4056 Wells Hwy, Seneca SC 29678

(864) 882-9402

“Our Mission is to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Volume 7 October 30,2012 Number 2

From the Pastor’s Study
by James Rudy Gray
This is the last time I will write a “Pastor’s Study” for Utica. Our 18 years here have been blessed and challenging. The overall landscape of church life has changed dramatically over these 18 years. More and more new churches are being started and more and more established churches are failing. In fact, it was recently reported that Protestants are no longer a majority in America. The fastest growing category in our country is the “unaffiliated” group. The challenges facing the church in America and the world are greater now than ever before.

As we go to our new ministry assignment, Anne and I leave you with hope and prayer that Utica will remain true to God’s Word and will be committed to reaching, teaching, baptizing, and discipling people for His glory. As you know, Anne retired this year after teaching at OCA for 16 years. For now, I have the longevity record for senior pastors at Utica. It has been an adventure filled with joy as well as sorrow. All in all, we have been blessed.

Change is not an easy thing for many people, but it is as much a part of life as anything. Transitions are not always easy, but they can be tremendous times of preparation for future blessings. Utica has a good reputation and a strong witness in this part of Oconee County. Many men have been called out of this fellowship to serve God. Utica has several ordained ministers in the church capable of preaching, teaching, and leading in various capacities. Celebrate Recovery, which has been a vision birthed in my heart by God, is becoming a reality. Many others now share that vision and commitment and I am sure God is going to bless this ministry beyond our imagination. I hope you will pray and support financially this ministry and those who lead it.

We have had the privilege of getting to know and love some of God’s choice servants here at Utica. As we leave, so many of your will remain our friends. We are grateful for your friendship and for your continued friendship.

You will want to pray regularly for the Pastor Search Committee. God has just the right man to accomplish His purpose for Utica at this time.

Looking back, all three of our daughters graduated from high school here. All three were married while we were here. Two now have children. Anne’s mom and dad as well as my dad passed away while we were her. I had that unforgettable “death” experience returning from Honduras and the memorable ministry of an angel accompanying it. We have watched you go through a major building program as well as renovations throughout the building. I had the privilege to serve as SC Baptist Convention President and serve 10 years on the Board of Trustees at New Orleans Seminary during our time here. We rejoice over the people who have come to know Christ and all those who have grown in spirit and truth since we have been here.

(continued on next page)

From the Pastor’s Study (continued)
If God brings it to your mind, remember to pray for us and the work of the Baptist Courier. These are trying days for our denomination and denominational papers and magazines. We face daunting obstacles. We would appreciate your prayers. I believe God has given me the gift of teaching and I hope to be able to preach and teach His Word. It is what I have devoted much of my life to for just over 37 years.

May God bless you as you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Utica certainly will not be forgotten by our family. In fact, we plan to come to the Christmas musical.Blessings……..Eph. 2:10


Statistics for October 2012

Bible Study Average 232

AM Worship Average 276

PM Worship Average 105

Offering To Date $697,178.70
Goal To Date $715,264.00

Under for the year $ 18,085.30

Wednesday Meals for November
Nov. 7: Chicken Sausage Jambalaya, White Rice, Chocolate Bread Pudding
Nov. 14: Hearty Beef Stew with Cheesy Garlic Biscuits, Peach Crisp
Nov. 21: No Meal…Happy Thanksgiving

Nov. 28: Cheesy Baked Ziti, Baked Apples, Garlic Toast

Celebrating a birthday this month?
Come on down to Wednesday night meal any time in the month of November and you will receive one free dinner!

Newsletter Deadline

The deadline for the December2012 Update is WednesdayNovember14, 2012. Please email your articles or information to .

Sunday Night Family Nights

November 4, 2012
November 25, 2012
You are encouraged to take these nights to spend quality time with your families.

We have received thank you notes from the following: Matt & Cindy Keese, Suzanne Bradley and Ruth Sloan. The thank you notes are posted on the bulletin board outside of the church office.

