Hands-On Lab
Office 2010 Service Applications
Lab version:1.0.0
Last updated:1/14/2019
Exercise 1: Create Reports using Excel Services
Task 1 – Create the Report Generation web part
Task 2 – Use Excel Services REST interface to retrieve the data
Task 3 – Configure the report site web parts
Exercise 1 Verification
Exercise 2: Generating Documents using Word Services
Task 1 – Create the Printable Document Library event receiver
Task 2 – Build the PrintingStatus web part
Task 3 – Place the Printing Status web part on the page
Exercise 2 Verification
In this lab exercise,use the Office 2010 services applications to build a report generation application. This application uses Excel Services to access an Excel workbook via REST services and generate a Word document based on the data. Word Services converts the Word document into a PDF and XPS file and stores it in a report repository. Finally, Visio Services presents a graphical representation of the process to the user showing which reports have been generated.
In this lab you will:
- Use Word Services to generate PDF and XPS files based on a Word document
- Use Excel Service’s REST interface to access information in an Excel workbook
System Requirements
This lab assumes that you have SharePoint Server installed in a test environment. For guidance on how to setup SharePoint Server see Note that any URL referred to in this lab must be adjusted for use with your local setup. You must have the following items to complete this lab:
- Microsoft® Windows® Vista SP1 or Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
- Microsoft® SharePointServer 2010 (64-bit)
- Microsoft® Office Professional Plus 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010
You must perform the following steps to prepare your computer for this lab. This consists primarily of creating a SharePoint site collection at and installing the code snippets for this lab.
- Run the command file Setup.batlocated at %Office2010DeveloperTrainingKitPath%\Labs\OfficeServiceApplications\Source\.
This Hands-On Lab is comprised of two exercises:
- Create reports using Excel Services
- Generating documents using Word Services
Estimated time to complete this lab: 60minutes.
Starting Materials
This Hands-On Lab includes the following starting materials.
- Visual Studio solutions. The lab provides the following Visual Studio solutions that you can use as starting point for the exercises.Lab instructions will reference the Training Kit location after installation as %Office2010DeveloperTrainingKitPath%.
◦%Office2010DeveloperTrainingKitPath%\Labs\OfficeServiceApplications\Source\[language]\Starter\StateReportApplication\StateReportApplication.sln: Uses Word Services and Excel Services to generate XPS and PDF documents based on data stored in an Excel workbook.
Note:Inside the lab’sSourcefolder, you will find aSolution folder containing an endsolution with the completed lab exercise.
Exercise 1: Create Reports using Excel Services
In this exercise you will access an Excel Workbook using the Excel Services REST interface. The results of these REST requests will be integrated into a Word template document using the Open XML SDK and archived in a document repository.
Task 1 – Create the Report Generation web part
In this task, you will create the web part that initiates report generation. You will define the web part’s UI and put the code in place to start the process of building the report.
