NWTEMC Executive Board and MembershipMeeting



January 18th, 2017

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Dinner will be 6:00 - & 7:00 followed by the Executive Board Meeting

This month’s Executive Board Meeting agenda will include elections, response from FirstNet and response from WA State EMD regarding WA STATE CEMP

Membership Meeting

Thursday, January 19th, 2017



Welcome and Opening Prayer – Del Ostenberg

  1. Member Tribe Updates
  2. Executive Director’s Report
  3. 2017 National Tribal EMC Conference Updates
  4. 2017 National Tribal EMC conference September 18th – 22nd, 2017
  5. FEMA Update
  6. Tribal Policy Update
  7. Tribal Declaration Pilot Guidance
  8. First Net Update – will provide copy of the Executive Board letter to FirstNet and discuss FirstNet response and offer for Tribal Consultation with NWTEMC member Tribes.
  9. We will be discussing moving the NWTEMC monthly meeting date to the third Friday of the month and the possibility of moving the meeting around again?
  1. 2017 Regional Joint Tribal Emergency Management Conference
  2. In partnership with the Washington State DOH or should we host the NWTEMC conference independent of the DOH (UPDATE)
  3. Ex-Officio Reports – Our ex-officio members are not always able to attend our meetings, but when they can, we will continue to keep them listed on the agenda to always make sure that we allot them time to give us their updates. Here are the current ex-officio members of the NWTEMC:

i.Washington State Department of Health – Sheryl Lowe

ii.Washington State EMD – Casey Broom

iii.FEMA Region X– Erin Ward

iv.WA State National Guard, Captain Laura Lowe and SGM Travis Wise – Travis will be sharing a short 7 minute video on the HRF

v.Administration for Children and Family Services – Cathy Adams-Bomar, Regional Administrator, ACF, Region Xand/or Suzanne Everson, EM Coordinator

vi.Office of Emergency Management, Department of Social and Health Services, Sue Bush, Director

  1. Jim Sande will provide an update on the NTEMC Tribal Certification for Emergency Managers
  2. National Joint Powers Alliance – Are you using your contract? Make sure to sign up on the NJPA Site at Click Other Entity until NJPA has the updated page loaded to reflect the Tribal Government option.

FEATURED VENDOR OF THE MONTH: National Joint Powers Alliance Vendor: Staples and ReadyAmerica

Break In the Agenda for Lunch at Noon

Special Room Rates:

The Stillaguamish Angels of the Winds Casino and Hotel

3438 Stoluckquamish Lane

Arlington, WA 98223

Tel: 360 474 9740

Or 1-877-394-8210

10:00am – 2:00pm

(Special Pricing is being offered for the Lunch Buffet at $10.99/person. Please RSVS to this email. We hope that you will join us. )


Please note that the meeting will be held ATthe casino. The casino has identified space for us to meet in. Feel free to call if you need additional directions.


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