Programme Review User Guide


This step by step guide will assist you in logging onto IRIS (Oracle Business Intelligence), DCU’s reporting tool. As a programme chair you will be automatically linked to you qualification. OBIEE has a number of predefined reports that covers the annual programme review, module, programme and graduation information. Each report will have a FAQ link on the upper right of the screen that gives a brief description of the report.

Logging On

The application is deliverd over the web and can be access from the following URL

Access by DCU Novell username & password

Suggested browser:Google, however other browser also work.

Active Directy user nameand password

The Dashboard page will have multiple reports, accessed on individual tabs.

Individual tables for various reports

Click this tap for postgraduate programme review

Click this tap for undergraduate programme review

FAQ for the report

Using the filters at the top of the report select the academic year and qualification code. Note the undergraduatereport will only contain a listing of undergraduate codes (as does the postgraduate report).

Once selected press the apply button.

NOTE: Because the report is being generated over the web there may be a small time delay as the report is being generated.

Once generated left click on the qualification code (blanked out in this example) and an option to Print Report appears. Click on this link.

Please notes if you pop ups on your web browser are enable you may get an error asking you to allow this site.

Click ok and re-click on the print page again.

If you have pop up blocked, a warning message appears on the top right hand side of your screen

Click on this link and an option to allow this will appear, click the ‘Always allow pop up from’ and then the done button.Then re click on ‘Print Report’.

You will be asked to sign into Oracle Publisher with your Novell username name and password.

Publisher is the tool that will display you programme statistics in the required textual format.

NOTE: Because the report is being generated over the web there may be a small time delay as the report is being generated.

Your individual report will display at the base of the Publisher screen.Click on this link to open

Your report will open in word and can be edited and saved on your PC

Sample report

DCU Periodic Programme Review (PPR) – Template for Annual Programme Review (APR) Report

Programme Title:


Programme Chair: [Insert here]

NFQ Level: [Insert here]

Programme Board Approval date: [Insert here]

Programme Overview

Response to last year's APR report

What follow-up action has been taken as a result of last year's report? How successful has it been? Is further action required?

Programme Board Response: [Insert here]

Overview of last year's programme activities

Is the Programme Board satisfied that:

The programme learning outcomes are appropriate to the award type and level / Yes/No
The programme structure is appropriate to enable students’ attainment of the award learning outcomes / Yes/No
The Graduate Attributes indicated in the Graduate Attribute alignment matrix are appropriate and are being adequately delivered by the Programme. / Yes/No
The Learning Outcomes to address the transition from 2nd level to 3rd level are appropriately and adequately addressed in the programme. / Yes/No/Not Relevant
The programme is adequately resourced in human terms / Yes/No
The programme is adequately resourced in facility and infrastructural terms / Yes/No
Students have been consistently assessed using published criteria (Marks & Standards) and procedures / Yes/No
Student assessments have been appropriately designed to measure the achievement of the intended learning outcomes / Yes/No
Student assessments are appropriate for their purpose, whether diagnostic, formative or summative? / Yes/No
All assessment descriptions and instructions are accompanied by an appropriate and student accessible marking grid/scheme / Yes/No

Please comment below on all 'No' responses provided in the above table:

[Insert here if appropriate]

External Examiner Overview

External Examiner Details:

Title / First name / Surname / Address / Appointment / Period of Appointment / Examining Duties / Date Report Received 09/10
Prof / Joe / Blogs / Department of Engineering
Cambridge / Second / 2009/10; 2010/11; 2011/12 / BEng in Electronic Engineering / 24/06/2011
Dr. / Jane / Done / Computer Science Dept
Trinity / First / ;2010/11; 2011/12 / CA214, CA358, / 23/09/2011

Response to last year’s External Examiner reports

What, if any, follow-up action has been taken as a result of the external examiner report(s)? How successful has it been? Is further action required?

Programme Board Response: [Insert here response to External Examiner report(s)]

Student profile and performance

Qualification Code / XX
Total Number of Students / 111
Total 1st Year entrants on the Programme / 20
Percentage increase/ decrease in new entrant numbers compared to the previous Year / 11.0%
Total international students on the Programme / 27
Total non-traditional students on the Programme / 25
CAO 123 Prefs / 16
Median Leaving Cert Score / 490
Non Traditional Access (Year One) / 9
1st Year Pass Rate / 81.0%
Irish / 75.7%
EU / 21.6%
Non-EU / 2.7%
Graduations (1st Honours and 2.1 Honours) / 70.6%
Number of H1 awards / 1
Number of H1 awards change % / -90.0%
Number of H2.1 awards / 11
Number of H2.1 awards change % / 0.0%
Number of H2.2 awards / 5
Number of H2.2 awards change % / -44.4%
Number of H3 awards / 0
Number of H3 awards change % / -100.0%
Number of Fails at award stage / 0

Admissions details

What were the applications and intake numbers from home and overseas students (FT and PT if applicable)? [Insert here]

Where there are academic entry requirements, is intake quality improving or declining? Include details of any marketing activities undertaken. [Insert here]

Programme Board comment on admissions: [Insert here]

Is there a Recognition of Prior Learning policy for admission to this programme? / Yes/No

If yes, supply web link: ……………………………….