Office of the Executive Engineer
Sub-project Management Office
Chenchuri Beel Sub-Project,
South West Area Integrated Water Resource Planning and Management Project (SWAIWRPMP)
(ADB Loan No. 2200-BAN (SF), Dutch Grant No. 0036-BAN)
Bangladesh Water Development Board, Narail
Invitation for Bids (IFB-01/2012-13)
Memo No.: Chenchuri/T-1/1233 Date: 07-11-2012.
Deadline for Bids: 05 December, 2012.
1. The Bangladesh Water Development Board has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and a grant from Government of the Netherlands towards the cost of South West Area Integrated Water Resources Planning Management Project. Part of this loan will be used for payments under the contract named below. Bidding is open to bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB.
2. The Bangladesh Water Development Board ("the Employer") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction and completion of
Package (A): SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13, Permanent Riverbank slope protection work along the right bank of the Naboganga River at Islampur from Km. 59.860 to Km. 60.360=0.500 km in Chenchuri Beel Sub-Project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13.
Package (B): Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13, Re-excavation of Baraipara khal from km 0.000 to km 3.000 = 3.000 km at Baraipara in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13.
Package (C): Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13, Re-excavation of Kutuber khal from km 0.000 to km 1.370 = 1.370 km, Fulshor Raykhali khal from km 0.000 to km 1.750 = 1.750 km & Vobanipur khal from km 0.000 to km 0.900= 0.900 km (Total Length = 4.020 km) in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13.
Package (D): Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13, Re-excavation of Amada khal from km 2.000 to km 8.000 = 6.000 km in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13.
Package (E): Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13, Re-excavation of Kadomtola khal from km 0.000 to km 1.700 = 1.700 km & Krishnapur khal from km 0.000 to km 1.800 = 1.800 km (Total Length = 3.500 km) in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13.
Package (F): Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13, Re-excavation of Hawaikhali khal from km 9.000 to km 11.600 = 2.600 km in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13.
Package (G): Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13, Construction of Foot Bridge (22.00m) at km. 1.700 & Foot Bridge (12.00m) at km. 4.610 over Takimara-Mora khal in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13 (SIP-17+18).
Package (H): Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13, Construction of Foot Bridge (9.50m) at km. 2.200 & Foot Bridge (9.00m) at km. 6.600 over Hawaikhali khal in Chenchuri Beel Sub-project under SWAIWRPMP during the year 2012-13 (SIP-14).
3. Only eligible bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding:
a. Specific Experience: The bidder must have the experience of at least 1 (One) construction contract of value and nature stated in the table below, which is successfully completed during the last 5 (five) years. Single entity or all joint venture (JV) partners together (with the experience of each partner multiplied by the JV share) must meet the requirement, while one (lead) partner must meet minimum 40% of the requirement.
Sl No. / Package No. / Minimum value of similar Contract (Lakh Taka) / Nature of workA / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 510.00 / Construction of river bank Protection work/spur in reverine environment
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 34.00 / Construction/Repair/Re-Sectioning of Embankment, Excavation/Re-Excavation of Canal/River
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 40.00
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 64.00
E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 62.00
F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 46.00
G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 146.00 / Construction of bridge/foot bridge/culvert/Regulator/Check structure
H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 52.00
b. Average annual construction turnover : Minimum average annual construction turnover (based on total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed) is equal to value stated in the table below or more over the last 5 (five) years. Single entity or all joint venture (JV) partners together (with the experience of each partner multiplied by the JV share) must meet the requirement, while one (lead) partner must meet minimum 40% of the requirement and the other partners need to meet 25% individually .
Sl No. / Package No. / Avg. annual Turnover (Lakh Taka) / Sl No. / Package No. / Avg. annual Turnover (Lakh Taka)A / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 1020.00 / E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 124.00
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 68.00 / F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 92.00
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 80.00 / G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 292.00
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 128.00 / H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 104.00
c. Financial Resources: Financial resources requirement is equal to value stated in the table below or more. Single entity or all joint venture (JV) partners together (with the experience of each partner multiplied by the JV share) must meet the requirement, while one (lead) partner must meet minimum 40% of the requirement.
Sl No. / Package No. / Financial resources (Lakh Taka) / Sl No. / Package No. / Financial resources (Lakh Taka)A / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 255.00 / E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 31.00
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 17.00 / F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 23.00
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 20.00 / G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 73.00
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 32.00 / H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 26.00
d. General Construction Experience: The Bidder must posses experience of minimum 02 (Two) civil construction contract, each having value equal to or greater than the value stated in table below during the last 5 (five) years (2007-08 to 2011-12).
