AP Biology Course Contract 2017-2018 School Year
Teacher: Mrs. Ballow
Course Description
Advanced Placement Biology is a college level course, which is intended for students with a high motivation level and interest in Biology. Topics that will be covered are Biochemistry, Heredity, Molecular Genetics, Evolution, Diversity of Organisms, Plants, Animals and Ecology.
Teaching style
Course content will be presented primarily in lecture style. The tests will cover a large amount of material at one time and will contain multiple choice and essay questions from lectures, labs and reading materials. Students will spend a significant amount of time actively participating in several inquiry based AP labs, gathering and analyzing data. Students will be encouraged to purchase a review book to help prepare for the final exam.
What will I get from this class?
This class will help prepare the student to handle the rigorous course work associated with college level science courses. Students must apply more of themselves to their studies than they would at a typical high school level science class. However, they will walk away from this class as stronger, more confident students that will have an edge over their peers in high school and at college. If the student scores a 3 or higher on the AP Exam and enters a college that accepts AP credit, college costs may be reduced.
In order to be successful in AP Biology the student should have an above average level of maturity, sense of responsibility, motivation, and dedication to his/her studies. Students will most likely have to study harder than they ever have before in order to do well in this course. They will need to read the textbook independently of the class and take notes. Students will need to demonstrate good work ethics or their grades may fall below those grades they have previously earned in high school level science courses.
Summer Assignment
There will be a summer assignment given to students in June of 2017 to help prepare them for the 2017-2018 school year. Once the student has signed the attached form they will receive a class textbook. Students are expected to read and take notes from the assigned chapters. Information from the assigned chapters will be tested in early September.
Course Commitment
It is extremely important that you understand that once you are enrolled in AP Biology, there is no drop period. You will be expected to meet all course expectations and remain in the class for the entire year
Please detach page 2 and return the signed form to Mrs. Ballow in room S12 between Tuesday May 30thand Tuesday June 6th. You will receive your textbook and summer assignment at this time.
Exam Intent
Students please indicate your intentions by initialing the appropriate box below.
I intend to take Advanced Placement Biology for the purpose of taking the College Board sponsored Advanced Placement Biology Exam in May of 2018. I understand that there is a fee associated with this Advanced Placement exam. In addition, I will also take the final in-class exam written and administered by the classroom teacher in May or June of 2018.
I do not intend to take Advanced Placement Biology for the purpose of taking the College Board sponsored Advanced Placement Biology Exam in May of 2018. I will take only the final in-class exam written and administered by the classroom teacher in May or June of 2018.
Students please print, sign, and date below to verify that you have read this entire course contract and are aware of the textbook assignment that has been given to you for the summer of 2017.
I have been assigned a textbook. I understand that I am responsible for the return of this book in good condition at the end of this course.
Please print student’s full name: ______
Please sign student’s full name: ______
Date: ______
Parents please print, sign, and date below to verify that you have read this entire course contract and are aware of the summer assignment that has been given to your child for the summer of 2017.
I understand there will be a fee associated with the College Board sponsored Advanced Placement Biology Exam in May and that my son/daughter has been assigned a textbook, which he/she is responsible for returning in good condition at the end of the school year.
Please print parent’s full name: ______
Please sign parent’s full name: ______
Contact phone number and Email address: ______
Date: ______