FOR 2009 & 2011 AMENDMENTS

Activity Code Legend:

  • 102 - Initial Assessment
  • 238 – 70s Assessment Testing/Screening Cost
  • 388 – Assessment Testing/Screening Cost
  • 202 – Career Guidance/Planning
  • 202 – Career Guidance/Planning
  • 106 – Provided Internet Job Search Support/Training
  • 107 – Provision of Labor Market Research
  • 115 – Resume Preparation Assistance
  • 132 – Workshops/Seminars
  • 230 – TAA-Approved Relocation Allowance
  • 237 – TAA-Approved Out-of-Area Job Search Allowance

Important Guidelines:

  1. All participants must have a viable Individual Employment Plan (IEP), outlining all short and long-term goals, prior to the start of service delivery. IEPs may be developed by partner staff.
  1. All participants must receive a referral to WIA for co-enrollment (and other partner programs, as applicable) in a timely manner. Resources must be leveraged efficiently and effectively.
  1. All referrals must be made using the referral function in SCWOS.
  1. Delay in training waivers must not be issuedunless necessary to protect participants’ basic TRA deadline.
  1. Occupational Training must lead to long-term, sustainable employment. Training can only be TAA-approvable if it is directly linked to a projected growth industry in the area in which the participant resides or plans to relocate, unless a client has written confirmation from an employer, promising employment upon completion of training.
  2. Use to help clients decide which careers to explore.
  3. Use for decisions on local job opportunities.
  4. Use or for decisions on statewide and national job opportunities.
  1. Training programs may only be TAA-approved if the client’s WorkKeys scores match or surpass the minimum required scores required for the chosen training program/profession (see Instructions outlined on the TAA Training Information Package must be followed closely.
  1. All TAA participants must receive a WorkKeys Assessment at some point throughout program participation, with the exception of those possessing or in the process of obtaining a post-graduate degree or higher. If a participant enters the program with existing WorkKeys scores, it is allowable to retake the assessment to improve scores. Existing WorkKeys scores must not be older than three years.
  1. The Objective Assessment Summary must be used in the assessment process for participants pursuing reemployment services.
  1. Should a participant choose to refuse training and, thus, waive his/her rights to Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA), a TRA Benefits Waiver form must be completed and appropriate case notes must be made. A copy of the signed TRA Benefits Waiver form must be kept in the participant’s file.

Rev. 02/14