Clifton Pupil Premium Report
Clifton Community School
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is additional funding that the Government gives to schools. This funding is targeted at students facing the greatest disadvantage.The Government believes that Pupil Premium is the most effective way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers.
The use of the Pupil Premium Grant is the responsibility of each individual school. However it is assumed that the funding should be used to remove barriers to learning and ensure each student participates fully in all aspects of school life and reaches his/her full potential.
Each year in January, every school completes a Census which captures the students who are in receipt of Free School Meals. This information is then sent to the government who then issue funding to individual schools via their Local Authority.
In future the use of Pupil Premium Funding will form part of Ofsted Inspections. Schools will have to demonstrate how effective they were at using this funding.
How is Pupil Premium Calculated?
Pupil Premium is calculated from the data captured during the January School census each year.
The census looks at 3 categories of students:
- Students on free school in the last 6 years (Ever6)
- Looked after Children (LAC)
- Students whose parents serve in the Armed Forces (Service Children)
Allocations: / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
Ever6 / £623 / £900 / £935
LAC / £623* / £900 / £1900
Service Children / £250 / £300 / £300
*or part thereof, depending on how long in care
How Much Pupil premium Funding did the school receive?
Clifton Community School received the following funding:
Allocations: / 2012 / 2013 / 2014Ever6 / £361,340
(580 children) / £535,500
(595 children) / £556325
(595 children)
LAC / £1661
(4 children) / £900
(1 child) / 0 children
Service Children / £1250
(5 children) / £1200
(4 children) / £1200
(4 children)
Total funding: / £364,251 / £537,600 / £557,525
This report gives details of the actual expenditure of the 2012/132013/14 allocation. It also provides some details of the provisional spending of 2014 - 2015. The finalised expenditure will be given in the next Pupil Premium report.
Achievement & Standards.
Clifton Community School has used Pupil Premium funding to provide a number of initiatives which were designed to have an impact on the attainment of students in Y11. These have had limited success and we constantly review actions. These are outlined further in the report.
2012 / 2013Pupil Premium / 23% / 32%
Percentage of students achieving at least 5 GCSE exam results at grade C or above / 60% / 70%
Pupil Premium / 23% / 30%
Percentage of students achieving at least 5 GCSE exam results (including English & Maths) at grade C or above / 31% / 37%
Interventions during 2012 – 13
April 2012 – March 2013 (financial year)
Actions / Details / Cost
Pupil Progress Attainment meetings / Cover & time costs for staff meet to discuss data, interventions and actions to achieve grades for students at risk of underachieving. / £49,965.09
Gateway Mentors appointed / 2 Mentors to complete 1:1 and small group work with students who are underachieving. / £48,554.91
Maths & English Form Tutor Time Intervention / Time of staff paid to complete intervention activities with underachieving students / £3,384.79
Extra Staffing / Appointment of maths teacher to allow 1:1, smaller groups and focused work on students needing extra support. / £44,086.44
Extra staffing / Appointment of English teacher to allow 1:1, smaller groups and focused work on students needing extra support. / £45,416.30
Pupil Progress lessons / Booster lessons for students requiring extra support. / £58402.07
English Intervention / Additional English class created to create a more positive learning environment. Agency teacher. / £7020.00
Adult Literacy & Numeracy tests / Administration & delivery of ALAN tests to support borderline students to secure C grade. / £1296.84
Extra Staffing / Gateway Mentors to work with C/D borderline / £61,235.49
Behaviour & curriculum Support for students at risk of exclusion / Ben Newey appointed to work with a small cohort of students to secure A* - G grades / £20,449.42
Easter Revision Classes / Payment for staff to run booster sessions during holidays / £3446.54
Gifted & Talented Summer schools / Sessions run for more able students to boost learning & engagement / £23084
SISRA data analysis programme / Data programme purchased to help track progress and targeted intervention / £995.00
Interventions 2013
April 2013 – July 2013 (financial year residual to academic year)
Actions / Details / Cost
Pupil Progress Attainment Meetings / Cover & time costs for staff meet to discuss data, interventions and actions to achieve grades for students at risk of underachieving. / £37,614.92
Pupil Progress Attainment Leaders / TLRs for two staff to complete tracking and mentoring / £6,712.90
Additional Staffing Maths / Appointment of maths teacher to allow 1:1, smaller groups and focused work on students needing extra support.