- Open the starter StateReportApplication project in Visual Studio 2010
- Open the StateReportApplicaiton.sln file in the %Office2010DeveloperTrainingKitPath%\Labs\OfficeServiceApplications\Source\[language]\Starter\StarteReportApplication folder
- Add a new Visual Web Part to the project
- Right click StateReportApplication in the Solution Explorer and click Add -> New Item
- In the Add New Item dialog, select the Visual C#\Visual Basic -> SharePoint -> 2010 template category
- Select the Visual Web Part template
- Set the Name to GenerateReport and click Add
Figure 1(a)
Figure 1(b)
Add New Visual Web Part
- Design the user interface for the web part
- Open the designer by right clicking GenerateReportUserControl.ascx in the Solution Explorer and clicking View Designer
- Switch to the Source view using the button at the bottom of the window
- At the bottom of the ascx file, add the following markup
<td>Generate Report for </td>
<td<asp:DropDownList ID="States" runat="server" /</td>
<tr<td colspan="2"</td</tr
<td colspan="2" align="right">
<asp:Button ID="GenerateReport" Text="Generate Report"
runat="server" />
- Switch to the Design view using the button at the bottom of the window and verify it looks like the image below
Figure 2
Completed Web Part Design
- Load the web part with a list of all states
- Switch to the code for the web part by right clicking the designer window and clicking View Code
- Add the following using statements
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Office.Word.Server.Conversions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
Visual Basic
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Imports Microsoft.Office.Word.Server.Conversions
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint
- Add code to the Page_Load method to make sure the drop down list is only initialized when the page is first loaded
if (!IsPostBack || States.Items.Count == 0)
Visual Basic
If (Not IsPostBack) OrElseStates.Items.Count = 0 Then
End If
- Create a list of states that exclude the ones that already have reports and add them to the drop down list
if (!IsPostBack || States.Items.Count == 0)
Constants.States.Select(n => new ListItem(n)).ToArray());
Visual Basic
If (Not IsPostBack) OrElseStates.Items.Count = 0 Then
States.Items.AddRange(Constants.States.Select(Function(n) New ListItem(n)).ToArray())
End If
- Add code to the button click event handler to create a new folder for the state and generate the report in the new folder
- Open the designer for the visual web part by right clicking GenerateReportUserControl.ascx in the Solution Explorer and selecting View Designer
- Generate the click event handler by double clicking the button in the designer
- In the new GenerateReport_Click event handler, add the following code to lookup the State Reports document library
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPDocumentLibrarystateReports =
SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["State Reports"]
as SPDocumentLibrary;
Visual Basic
Dim web As SPWeb = SPContext.Current.Web
Dim stateReports As SPDocumentLibrary = TryCast(SPContext.Current.Web.Lists("State Reports"), SPDocumentLibrary)
- Using the States control’s SelectedValue, lookup the folder in the States Report document library
string state = States.SelectedValue;
SPListItemlistItem =
FirstOrDefault(n => (n["Name"] as string) == state);
Visual Basic
Dim state As String = States.SelectedValue
Dim listItem As SPListItem = stateReports.Folders.Cast(Of SPListItem)().FirstOrDefault(Function(n) (TryCast(n("Name"), String)) = state)
- If no folder for the selected state was found, add the new folder named after the selected state
if (listItem == null)
listItem = stateReports.AddItem(string.Empty, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder);
listItem["ContentTypeId"] = SPContext.Current.Web.ContentTypes["Folder"].Id;
listItem["Name"] = state;
Visual Basic
If listItem Is Nothing Then
listItem = stateReports.AddItem(String.Empty, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder)
listItem("ContentTypeId") = SPContext.Current.Web.ContentTypes("Folder").Id
listItem("Name") = state
End If
- Using the StateReport class, generate a new report and save it in the new folder
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
StateReport report =
new StateReport(web, "Data/StateRankings.xlsx", state);
listItem.Folder.Files.Add("Report.docx", stream.ToArray(), true);
Visual Basic
Using stream As New MemoryStream()
Dim report As New StateReport(web, "Data/StateRankings.xlsx", state)
listItem.Folder.Files.Add("Report.docx", stream.ToArray(), True)
End Using
Task 2 – Use Excel Services REST interface to retrieve the data
In this task, you will add the Excel Services REST requests to the web part to provide the appropriate data to the report generation code.
