FOR 2009 & 2011 AMENDMENTS
Activity Code Legend:
- 102 - Initial Assessment
- 238 – 70s Assessment Testing/Screening Cost
- 388 – Assessment Testing/Screening Cost
- 202 – Career Guidance/Planning
- 202 – Career Guidance/Planning
- 106 – Provided Internet Job Search Support/Training
- 107 – Provision of Labor Market Research
- 115 – Resume Preparation Assistance
- 132 – Workshops/Seminars
- 230 – TAA-Approved Relocation Allowance
- 237 – TAA-Approved Out-of-Area Job Search Allowance
Important Guidelines:
- All participants must have a viable Individual Employment Plan (IEP), outlining all short and long-term goals, prior to the start of service delivery. IEPs may be developed by partner staff.
- All participants must receive a referral to WIA for co-enrollment (and other partner programs, as applicable) in a timely manner. Resources must be leveraged efficiently and effectively.
- All referrals must be made using the referral function in SCWOS.
- Delay in training waivers must not be issuedunless necessary to protect participants’ basic TRA deadline.
- Occupational Training must lead to long-term, sustainable employment. Training can only be TAA-approvable if it is directly linked to a projected growth industry in the area in which the participant resides or plans to relocate, unless a client has written confirmation from an employer, promising employment upon completion of training.
- Use to help clients decide which careers to explore.
- Use for decisions on local job opportunities.
- Use or for decisions on statewide and national job opportunities.
- Training programs may only be TAA-approved if the client’s WorkKeys scores match or surpass the minimum required scores required for the chosen training program/profession (see Instructions outlined on the TAA Training Information Package must be followed closely.
- All TAA participants must receive a WorkKeys Assessment at some point throughout program participation, with the exception of those possessing or in the process of obtaining a post-graduate degree or higher. If a participant enters the program with existing WorkKeys scores, it is allowable to retake the assessment to improve scores. Existing WorkKeys scores must not be older than three years.
- The Objective Assessment Summary must be used in the assessment process for participants pursuing reemployment services.
- Should a participant choose to refuse training and, thus, waive his/her rights to Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA), a TRA Benefits Waiver form must be completed and appropriate case notes must be made. A copy of the signed TRA Benefits Waiver form must be kept in the participant’s file.
Rev. 02/14