1. Fertilization implantation and development of a fertilized egg. ART. IVF and embryo-transfer. Transfer of gamets. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and other modification.
  2. Diagnosis and diferential diagnosis of pregnancy.
  3. Obstetric palpation. Leopold maneuvers. Fetal lie, presentation and position.
  4. Bony pelvis-size and measurement methods (pelvimetry).
  5. Hygiene and dietics of pregnancy. Ways to determine the duration of pregnancy and fetal weight. Drugs and pregnancy.
  6. Woman`s consultation. Stucture and tasks. Emergemcy in obstetrics.
  7. First stage of labor.
  8. Second stage of labor.
  9. Third stage of labor.
  10. Physiology of the puerperium. Postpartum care.
  11. Care of the newborn Birth trauma and other disease of the newborn.
  12. Managment and mechanism of labor. Mechanism of birth in the occipital presentation.
  13. Induction of labor and management.
  14. Breech presentation-kinds and biomechanism. Complication for mother and fetus.
  15. Transverse and oblique position of the fetus.
  16. Face, mentum anterior and brow presentation. Biomechanism. Management.
  17. High longitudinal, asynclitic and deep transverse position of the head. Biomechanims, management.
  18. Multiple pregnancy.
  19. Abortion.
  20. Preterm labor. Fetal growth abnormalities.
  21. Postterm labor.
  22. Abnormal labor (dystocia).
  23. Pain relief during labor. Drugs. Local, regional and general anesthesia.
  24. Ectopic pregnancy.
  25. Gestational Trophoblastics Disease. Chorioncarcinoma. Abnormal location of the placent.
  26. Vomitus, nausea and hyperemesis gravidarum.
  27. Preeclampsia-classification, etiology, evaluation, diagnosis and management.
  28. Eclampsia-etiology, evaluation, diagnosis and management.
  29. Cardiac and endocrine diseases in pregnancy.
  30. Infection, hepatobiliary and dermo-veneral disease in pregnancy.
  31. Narrow pelvis.
  32. Placenta previa (third trimester bleeding).
  33. Birth trauma of the mother. Rupture of the uterus and other birth trauma. Differential diagnosis of birth trauma.
  34. Abruptio placentae.
  35. Haemorrhage in the third stage of labor-before and after delivery of the placenta. Anti-shock therapy.
  36. Postpartum haemorrhage. Trombosis and embolism.
  37. Lactation. Postpartum mastitis.
  38. Postpartum infection (without mastitis).
  39. Intrapartum and postpartum distress (asphyxia) of the fetus.
  40. Endangered fetus. Ultrasound, biochemical and cytological diagnosis. MRI. Etiology. Fetal hearth rate monitoring and tocodynamometry in norm andpathology.
  41. D-Isoimmunization (Rh – Isoimmunization).


  1. Operations for the interruption of pregnancy.
  2. Shoulder dystocia.
  3. Forceps in the pelvic exit.
  4. Forceps in the oblique diameter.
  5. Vaccum extraction.
  6. Manual assistance at breech delivery. Methods: Braht, Covianov, Muller and Loevset. Combined method and classical.
  7. Manual assistance at breech birth. Mauriceau –Levre-Veit-Smellie maneuver to delivery the head.
  8. External version.
  9. Internal version and extraction.
  10. John-Braxton Hicks version.
  11. Methods for expanding of soft birth way. Cesarean section. Types, indication and contraindication.
  12. Manual delivery of placenta. Manual and instrumental revision of the uterine cavity.
  13. Uterine-vaginal tamponade and other methods for anti-uterine atony.


  1. Reproductive cycle. Regulation. Factors and hormones. Tod`s syndrome.
  2. Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
  3. Diagnosis of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.
  4. Child-adolescent gynecology. Main disease and treatment.
  5. Climacterium. Hormon replacement therapy. Osteoporosis.
  6. Vulvar and vaginal diseases.
  7. Inflammatory disease of uterus, adnexa and parametrium.
  8. Acute abdomen in gynecology. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis and treatment.
  9. Uterine leiomyoma.
  10. Endometrriosis. Treatment.
  11. Cervical carcinoma. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Screening methods.
  12. Endometrial carcinoma. Uterine sarcomas. The methods used in early detection.
  13. Benign ovarian neoplasams.
  14. Malignant ovarian neoplasams.
  15. Infertility. Male infertility. Etiology and diagnosis. Treatment and prevention.
  16. Infertility. Female infertility. Etiology and diagnosis. Treatment and prevention.
  17. Anomalies of the female reproductive system.
  18. Female urinal incontinence.
  19. Family planning (birth control). Contraceptives.
  20. Antibiotic thearapy and prophylaxis in Obst and Gyn.