Below is a brief explanation of the content and structure of the test over Oedipus Rex and the Greek Dramatic Tragedy.


Anagnorisis – The “point of knowing” for the main character of a Greek tragedy; the recognition or discovery on the part of the hero and a change from ignorance to knowledge; the epiphany

antistrophe - In Greek drama, the second part of an ode recited or chanted in response to the Chorus

Apostrophe – When a character directly addresses an object, an abstract quality, or an absent or imaginary person, as if present and able to understand.

Archetype – In literature, an archetype is a universal symbol which transcends time, place, and culture and which projects peoples hopes, fears, values, and aspirations; a model or prototype; a motif

Arête – the narrow ridge along the cliff of a mountain (literal meaning); for the ancient Greeks, this came to mean perfection, which was to have perfect balance in life

Catharsis – a cleansing of emotions, usually pity and fear, especially through art

Chiton - in ancient Greek theater an actor’s long, flowing robe, usually died in symbolic colors.

Choragus – The chorus leader

Cothurni – In ancient Greek theater, an actor’s platformed shoes

Denouement – The “unraveling” of the plot in which the final outcome is revealed or the conflict is resolved; the resolution, following the climax

Dramatic Irony – When the audience is aware of information about which the characters are unaware

Episodes – In a Greek drama, the scenes where the main action of the plot occurs.

Fate – An unseen force or deity believed to control human destiny

Hamartia – The hero’s tragic flaw

Hubris – excessive pride or arrogance, especially towards the gods

Juxtaposition – Placing two opposite ideas, statements or scenes side by side for effect

Legend – A traditional story passed on by word of mouth and believed to be somewhat historically based

ob skena – “off stage”; this is where we get the term “obscene”

Parados – in Greek theater, the entrance to the theater or the entrance ode given by the chorus

Perepeteia – An abrupt change in a course of events; a reversal in fortune

Proscenium - the stage of an ancient theater between the background (scene) and the orchestra

Quest – The hero undertakes an arduous journey during which he must perform impossible tasks and overcome insurmountable obstacles in order to save the kingdom

Sacrificial Scapegoat – The hero, with whom the welfare of the people is identified, must be sacrificed to atone for the people’s sins and save the kingdom

Situational Irony – When a character expects one thing to happen but the opposite or something else happens instead

Skene – In a Greek theater, the scenery or backgrounds at the back of the stage.

Stasimon – The choral response to the episode; the odes

stichomvthia - In Greek drama, poetry, and dispute, a form of dialogue in which characters speak single lines alternately

strophe - In Greek drama, the first part of an ode recited or chanted by the Chorus

Tragedy – A drama in which a flaw in the main character leads to his eventual downfall or destruction

Tragic Flaw – A trait within the hero that leads to his ultimate demise

Tragic Hero – A man or woman capable of GREAT suffering (must have a LOT to lose!)

Verbal Irony – When a character says one thing but means something else

DEITIES TO KNOW: Apollo, Loxias, Phoebus, Bacchus, Dionysius, Zeus, Ares, Pan, Hermes

Questions 1-65 – Multiple Choice

Sophocles’ background

History of Greek Theater & Drama

Role of Chorus

Events of Play

Any and all terms discussed (irony, catharsis, etc.)

Questions 66-95

Matching descriptions & quotations to characters, persons, or places

Questions 96-105

Place events in chronological order of the play

Questions 106-115

Matching examples of irony to types of irony

Questions 116-140

True or False

Essay Questions (DUE TUESDAY)

Directions: Select ONE of the two essay questions below to complete for the take-home portion of the test over Oedipus Rex. You should write 3-5 paragraphs in response and include quotes from the script to support your reasoning. Be sure to include the line numbers in parentheses after the quotes you use.

1. As the playwright Sophocles, defend your reasoning for choosing to portray the legend of Oedipus in dramatic format. Consider the following in your argument: the values and beliefs of your culture, the history of Greek literature and the theater, and the influences upon your writing. Why did you feel that Oedipus was the best subject matter for your play? Why was the drama the most appropriate medium for the story?

2. According to Aristotle, the purpose of tragedy is, “to arouse pity and fear in the audience, and so create a catharsis—cleansing of emotions—that will enlighten people about life and fate.” As the audience watches the fate of the tragic hero unfold, Aristotle believes they will recognize in it the universal human plight. Keeping these ideas in mind, discuss the journey of Oedipus as it pertains to Aristotle’s definition. How is Oedipus the epitome of the tragic hero?