R.I.T Rochester Institute of Technology Government & Community Relations

30 Lomb Memorial Drive

Rochester, NY 14623-5604

585-475-5012 Fax 585-475-4190

March 2014

Dear RIT Leader:

Anything is possible when we’re United! It’s up to us to make sure that our community is a strong, vibrant place for everyone… we can help do that through our support of the United Way of Greater Rochester.

If you’ve been thinking of ways to help even more, then you’re on your way to leadership giving. United Way has developed several leadership giving societies which were founded to establish a powerful legacy of investing in programs that bring about good results for the community. Remember to indicate your interest in these leadership groups on your pledge form. More information can be found at .

  • The Howard Wilson Coles Society recognizes the role that African Americans play in improving the quality of life in Rochester. Members contribute $1,000 or more each year.Kevin McDonald is an RIT resource for questions ( ).
  • Circulo Latino honors the influence and dedication of Rochester's Latino community. Members contribute $1,000 or more each year. Stephanie Paredes could provide more information about CL ().
  • The Women's Leadership Council empowers women of Rochester to make their unique voices heard. Members contribute $1,000 or more each year.Cindee Gray leads our WLC effort ( ).
  • The Young Leaders Clubis designed to foster a spirit of community involvement in the next generation of leaders and inspire others to invest in the future of our community. Members are under the age of 40 and contribute at least $500 as an individual or family.

The 2014M&T Bank and Brighter Days Foundation Community Fund Challenge is a remarkable way to double the impact of your gift and to invest in our community to change lives. When you make a new donation to United Way’s Community Fund, M&T Bank and Brighter Days Foundationwill match it, up to $175,000.

TheRITLeaders’ Circlewill recognize the $500 leadership contributions of bothRIT individuals and spouses who work here or elsewhere in the community. If your contribution or combined family gift falls within the Leaders’ Circle guidelines, please complete and return the form below with your pledge form.

Every gift changes someone’s world for the better! Let’s LIVE UNITED to make change happen. Thank you for your generosity and for helping RITin supporting our colleagues, friends, and neighbors in the local community.


Char IpacsCarol J. Reed

Chair, Steering CommitteeVice Chair, Steering Committee

RIT United Way CampaignRIT United Way Campaign