10523 Willow Valley Road

Nevada City, CA 95959



February 21, 2018 at 5:30 P.M.



  1. BOARD CALL TO ORDER:5:30p.m.
  1. ROLL CALL : Trustee Cassella, Trustee Bushore, Trustee Archer, Trustee

Hurst, and Operations Manager Melugin. Note: Trustee Mertens arrived at 5:32 p.m.

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA: This is the time for any member of the public to address the Board with any item not on the Agenda. Pursuant to CA Gov Code 54954, the public may talk about anything within the subject matter jurisdiction of the NCD Board, but the Board generally cannot act on or discuss an item not on the Agenda. However, the Board may “briefly respond” to comments or questions from the members of the public. *Please see rules for public comment at the bottom of Agenda. Copies of the agency and items are available. Equipment can be available for the hearing impaired. Call District Office in advance to request this. The Chair may limit public comment to 3 minutes for each commenter. No public present.
  1. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion at the appropriate time. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.
  1. Approval of Minutes of December 19, 2017
  2. Approval of January 31, 2018Monthly Financial Report
  3. Approval of January 31, 2018 Annual Financial Report
  4. Approval of January 31, 2018 Reserve Fund Report
  5. Approval of January 31, 2018Endowment Fund Report
  6. Staff report on Sales for February2018 to date
  7. Approval of Auditor Controller’s report of warrants issued

Motion to approve by Trustee Archer, seconded by Trustee Hurst and carried with Trustee Mertens abstaining.

  1. Questions concerning Manager’s Written Report for February 2018.

Report accepted, no questions.

  1. Personnel Committee: Report and action as necessary concerning wages, hours and working conditions.

Report concerning recruitment of replacement Cemetery Worker

Trustee Archer reported that he and Trustee Mertens and Manager Melugin reviewed applications for the Cemetery Worker position and narrowed them down to three persons. They have extended a conditional offer of employment to start March 1, 2018, to an individual possessing carpentry, glassblowing, machinist, and landscaping experience and skills, among other desirable qualifications. The recruit will be in a trainee position until July; thereafter to become permanent.

Motion to approve the hiring of Don Deal as Cemetery Worker with the conditions stated above. Motion seconded by Trustee Mertens and carried unanimously. Before the new hire becomes permanent, it was agreed to have him in for discussion.

B. Finance Committee: The Board will take action as necessary:

1.Discussion of credit card purchases.

Trustee Bushore and Manager Melugin will review the verbiage on a proposed agreement for credit card purchases. They will present their recommendation by the March meeting.

2.Report of Mid -Year Budget Review by Finance Committee.

The Chair reviewed the Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held January 18, 2018, whereat the Committee concluded there were no significant adjustments to the 2017-2018 Mid-Year Budget to be made at this time.

The Committee instructed District’s Accountant to project the CalPERS increase as well as the COLA increase.

The District’s next price increase will be in July 2019.

3.Report concerning Draft Audit Report for 2016-2017

The draft Audit Report was reviewed. There were no management recommendations, and there were some incorrect statements. The Chair sent corrections back to the auditor. Chair Cassella wants the final Report before April 15. No other changes were needed.

  1. Marketing Committee: The Board will take any action necessary: Green burials, new columbarium, 75th anniversary special edition report

Discussion was held on ways to inform the public of the District’s many cemeteries, including a float in the Constitution Day Parade with stars to mark locations on a map. This would be in observation of the District’s 75thAnniversary (District was formed in 1943.)

  1. Property Committee:
  1. LAFCO Proposed Annexations: The Committee will present and review/ act on any LAFCO requests. None expected

The Chair informed the Board of a proposed development of the old HEW building and property which includes the District’s office, maintenance building, and other District facilities. LAFCO has asked for District comment on the proposalsince this would affect District operations. The Chair suggested the District could trade this site for another site on Loma Rica Drive owned by the developer, and he has informally spoken to the developer regarding an exchange.

  1. Report concerning Property Deed-New Odd Fellows Cemetery

Vice Chair Bushore related his efforts to secure clear title to the Deer Creek Cemetery which the Odd Fellows organization intended to transferto the District, but which Deed was never recorded. For $600, the District could get a Guarantee of Title. The District has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Odd Fellows that the District would maintain the cemetery. The Vice Chair will continue to work on resolving this issue and return the issue to the Board.

  1. Approval of Retainer Agreement for Special Legal Counsel Services with Jeppson and Griffin LLP. Agreement for be executed by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson in the amount of $2,500. Services tobe billed when actually required by the District. Item withdrawn from consideration as it was previously considered.
  1. Review policy concerning the definition of a meeting as it relates to Trustee

credit for meeting attendance.

Following review of proposed Meeting Compensation Policies, Trustee Archer moved adoption of Resolution No. 2018-1 (Nevada Cemetery DistrictMeeting Compensation Policies). Motion was seconded by Trustee Hurstand carried unanimously.

IX. ***APPROVAL OF BILLS: The Board will review the report of the Auditor-Controller of warrants issued and warrant report for Board items and approve warrants for:

a) Lisa LaBarbera, payroll and bookkeeping services

b) Trustee warrants

c) Dorothy Miller, District Secretary services

d) Other warrants as necessary:

Motion by Trustee Mertens and second by Trustee Hurst to approve. Motion

carried unanimously.

X ***BOARD DISCUSSION: The Board will identify other relevant items and agendize action items and reports for future meeting(s).

In addition to items identified earlier in the meeting, the Board needs to discuss green burials. Trustee Archer and the Chair will set a lunch meeting with members of the Public Cemetery Alliance.

Also, Manager Melugin said there will be a Safety Meeting Monday at which First Aid will be the topic.

The Manager also called the Board’s attention to compliance with the recent Public Records requirement for all correspondence between Board members to be via the District’s cloud site.


Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Members of the public may comment for a maximum period of 3 minutes each concerning any issue in the regular order of the agenda. The Board may act after such comments have been heard. The Board may discuss these items (**) at any time except where a time certain has been identified in advance. The Board shall not change the order of discussion for the purpose of restricting the opportunity for discussion.

**The Board of Trustees can discuss these items at any time during the meeting.

***The Board will present issues/concerns for the next meeting Agenda.

Board Secretary: Dorothy Miller

Board Chair, Dennis Cassella