Unit: Mi Casa es su CasaBuscamos un casa(30 points)Me llamo ______

Search on the Internet to find real homes for sale in Rowan County Kentucky. Choose three different homes for sale that would be appropriate for you and your family. Write an ad in Spanish for each of three houses. For each house include the following:

(1) Include a foto of the house. (black and white print is fine)

(2) Write a paragraph to describe the house in Spanish with as much detail as possible: (size, color, materials-wood, brick, etc, how many rooms, bedrooms, one, two or three floors, basement, attic, yard, fence, location-in the woods, in town, in the country.) Use verbs like es (is or is like), está (is located), tiene (it has), hay (there is/there are). Do not use a computer translator to write the sentences. Use your vocabulary list.

(3) List the cost of the house in Spanish words as well as numbers. If you do not remember how to express the big numbers in Spanish you should review them on your teacher’s webpage or on one of the many Spanish number sites on the Internet.

Note: If you do not have any access to the Internet at home or cannot arrange to work in the library at school or at the Rowan County Library please see your teacher for an alternate source of information for your assignment.

Please print this assignment and give it to your teacher with the rubric below as soon as possible. It is due by February 7.

Picture / One photo of one house is included.
3 / Two photos (one of each house) are included.
6 / Three photos (one of each house) are included.
9 / The photos are cut and pasted by computer to accompany each ad or are neatly cut out and pasted to a paper with the writing.
Paragraph to describe the house
(written part of the ad) / Minimum writing (two details) about each house is included. Sentences may have been written by computer translator.
5-6 / Three to four sentences are included about each house. There may be errors in the sentences but effort was made to write the sentences without the help of a computer.
7-8 / Five or more sentences with details are included with each ad. There may be errors in the sentences but it is obvious that the details are those that are included in the “Mi Casa” unit vocabulary.
9 / The ad is typed or neatly printed by hand in the form of sentences.
Cost / The ad included a real cost of the house in Spanish. The number has more than one error.
5-6 / The ad included a real cost of the house in Spanish. The number may have one error.
7-8 / The ad included a real cost of the house in Spanish with no errors.
9 / The paper is set up so that it looks like an actual real estate ad page.
Total points