Media Center News---Consider joining us for the Ladies Utica Book Club, meeting the 1st Monday afternoon each month at members’ homes. Call Barb Hooper for directions (944-7893). Our Nov. 5th book selection is the “Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club” by Wanda Brunstetter. The Dec. book is “Same Kind of Different as Me” by Ron Hall. Books are available in the media center. Also available is “Simple Church” which was referenced in the Great Commission Task Force report.

Threads Of Comfort Ministry
(knit and crochet) will hold it’s next meeting on Nov. 8th and on each 2nd Thursday of the month at 9:30 am in Room 106 of the Senior Adult Wing. We are now making hats and scarves to be distributed to those in need. Anyone who would like to join our ministry or contribute machine wash and dry yarn, please call or email Diane at 973-8055 or .

Volunteers Needed!!
We need 3 people to volunteer to work on Wednesday nights in the nursery. You can be a substitute or be on the regular rotation list. Please contact Clarissa Crenshaw at 506-1046 or f you would like to volunteeror for more details.

Election Day November 6th!

Operation Christmas Child
Mark your calendars!

Nov. 11 – Collection Sunday
Nov. 29 – Trip to Warehouse. We will leave at 10:00am and stop for lunch. Work is from 1-6pm. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board on the Senior Adult Wing.

Senior Adult Trip to the Mountains Nov. 15th
We will leave at 7:30am with our first stop being the Dillard House for breakfast. ($14.00 each).
The signup sheet is on the bulletin board on the Senior Adult Wing.

Feed The 5000 ThanksgivingMeal by Our Daily Bread
Utica members andSunday School classes can buy or sponsor a turkey meal through BI-LO, approx. $39.00. Any members that are interested in volunteering tohelp with FeedThe 5000 can sign upon the list posted on the bulletin board next to the church office.A list of jobs and times is also posted on the bulletin board.

Adult Choir Rehearsal
November 18th
4:30pm – 5:45pm in the Choir Room.

Kitchen Assistant Needed:
The Personnel Committee is seeking an adult to work part time in the Kitchen on Wednesday nights to assist our Kitchen Manager. This person would work closely with our Kitchen Manager in preparing the food, serving the meal, and assisting in cleanup. This would require approximately 4 hours on Wednesday night. This is a paid position. This person must be 18 or older. If interested, please submit a resume to the church office. The resumes will be given to the Personnel Committee for consideration.

Utica Student Ministry

Looking ahead: Our winter trip will be Dec. 27-29. Cost will be $75.00 per student. Payment is due by December 2. Parents will be receiving a letter from Joe regarding this trip. If you don’t receive the letter or want more info, contact Joe.

Welcome Zach & Ashley Brinkman on November 25TH

Zach and Ashley Brinkman have just returned from their first term on the mission field in South Asia. This young couple has bonded with the people of Utica many times in the past. They attended our mission conference in 2007 as returning journeymen, in 2008 as seminary students candidating for the mission field, in 2009 as missionaries a few months before leaving for their first term, and in 2010 on Skype with our youth interviewing them while they sat in their home in South Asia. They will have the morning service on Sunday Nov. 25th. Zach has often expressed in his newsletter their gratefulness for the support from the Lottie Moon Offering. They will be here to kick off our promotion of the Lottie Moon Offering.

Thanksgiving Praise Service and Dinner
Tuesday, Nov. 20th 6:00pm in the FLC. Bring a dish and enjoy a time of Thanks with your church family.

Our Weekly Schedule


9:15am Bible Study

10:30amMorning Worship

6:00 pmEvening Worship


10:00 amMorning Prayer Time


5:00 pmEvening Meal

6:30 pmPrayer & Bible Study

AWANA, Youth, Orchestra Reh.

7:40 pmAdult Choir Reh.