- Setup the WebClient object used to make web request to Excel Services
- Open the StateReport.cs(StateReport.vb in case of VB) class by double clicking it in the Solution Explorer
- In the GenerateReport method, create a new WebClient object and set it to use the default user credentials
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
Visual Basic
Dim client As New WebClient()
client.UseDefaultCredentials = True
- Load the StateReportCard template docx file into a new WordprocessingDocument
- Write the template docx file to the stream
0, Properties.Resources.StateReportCard.Length);
Visual Basic
stream.Write(My.Resources.StateReportCard, 0, My.Resources.StateReportCard.Length)
- Create a new writable WordprocessingDocument object using the stream
using (WordprocessingDocument document =
WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
Visual Basic
Using document As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, True)
End Using
- Perform the REST requests for the graphical report
- Inside the using statement wrapping the WordprocessingDocument, generate the REST url to request the Report chart from the Excel Workbook
string reportRestUrl =
m_baseUrl, m_state);
Visual Basic
Dim reportRestUrl As String = String.Format("{0}/model/Charts('Report')?Ranges('State')={1}", m_baseUrl, m_state)
Note: The Ranges(‘State’) parameter in the url sets a cell in the workbook to a specific state causing the report’s content to be updated
- Using the rest url, open the URL as a stream and write it to the first image part in the WordprocessingDocument
using (Stream imageStream = client.OpenRead(reportRestUrl))
Visual Basic
Using imageStream As Stream = client.OpenRead(reportRestUrl)
End Using
- Perform the REST request for the atom feed representing the report’s title
- Immediately following the image write, generate the REST url to retrieve the title atom feed
string titleRestUrl =
string.Format("{0}/model/Ranges('Title')" +
m_baseUrl, m_state);
Visual Basic
Dim titleRestUrl As String = String.Format("{0}/model/Ranges('Title')" & "?Ranges('State')={1}&$format=atom", m_baseUrl, m_state)
- Use the rest url to retrieve the atom xml data for the range and write it to the custom XML part in the document
using (Stream titleStream = client.OpenRead(titleRestUrl))
"{3D15FA4A-EB75-46F1-93D1-8DA4AAFE30A5}", titleStream);
Visual Basic
Using titleStream As Stream = client.OpenRead(titleRestUrl)
WriteCustomXmlPart(document.MainDocumentPart, "{3D15FA4A-EB75-46F1-93D1-8DA4AAFE30A5}", titleStream)
End Using
Note: The WriteCustomXmlPart method is a helper method that finds a custom xml part based on its ID and then writs the stream into the part
- Perform the REST request for the atom feed representing the report card data
- Immediately after the title custom xml part write, write the report card custom xml
string reportCardRestUrl =
string.Format("{0}/model/Ranges('ReportCard')" +
m_baseUrl, m_state);
using (Stream reportCardStream = client.OpenRead(reportCardRestUrl))
"{5182EF05-94F6-41B6-B0F4-6BE836E29F5F}", reportCardStream);
Visual Basic
Dim reportCardRestUrl As String = String.Format("{0}/model/Ranges('ReportCard')" & "?Ranges('State')={1}&$format=atom", m_baseUrl, m_state)
Using reportCardStream As Stream = client.OpenRead(reportCardRestUrl)
WriteCustomXmlPart(document.MainDocumentPart, "{5182EF05-94F6-41B6-B0F4-6BE836E29F5F}", reportCardStream)
End Using
Task 3 – Configure the report site web parts
In this task, you will place the new web part on the site’s main page and configure the site for use.
- Build and deploy the State Report application to SharePoint
- Right click StateReportApplication in the Solution Explorer and click Deploy
- Enable the Office Service Application features on the site
- In Internet Explorer navigate to
- Click Site Actions -> Site Settings
- On the Site Settings page, click the Site collection features link
- Activate the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection featuresfeature
Figure 3
Activated Site Collection Feature
- Navigate back to the Site Settings page using Site Actions -> Site Settings
- Click the Manage Site Features link
Figure 4
Activated Site Feature
- Activate the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site features feature
- Add the GenerateReport Web Part to the main page
- In Internet Explorer navigate to
- Click Edit Page on the Page ribbon tab
- Click Add a Web Part in the left web part zone
- In the Web Part pane, choose the Lists and Libraries category and the State Reports web part
- Click Add to add the web part to the page
Figure 5
Add State Reports List Web Part
- Click Add a Web Part in the right web part zone
- In the Web Part pane, choose the Custom category and the GenerateReport web part
Figure 6
Add Generate Report Web Part
- Click Add to add the web part to the page
- Stop editing by clicking the Stop Editing button on the Page ribbon tab
Figure 7
Completed Web Part Page
Exercise 1 Verification
In order to verify that you have correctly performed all steps of exercise 1, proceed as follows:
Test the Web Part
Test the GenerateReport web part by generating reports for several states.
