Barney/Eng 90
Reader responses will be collected at the beginning of class. Late responses are not accepted. Papers must be typed, double-spaced, and 1/2 to 1 page in length.
RR #1 – Due Tuesday, Jan 29th
America Now Ch.3: 99-107
“The Rich Get Thinner, The Poor Get Fatter” – Explain why the poor people of a hundred years ago were likely to be very thin while the poor people of today are more likely to be very fat.
“Why Investing in Fast Food May Be a Good Thing” – Why does Domini believe that investing in fast food is a good thing?
RR #2 – Due Tuesday, Feb 12th
America Now Ch. 5: 149-154
“What Should You Worry About?” – The authors argue that economics can help us “find out what’s truly dangerous” (para. 2). What does economics offer that other ways of assessing risk may not?
RR #3 – Due Tuesday, Feb 19th
America Now Ch. 8: 225-234
“Nude Awakening” & “New Airport Policy: Grin and Bare It” – Each article takes a stance on the new body-scanning machines at airports. Which point of view do you agree with and why?
RR #4 – Due Tuesday, Feb 26th
America Now Ch. 10: 275-283
“We Shall Overshare” – Since there are so many “dangers of living a life online,” why does Ham continue to share her life (281)?
RR #5 – Due Tuesday, March 5th
America Now Ch. 10: 285-294
Describe a few ways that social networking has changed your life or the lives of others. Do you like these changes?
RR #6 – Due Friday, March 8th
America Now Ch. 6: 179-185
“Redefining Definition” – Why is writing a definition to a word considered “something of an art” (para. 2)?
“Stop Relying on Bloggers for News” – Why is it surprising that Jon Stewart is more trusted as a newscaster than Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, or Brian Williams? Why is it not surprising?
RR #7 – Due Tuesday, April 2nd
The Things They Carried
How and why does Lt. Cross change his way of commanding after Lavendar’s death?
How did Jimmy get a new picture of Martha playing volleyball?
RR #8 – Due Friday, April 5th
How is this chapter structured? According to Tim, what are stories for?
On the Rainy River
What sort of person was Elroy? How did Tim know?
What did Jensen finally do to resolve the conflict between them?
What was Lee Strunk afraid of when he saw Jensen, and what did Strunk make him promise?
RR #9 – Due Tuesday, April 16th
How to Tell a True War Story
Describe the characteristics of a true war story. According to O’Brien, what is a true war story never about?
The Dentist
How did Curt Lemon’s visit to the dentist affect him?
The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong
After Mark Fossie finds Mary Anne in the Special Forces area, what does Mary Anne say she wants to do with Vietnam? How did she behave on night patrols? According to Rat, what ultimately happened to Mary Anne?
RR #10 – Due Friday, April 26th
What did Dobbins do with his pantyhose when his girlfriend dumped him?
How does Kiowa feel about the soldiers camping at the temple?
The Man I Killed
What is Kiowa doing throughout the story?
What is the significance of the story’s final image