM 2 – Councillors’ Disclosure of an Interest

Councillor P Ireland / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information.
Councillor J Batt / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information.
Councillor A Gallico / Item 7.2 – acquainted with Mrs McLaughlin
Councillor D Goode / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 7.2 – acquainted with the applicants
Councillor P McNamara / Item7.2 – acquainted with the applicants
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of new information.
Item 7.2 – acquainted with the applicants
Councillor A Handley / Item 9.1 – property in close proximity to Bond End Toilets

P14/158 ITEM 3 – KTC Public Speaking Session


P14/159 ITEM 4 – To consider and if thought fit, approve as a correct

record, the Minutes of:

4.1 Monday 1 September 2014

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council Meeting (Planning Matters) held on Monday 1 September 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. (nem com)

P14/160 ITEM 5 – Business remaining from previous meeting:

5.1 Councillor C Willoughby - That KTC consider drawing up a list of Assets of Community Value and decide whether this is something members want to take further and if so how best to action - Item 11.2

15th September.

Councillor C Willoughby provided members with a document detailing some suggestions for land/buildings which could possibly be adopted as community assets. This document to be used as a base line for research.

RESOLVED: That the Council adopt the suggestion and take it forward to a future meeting.

FURTHER RESOLVED: That HBC are contacted to clarify the issue of compensation

that may arise in some circumstances and the criteria that

would apply in this instance.

P14/161 ITEM 6 – Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and observations as may be appropriate:

Ref: / Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments
14/03375/FUL** / Graycliffe Homes Ltd / Erection of 4 apartments with underground parking and demolition of existing Public House. The Yorkshire Lass, HG5 8DA. / Please see details below.
The following proposal was put forward:
Knaresborough Town Council object to this latest proposal for demolition and development of the Yorkshire Lass site to create four apartments for the following reasons.
1. The proposed development on this prominent site is on a larger footprint than the present building, is three storeys instead of two, and is of a design which is not typical of the area, especially regarding the large glazed areas.
2. This application would harm the entrance to Knaresborough due to the siting, height, size, mass and design. The application site is within the Green Belt and outside of the development limits of Knaresborough. The proposed redevelopment of the site due to the siting, height, size, mass and design would have a detrimental impact on the openness of the Green belt and thus contrary to the guidance set out in Para’s 80 and 89 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. The application site is within the Nidd Gorge Special Landscape Area, adjacent to the listed monument river bridge and within the Knaresborough Conservation area, the proposals due to the siting, height, size, mass and design would have a detrimental impact on its setting, being harmful to Knaresborough, its conservation area and Nidd Gorge Special Landscape Area, contrary to the guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
4. The proposal leads to the loss of the community facility and tourist facility of the pub, and provides a net gain of just three dwellings. The proposed fails to provide any affordable housing and is therefore contrary to the guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Councillors had a long discussion around this item and various viewpoints were discussed. The proposal was put forward with the agreed omission of the following:
‘The proposal leads to the loss of the community facility and tourist facility of the pub, and provides a net gain of just three dwellings.’
3 For, 8 Against, 1 Abstention (This Motion Failed – and it was requested that the numbers of voters were included in the minutes)
A second proposal was put forward:
RESOLVED: That KTC support the application, but request that the HBC Planning Committee ensure that the build is and can only be for 4 dwellings and look at reducing the excessive amount of glazing and set conditions accordingly. 7 For, 4 Against, 1 Abstention (Motion carried)
14/03118/FULMAJ** / Aviva Investors / Installation of first floor. BHS unit 5 St James Retail Park, HG5 8PZ. / No Objections (unanimous)

* Item to be determined by Harrogate Borough Council Chief Planner

** Item to be determined by HBC’s Planning Committee

P14/162 ITEM 7 – Planning Correspondence

7.1 Planning Enforcement Notice(s) - None

7.2 Notice of New Appeal x 1 (ca)

6.100.299.E.FUL 14/00064/NREFPP


Application by Mr & Mrs N McLaughlin at 36 Boroughbridge Rd, HG5 0NJ against the Council’s refusal of planning permission for the erection of 1 dwelling (site Area 0.05ha) (Revised scheme)

RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)

P14/163 ITEM 8 – To note the date of HBC Planning Committee Meeting –

Tuesday, 30 September 2014, 2pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate

at which the following applications for Knaresborough are to be discussed:

No Applications for Knaresborough

P14/164 ITEM 9 – To consider the following correspondence:

9.1 The following correspondence is for discussion:

9.1.1 Community Safety Display Case Knaresborough – email dated 27 August from Safer Communities Co-ordinator, Harrogate District Community Safety Partnership.

RESOLVED: To approve the general location, but ensure closer to pavement so as not to reduce the turning area.

9.1.2 Bond End Toilets – possible closure – letter from

Dept of Development Services HBC

Proposal was put forward to write to HBC to ask that the toilets remain open. This motion was not seconded.

RESOLVED: That Community Services Committee, discuss this or set up a working

group, and enter into dialogue with the Chief Facilities Officer HBC.

9.1.3 Renewal of local bus contracts – email from Public Transport Officer, NYCC dated10 Sept

RESOLVED: To write to Mary Welch to ask for consultation on any proposals when viable options are in place. Also make mention within the letter the current unacceptable situation with privately run services particularly on the Aspin estate and High Street.

FURTHER RESOLVED: That KTC write to Andrew Jones MP, expressing concern in

terms of de-regulation policy on local residents, and ask him to raise our concerns with the appropriate Minister with a view to getting modification to the regulation to allow some element of local consultation with regard to the lack of any control.

9.2 The following correspondence is to be received and noted:

9.2.1 White Rose Update dated 9 September 2014,

RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)

9.2.2 Let’s Talk Business HBC emailed invitation

RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)

P14/165 ITEM 10 – Reports from Clerk

10.1 To approve the Schedule of Accounts (September 3)

Schedule of Accounts - September (3) 2014 - a list of payments yet to be made
Payable to & Description / File Ref. No. / Amount excluding VAT / VAT / Total Amount (to be paid)
Cllr Tony Handley 2nd Mayoral Instalment / 87 / 1,100.00 / 1,100.00
Petty Cash / 88 / 50.00 / 50.00
SLCC - staff training day (min no c/14/74) / 89 / 20.00 / 20.00 / Paid under S/O 5.4 (a)
Wages for September / 90 - 94 / 4,287.34 / 4,287.34 / Paid under S/O 5.4 (a)
Tetleys of Harrogate NDP banner & installation / 95 - 96 / 1,129.00 / 225.80 / 1,354.80
Commerce Business Systems (Photocopies) / 97 / 46.72 / 9.34 / 56.06
Travel expenses for training course / 98 / 23.22 / 23.22
Lights for Fun / 99 / 39.88 / 7.97 / 47.85
TOTALS / 6,696.16 / 243.11 / 6,939.27

RESOLVED: That the Schedule of Accounts above (September 3) totalling £6939.27

be approved for payment.

10.2 Finance figures for August

RESOLVED: To receive and note the report. (unanimous)

P14/166 ITEM 11 – Reports from Committees/Working Groups

11.1 To receive and note the minutes of Office Services Committee meeting held on Monday 01 September 2014, and Events Committee meeting held on Monday 15 September 2014 (for information).

RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)

P14/167 ITEM 12 - Information Exchange

Councillor A Wright mentioned that the post box on Stockwell Lane had disappeared and raised concern that the Post Office may be removing them without consultation.

Councillor D Goode told members that there would be a meeting to formulate a response to the Consultation on HBC Local Plan Draft Sustainability Appraising Scoping Report on the morning of

30 September.

Councillor C Reid drew members’ attention to the closure of the Cash Payment Office on 17 December 2014.

Councillor C Reid wished all those going to Bebra a successful trip.

Meeting Closed at 9pm

Signed by Councillor A Handley (Mayor):