Resolutions of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 26 May 2015
Agenda item 6.1
Records of Assemblies of Councillors
That Council notes the written records of the assemblies of Councillors as detailed in Attachment 2 of the report from management.
Agenda item 6.2
2014–15 Council Works Program third quarter report
1.That Council:
1.1.Notes the 2014–15 Council Works Program third quarter report.
1.2.Approves the program adjustments to the 2014–15 Council Works Program that are included in Attachment 4 of the report from management.
1.3.Approves closure of Council Year 2 Actions 1.7.2 Complete Carlton Baths Stage 2 design and tender phase and 3.7.1 Complete the Melbourne City Marina Facility fit-out.
1.4.Notes the latent conditions to the pool shell at the Carlton Baths and authorises the Director City Design to vary the project budget by up to $750,000 and that the additional funding to cover this variation be included in the proposed 2015–2016 Annual Plan and Budget.
Agenda item 6.3
Review of fees for Overhead Protection and Hoarding Permits
- That Council:
1.1Endorses the review of fees, and recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, in the report from management, and incorporates the revised fees into the 2015–16 Budget to be considered for adoption by Council.
1.2Requests that a report be made to the Future Melbourne Committee by April 2016 analysing options available to Council to alter hoarding application and occupation fees and expanding on recommendations 6 and 8 in the report from management.
Agenda item 6.4
2015 Loan Finance Contract FSB001
That Council awards the contract (subject to the Council approving the 2015–16 Annual Plan and Budget on 30 June 2015) for the provision of Loan Finance to Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited for a term of two years commencing 1 July 2015 with provision to extend for an additional two years.
Agenda item 6.5
Proposed increase to the Melbourne Visitor Shuttle ticket price
1.That Council approves:
1.1.A fee increase to $10 per ticket for a two day ticket on the Melbourne Visitor Shuttle.
1.2.An increase in marketing expenditure of up to $100,000 including: entering into partnerships with tourism industry sales agents
1.2.2.increased web based promotional activities, including social media
1.2.3.investigation and implementation of online sales channels.
1.3. An adjustment to the 2015–16 draft budget to reflect the above changes.
Agenda item 6.6
Digital Platform Hosting Contract 3523
That Council awards the contract for the provision of a cloud environment digital platform to host City of Melbourne’s public facing websites to Amazon Web Services Inc for a term of two years commencing 1 July 2015, with options to extend the contract term by up to a further three years, for an annual contract sum, in accordance with the schedule of rates approximated to be $120,000, and otherwise in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions of contract.
Agenda item 6.7
Planning Scheme Amendment C209 Public Open Space Contributions
1.That Council:
1.1.Adopts Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C209 – Public Open Space Contributions (in the form at Attachment 4 to this report) pursuant to section 29 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
1.2.Submits Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C209 – Public Open Space Contributions to the Minister for Planning for approval.
Agenda item 6.8
Proposed update to the ‘Councillor Expenses and Resources Guidelines’
1.That Council:
1.1.Adopts the revised ‘Councillor Expenses and Resources Guidelines’ included as Attachment 2 of the report from management.
1.2.Authorises the Manager Governance Services to make any further minor editorial changes to the Guidelines prior to publication.