- In Internet Explorer navigate to
- Choose AL in the drop down list inside the GenerateReport web part and click Generate Report
- Verify that AL shows up in the State Reports list
Figure 8
Alabama State Report
- Verify the report is correctly generated in the AL folder inside the State Reports document library
- Click the AL link in the State Reports web part
- Click the drop down arrow to the right of Report and select Edit in Microsoft Word
Figure 9
Edit Report in Word 2010
- Verify the document contains information for Alabama
Figure 10
Generated Report viewed in Word 2010
Exercise 2: Generating Documents using Word Services
In this exercise you will be adding an Event Receiver to the State Reports document library that will convert all docx files submitted into XPS and PDF files. This is done using Word Services and a scheduled job that converts all registered documents every 15 minutes. To provide feedback to the user you will also be implementing a simple web part that will provide a summary of the jobs submitted to Word Services.
Task 1 – Create the Printable Document Library event receiver
In this task, you will define a List Item Event Receiver that will fire anytime an item a new file is added or updated in the document library. This Event Receiver will start a print job that will convert the added or updated docx file into an XPS and PDF document.
- Create a new event receiver item in the PrintableDocumentLibrary item
- Right click PrintableDocumentLibrary in the Solution Explorer and select Add -> New Item
- In the Add New Item dialog, select the Visual C#\Visual Basic -> SharePoint -> 2010 template category
- Select the Event Receiver template
- Set the Name to PrintableDocumentReceiver and click Add
- In the dialog check the checkboxes by
- An item was added
- An item was updated
Figure 11
Create new Event Receiver
- Click Finish to create the Event Receiver
- Create a StartJob method that accepts the files to convert and the format and starts a conversion job
- Add the following using statement to the file
using Microsoft.Office.Word.Server.Conversions;
Visual Basic
Imports Microsoft.Office.Word.Server.Conversions
- In the PrintableDocumentReceiver class, add the following StartJob method
private void StartJob(SPWeb web, SaveFormat format,
string sourceUrl, string targetUrl)
Visual Basic
Private Sub StartJob(ByVal web As SPWeb, ByVal format As SaveFormat, ByValsourceUrl As String, ByValtargetUrl As String)
End Sub
- In the new method, create a ConversionJobSettings object to control how the documents are converted
ConversionJobSettings settings = new ConversionJobSettings()
OutputFormat = format,
UpdateFields = true,
OutputSaveBehavior = SaveBehavior.AlwaysOverwrite
Visual Basic
Dim settings As New ConversionJobSettings() With {.OutputFormat = format, .UpdateFields = True, .OutputSaveBehavior = SaveBehavior.AlwaysOverwrite}
- Create a new ConversionJob using the settings and your current user token
ConversionJobconversionJob =
new ConversionJob(Constants.WordServicesAppName, settings)
SubscriptionId = Constants.SubscriptionId,
UserToken = web.CurrentUser.UserToken
Visual Basic
Dim conversionJob As New ConversionJob(Constants.WordServicesAppName, settings) With {.SubscriptionId = Constants.SubscriptionId, .UserToken = web.CurrentUser.UserToken}
Note: The SubscriptionId is a shared Guid that allows the application to find its active jobs.
- Add the source and target file urls to the job and then start it
conversionJob.AddFile(sourceUrl, targetUrl);
Visual Basic
conversionJob.AddFile(sourceUrl, targetUrl)
Note: It is possible to add multiple source/target pairs and even choose to convert entire folders or lists. In this case, you are starting one job for each type of conversion.
- Implement a PrintDocument method that uses StartJob to convert all docx files to XPS and PDF
- Add a new PrintDocument method to the PrintableDocumentReceiver class
private void PrintDocument(SPWeb web, string listItemUrl)
Visual Basic
Private Sub PrintDocument(ByVal web As SPWeb, ByVallistItemUrl As String)
End Sub
- Wrap all the code in the method with an if statement that checks if the listItemUrl ends with a .docx extension
private void PrintDocument(SPWeb web, string listItemUrl)
if (listItemUrl.EndsWith(".docx"))