Meeting - Conference Call Notes


Date:Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Time:11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Domestic Dial In:877-738-6379

International Dial In:706-679-6681

Conference Code:908-874-9769



Steve Hanna

Ross Smith

Sharon Boeyen

John Sabo

Jeremy Hilton

Paul Evans

Phil Griffin

Alex Deacon

June Leung

Terry Leahy

Ann Terwilliger

John Messing


Frank Sievenlist

Hemant Adarkar

Todd Colvin

Resolutions, Actions and Discussion Items:

  • The minutes of 1/10, 2/28, 3/19, and 4/16/2003 meetings were approved unanimously, including edits proposed by Steve Hanna.
  • Two new TC Co-Chairs were unanimously elected: Steve Hanna and John Sabo. Steve Hanna noted that he would chair meetings and John Sabo would take meeting minutes. Other TC issues would be managed by both Co-Chairs.
  • A resolution was proposed, seconded and unanimously approved to thank Terry Leahy for her work and leadership as first Chair of the PKI-TC.
  • A resolution addressing voting methods for TC business was proposed, amended and voted upon as follows:

“Resolved, that the chair of the PKI TC be authorized to draft resolutions pertaining to business directly related to the stated purpose of the TC and to conduct voting on such resolutions by electronic balloting, including either mail or the KAVI system. Mail in this context means electronic mail sent to the PKI TC's general list.”

After discussion, the resolution was adopted unanimously.

  • Status report from Survey subcommittee.

Steve Hanna reported that much progress was made at the Survey Subcommittee conference call last week. Agreement was reached on the survey objectives, target audience, implementation plan, timeline, ands other issues. The draft survey was sent to the TC list. After a review of the survey plan by Steve Hanna, there was consensus that the survey should also seek information about the country of the respondents, since legal and regulatory environments differ and may provide additional information regarding obstacles and their underlying causes.

Input was provided by those in the meeting to the Survey Subcommittee regarding external organizations which have an interest in the PKI-TC survey, may have done similar work, and may help identify potential survey recipients.

  • Status report from Issues Subcommittee.

John Sabo and Ross Smith agreed to serve as Chair and Co-Chair of the Issues Subcommittee and planned to begin subcommittee activities soon. Although the focus of the subcommittee remains obstacles to PKI deployment, John noted that he would propose that the initial focus should examine obstacles in the context of successful deployments, which could prove valuable.

  • Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next PKI TC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 21 May – 11AM –12PM EDT. Unless notified otherwise, the dial-in information will remain the same.

The meeting Adjourned at 12:05PM EDT

Notes prepared by John Sabo