(check your calendar for other activities)

Every Member A Minister

Church Staff

MinistersEvery Church Member

James R. Gray, Senior Pastor654-3207, 710-1350

Phil Kelley, Music/Senior Adults882-2011, 247-1796

Joe Steele, Student Minister 706-244-4313

Lisa Jenkins, Ministry Assistant 882-9402

Tim Rackley, Custodian 882-9402

Gayle Steele, Kitchen Administrator 221- 4633

Church Telephone Numbers: 882-9402

Fax Number: 882-0580

E-mail –

Web Address – uticabaptist.com

Sunday AM Nursery Schedule for November

Week One – November 4

Babies 1: Emerson & Pam Shipe

Babies 2: Terry Brink, Gayle Steele

Toddlers: Bry & Michelle Durham

Twos: Scott & Becky Feagan

Threes: Tim & Clarissa Crenshaw

4&5s: Jeremy & Amber Cook

Week Two – November 11

Babies 1: Rachel Whitsel, Susan Kilby

Babies 2: Kathleen Ferrell

Toddlers: Ron & Connie Goss

Twos: David & Kelsey Hunter

Threes: Eric & Marcie Cope

4&5s: Denise McKinney, Renee Carpenter

Week Three – November 18

Babies 1: Berta Ridings, Marlene Flagg
Babies 2: Melissa Farmer, Margaret Miller

Toddlers: Becky Hunter

Twos: Ben & Tonya Johnson

Threes: Greg & Patti Johnson

4&5s: Brad Moore, Joanne Smith

Week Four – November 25

Babies 1: Mona Prewett, Tim & Becky Pitts

Babies 2:

Toddlers: Dawson & Lori Alexander

Twos: Kristy & Megan Thomas
Threes: Stan & Sandy Smith

4&5s: Bret & Melissa Pittman

Sunday PM Nursery Schedule for November

Week One – November 4

No PM Service –Family Night

Week Two – November 11
Babies: Molly Kelley, Jenn Steele

2&3’s: Pam Shipe, Donna Ellis

Week Three – November 18
Babies: Jodi Holmes

2&3’s: Jeff & Donna Ellis

Week Four – November 25

No PM Service – Family Night

Wednesday Nursery Schedule for November

Week One – November 7

Babies: Molly Kelley, JoAnn Cadmus

Toddlers: Clarissa Crenshaw, Kathy Jessup

Week Two – November 14

Babies: Molly Kelley, Jane Murphy

Toddlers: Rachel Whitsel, Pam Shipe

Week Three – November 21

No Wed. Night Service

Week Four – November 28

Babies: Molly Kelley, Richard & Teresa Ledford

Toddlers: Bill & Carole Palmer


Teller Schedule for November

Week One – November 4 – Jerry & Sandra Black

Week Two – November 11 –Terry Brink & Ruth Sloan

Week Three – November 18 – Leon & Rachel Whitsel

Week Four – November 25 – Jim & Sheron Hayes

Deacon of the Week for November

Week One – November 4 – Charlie Mize

Week Two – November 11 – John Miller

Week Three – November 18 – James Black

Week Four – November 25 – Don Bradley

Ushers for November

AM: Ron Sloan/ Chairman, Charlie Mize/Asst., Alan Johnson, Charlie Cobb, Jerry O’Dell, Raymond Walters, David Hooper, Jeremy Cook, Harold Dodd, Robert Cross, Mike Cole

PM: Ron Sloan/Chairman, Charlie Mize, Richard Ledford, Ray Taylor, Dannie Cannon, Albert Kendrick

Greeters for November

Week One – November 4

Children’s Wing – Mike & Lynn Cole

Back Entrance – Randy Miller

Week Two – November 11

Children’s Wing – Clay & Janet Greer

Back Entrance – Loyd & Mona Prewett

Week Three – November 18
Children’s Wing – Don Bradley

Back Entrance – Bruce & Julia Turner
Week Four – November 25
Children’s Wing – Jerry & Sandra Holtzclaw

Back Entrance – Timothy Pitts