Knife Combat - Canadian

Jason and Nicole Lee

Key Points:

1) Front hand is the "sacrificial hand", held up at angle to guard face, palm facing toward you (left, L). A cut to the outside of the forearm (muscle and bone) is much less dangerous than a cut to the inside (important blood vessels!).

Back hand holds the knife, normal grip (right, R).

2) In knife fighting you know WILL get cut. It's just a matter of how badly.

3) In Canada, you are way more likely to get stabbed than shot. Nearly everyone owns a knife, a common tool, and knows how to use it.

Attack: Opponent jabs toward face.

1) L block, R stab to gut (or femoral, top of leg).

2) At same time L catches wrist, grabbing w/ thumb toward you, R catches wrist w/ blade toward attacker.

L twists very slightly, R scrapes w/ knife up attacker's forearm, along the bone.

3) Variation of 2:

At same time L catches wrist, grabbing w/ thumb toward you, R catches wrist w/ blade toward attacker. (same as above)

L pulls attacker's knife hand toward hip and pins it, R stab to gut (or femoral, top of leg).

4) L block, wrap around and pin arm, holding over tricep (similar to Fiore), R stab.

5) L block, wrap as above, R slash R-L across neck, R stab.

Attack: Upward stab

6) Ice pick grip. Trap attacker's hand by bringing your blade across your body and down outside attacker's hand.

L slap elbow and push away, move in close and R stab to neck.

7) Regular grip. L catch knife hand, grab w/ thumb away from you, step in close to attacker, R slash across neck L-R.

Use force of your body to step into the slash, rather than just strength of your arm.