Teaching time allocated to intervention and support lessons and activities. / £75,281.79
Additional Staffing English / Appointment of English teacher to allow 1:1, smaller groups and focused work on students needing extra support.
Teaching time allocated to intervention and support lessons and activities. / £102585.29
Youth Worker & child protection staff time. / Support children in need of mentoring and care. / £46,925.00
Achievement for All / 1:1 key stage 3 additional mentoring involving parents and structured conversations / £7,566.32
Pupil Progress Lessons / Target teaching for identified pupils / £58,880.77
Teaching & learning Lessons / Extra groups timetabled in English & Maths to reduce class sizes / £49,267.59
Data Analysis / Time to prepare data for meetings – Data Manager / £2,093.86
Year Team Leader Intervention / Time for mentors / £1,295.39
Behaviour & curriculum Support for students at risk of exclusion / Key staff to work with a small cohort of students to secure A* - G grades / £20,974.62
EAL Learning Coach / Appointment of an EAL mentor to plan differentiated lessons with teachers and create resources to support the learning of EAL children. / £17,933.24
Revision Classes / Payment for staff to run booster sessions during holidays / £3,106.00
G&T Summer School / Sessions run for more able students to boost learning & engagement / £2212.00
WSSC Intervention & PP budget / Partnership investment / £50,000.00
SISRA / Data programme purchased to help track progress and targeted intervention / £995.00
Interventions September 2013 – June 2014
Clifton has been working in partnership with Wickersley School & Sports College since January 2014. This has resulted in a change to how Pupil Premium is used and tracked. A new system of more accurately tracking specific intervention costs will be in place for the next academic year.
Clifton Community School believes that students will make the best progress if teaching is targeted at a level that stretches and challenges each individual student. Students at Clifton are set by ability in the majority of their subjects. This approach enables teachers to differentiate their teaching methods and ensures that all students make good progress. The school makes substantial investment in additional classes across all areas of the curriculum. This investment reduces the number of students in a class and facilitates more targeted support for students who need more time and support in a subject.
Actions / Details / Cost
Literacy Intervention / Costs for staff to deliver literacy interventionfor students below national average / £35,028.61
Numeracy Intervention / Costs for staff to deliver numeracy interventionfor students below national average / £10,202.33
Intervention Mentors / Work with students who need extra support to get 5A* - Cs / £33,750.27
ACE 1, 2, 4, 5 / Support and off site support for the most dis-engaged students, including Princes Trust XL project. / £116,233.44
Hodder Literacy support / One – one literacy support for students to reach level 4 skills in English. / £667.32
Model United Nations Project / Small group project with other schools to raise cultural and social awareness / £1,341.74
University visits and workshops / A range of aspirational visits, challenge days and presentations / £4,554.12
Y10 & Y11 English Intervention / In class teacher support & Micro forms / £3,913.03
Y11 Maths Intervention / Costs of staff to deliver booster sessions in maths and micro forms. / £7,206.58
Y8/9 Maths Challenge Club / Engagement activities and competitions for maths / £573.76
KS3 Maths Intervention / Costs of staff to deliver booster sessions in maths; in-class support / £7,560.42
Year books / subsidy for some PP students who are facing difficulty affording them / £106.00
G&T Mentoring / Support and mentoring / £994.95
Uniform subsidy / subsidy for some PP students who are facing difficulty affording them / £55.99
In Year 7- 9 students are offered intensive support in literacy and numeracy to ensure they are on track to achieve a GCSE at the end of Year 11.
During Y10 – 11 students are given bespoke additional 1:1 intervention in any subject where they need additional support.
In addition to interventions as listed above, we have appointed several new Learning Mentors and Teaching Assistants to support learning in class and during withdrawal sessions for EAL students so that we have extra capacity compared to a year ago. Pastoral support roles have also expanded so that there is now a teaching head of year and a non-teaching Student Pastoral Manager for each year group. Their focus is on attainment for all students. A Behaviour Support Manager has been appointed to lead on engagement for learning so that all students have the opportunity to gain their best grades. Additional resources have also been invested in items such as lesson equipment, laptop for LAC and similar. Significant funding has been invested in these roles beyond the budget of the Pupil Premium.
FTK May 2014