- Fertilization implantation and development of a fertilized egg. ART. IVF and embryo-transfer. Transfer of gamets. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and other modification.
- Diagnosis and diferential diagnosis of pregnancy.
- Obstetric palpation. Leopold maneuvers. Fetal lie, presentation and position.
- Bony pelvis-size and measurement methods (pelvimetry).
- Hygiene and dietics of pregnancy. Ways to determine the duration of pregnancy and fetal weight. Drugs and pregnancy.
- Woman`s consultation. Stucture and tasks. Emergemcy in obstetrics.
- First stage of labor.
- Second stage of labor.
- Third stage of labor.
- Physiology of the puerperium. Postpartum care.
- Care of the newborn Birth trauma and other disease of the newborn.
- Managment and mechanism of labor. Mechanism of birth in the occipital presentation.
- Induction of labor and management.
- Breech presentation-kinds and biomechanism. Complication for mother and fetus.
- Transverse and oblique position of the fetus.
- Face, mentum anterior and brow presentation. Biomechanism. Management.
- High longitudinal, asynclitic and deep transverse position of the head. Biomechanims, management.
- Multiple pregnancy.
- Abortion.
- Preterm labor. Fetal growth abnormalities.
- Postterm labor.
- Abnormal labor (dystocia).
- Pain relief during labor. Drugs. Local, regional and general anesthesia.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- Gestational Trophoblastics Disease. Chorioncarcinoma. Abnormal location of the placent.
- Vomitus, nausea and hyperemesis gravidarum.
- Preeclampsia-classification, etiology, evaluation, diagnosis and management.
- Eclampsia-etiology, evaluation, diagnosis and management.
- Cardiac and endocrine diseases in pregnancy.
- Infection, hepatobiliary and dermo-veneral disease in pregnancy.
- Narrow pelvis.
- Placenta previa (third trimester bleeding).
- Birth trauma of the mother. Rupture of the uterus and other birth trauma. Differential diagnosis of birth trauma.
- Abruptio placentae.
- Haemorrhage in the third stage of labor-before and after delivery of the placenta. Anti-shock therapy.
- Postpartum haemorrhage. Trombosis and embolism.
- Lactation. Postpartum mastitis.
- Postpartum infection (without mastitis).
- Intrapartum and postpartum distress (asphyxia) of the fetus.
- Endangered fetus. Ultrasound, biochemical and cytological diagnosis. MRI. Etiology. Fetal hearth rate monitoring and tocodynamometry in norm andpathology.
- D-Isoimmunization (Rh – Isoimmunization).
- Operations for the interruption of pregnancy.
- Shoulder dystocia.
- Forceps in the pelvic exit.
- Forceps in the oblique diameter.
- Vaccum extraction.
- Manual assistance at breech delivery. Methods: Braht, Covianov, Muller and Loevset. Combined method and classical.
- Manual assistance at breech birth. Mauriceau –Levre-Veit-Smellie maneuver to delivery the head.
- External version.
- Internal version and extraction.
- John-Braxton Hicks version.
- Methods for expanding of soft birth way. Cesarean section. Types, indication and contraindication.
- Manual delivery of placenta. Manual and instrumental revision of the uterine cavity.
- Uterine-vaginal tamponade and other methods for anti-uterine atony.
- Reproductive cycle. Regulation. Factors and hormones. Tod`s syndrome.
- Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
- Diagnosis of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.
- Child-adolescent gynecology. Main disease and treatment.
- Climacterium. Hormon replacement therapy. Osteoporosis.
- Vulvar and vaginal diseases.
- Inflammatory disease of uterus, adnexa and parametrium.
- Acute abdomen in gynecology. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis and treatment.
- Uterine leiomyoma.
- Endometrriosis. Treatment.
- Cervical carcinoma. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Screening methods.
- Endometrial carcinoma. Uterine sarcomas. The methods used in early detection.
- Benign ovarian neoplasams.
- Malignant ovarian neoplasams.
- Infertility. Male infertility. Etiology and diagnosis. Treatment and prevention.
- Infertility. Female infertility. Etiology and diagnosis. Treatment and prevention.
- Anomalies of the female reproductive system.
- Female urinal incontinence.
- Family planning (birth control). Contraceptives.
- Antibiotic thearapy and prophylaxis in Obst and Gyn.