Sl No. / Package No. / Value of general Contract (Lakh Taka) / Sl No. / Package No. / Value of general Contract (Lakh Taka)A / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 510.00 / E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 62.00
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 34.00 / F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 46.00
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 40.00 / G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 146.00
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 64.00 / H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 52.00
4. To obtain further information and to inspect the bidding documents, bidders should contact:
(a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Sub-project Management Office, Chenchuri Beel Sub-Project, BWDB, Rupgonj, Narail. Telephone: 0481-63002, Email:
(b) Office of the Project Director, Project Management Office, South West Area Integrated Water Resources Planning Management Project, BWDB, Jessore.
5. A complete set of bidding documents in English Language may be purchased by any interested eligible party from the 1. Manager, Sonali Bank, Main Branch, Narail. 2. Manager, Sonali Bank, Main Branch, Jessore. 3. Manager, Janata Bank, Dilkhusha Corporate Branch, Dilkhusha Commercial Area, Dhaka upon payment as stated in the table below in the form of Bank Draft or Pay Order in favor of Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Faridpur during office hours on working days upto 4, December, 2012.
Sl No. / Package No. / Value of Bid document (TK.) / Sl No. / Package No. / Value of Bid document (TK.) /A / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 5000.00 / E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 1500.00
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 750.00 / F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 750.00
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 750.00 / G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 1500.00
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 1500.00 / H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 1500.00
6. (a) Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of Taka as stated in table below only in the form of a Pay Order (issued by a local bank of Faridpur) or Bank Draft issued by a Scheduled Bank of Bangladesh for all Packages in favor of Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Faridpur, Bangladesh or an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank of Bangladesh in favor of Executive Engineer, Sub-Project Management Office, Chenchuri Beel Sub-Project, BWDB, Narail in case of only Package A.
Sl No. / Package No. / Value of Bid security (TK.) / Sl No. / Package No. / Value of Bid security (TK.)A / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 12,00,000.00 / E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 1,50,000.00
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 84,000.00 / F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 1,10,000.00
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 1,00,000.00 / G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 3,50,000.00
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 1,60,000.00 / H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 1,28,000.00
7. Bids must be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders (ITB) included in the Bidding Documents to the Office of the Executive Engineer, Sub-project Management Office, Chenchuri Beel Sub-Project, BWDB, Narail on 5, December, 2012 on or before 12:00 hrs (noon).
8. Bidders shall submit their bids only in person which must reach the above office before deadline for submission of Bids as indicated in Paragraph 7 above. Bids received after the deadline will not be accepted. BWDB will not be responsible for any cost or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the preparation or submission of Bids.
9. Bids will be opened at 14:00 hrs on 5, December, 2012 at the office of the undersigned in the presence of bidders' representatives who wishes to attend.
10. The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.
11. The time of completion for the works:
Sl No. / Package No. / Time of completion (Days) / Sl No. / Package No. / Time of completion (Days)A / SWAIWRPMP/P-1/2012-13 / 365 / E / Chen-EW/REC/04/2012-13 / 150
B / Chen-EW/REC/01/2012-13 / 150 / F / Chen-EW/REC/05/2012-13 / 150
C / Chen-EW/REC/02/2012-13 / 150 / G / Chen-CW/BR/01/2012-13 / 365
D / Chen-EW/REC/03/2012-13 / 150 / H / Chen-CW/BR/02/2012-13 / 365
· The “Public Procurement Regulation’’2008 and PPA (2nd Revision) 2009 for procurement of work will be binding upon the Contractors;
· The work may be partly or totally dropped; quantity of the work may decrease or increase for which no extra claim in any form will be entertained;
· The work order will be issued after clearance from the competent authority.
· The bid submission date will be automatically shifted to the next working day at the same place and time schedule as per tender notice if the tender submission is not possible on the last date fixed in the notice due to the unavoidable circumstances,
· Any person of the Govt. agency will be allowed to visit and /or supervise the work for quality and quantity in addition to the BWDB officials as per decision of the competent authority of BWDB.
· Modification will be accepted only if the bidder or his/her authorized representative submit written letter of the bidder along with the notarized letter for power of attorney.
· Only the item wise modification as per BOQ (Section: 4) will be accepted in separate envelope in sealed condition.
· No less/above in percentage of the quoted rate of a single item/all items will be accepted.
· Modification will be submitted at the primary/main place only.
· No pen through or erasing will be accepted in modification.
· The bidder should quote the amount of unconditional discount in the specified location of the form for that particular package in each case. The bidders have to describe the methodology of discount. But the amount of unconditional discount will not be accepted in percentage.
NB: All Packages of this IFB will be available on the BWDB website & IFB for Package (A) & (G) will also be available on the CPTU website
(Md. Monirul Islam)
Executive Engineer,
Sub-Project Management Office,
Chenchuri Beel Sub-Project,
BWDB, Narail