28th March 2017


A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 28th March 2017 at 7.00pm in The Gilbert Hall, Nancledra.


Mr K Hughes (Chairman), Mrs J Evans, Mr L Hollow.

IN ATTENDANCE: Fiona Drew (Clerk), Councillor Andrew Mitchell (Cornwall Council)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 5 members of the Public were present regarding Planning Applications

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.15pm


Mr M Harandon (Vice-Chairman), Mrs A Philip & Mr D Carr. Mr Brookes had not responded.


The Chairman declared an interest as a Charitable Trustee of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum and as a Councillor of Zennor Parish Council. The Chairman also sits on a quarterly advisory group for the MP, Derek Thomas. He Chairs the Dark Skies Policy Group and Councillor Brookes is Vice Chair and also Chair of Zennor Parish Council.




The minutes, previously circulated, were amended to correct the date of the previous meeting and were then taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.


a) Phone Box: Martin Fagan from Community Heartbeat Trust has been invited to the April meeting. He is unsure if he can attend and if not will be invited to the June meeting.

b) Road to China Clay Works: No update from Councillor Mitchell.

c) Community Chest Grant: £350 has been received from Councillor Mitchell towards repairs of the fingerpost sign.

d) Churchyard Closure: The Clerk reported that a letter had been received from Cornwall Council confirming they would be taking over the maintenance with immediate effect. A discussion took place as to what exactly would be included in the maintenance.

e) Elections: All packs that had been given to the Clerk have been returned. The Clerk reported that both expenses forms needed to be returned within 28 days after the election (4th May).

7.25pm 2 further members of the public arrived.


The Chairman attended:

2nd March - meeting called by Councillor Mitchell regarding a planning application for 165 residential homes at Halsetown. This is now going to the Planning Committee on 3rd April but the Chairman is unable to attend as he will be in Totnes.

10th March: Meeting at County Hall for Flood Forum representing Zennor and Towednack – there was an update from the Chair regarding the statement that was read out to the House of Lords Select Committee about the flooding of St Ives & Zennor. From the meeting the Chairman was asked to pass round a leaflet from the Diocese of Truro about steps to cut carbon footprints.

19th March: Halsetown Village Fete meeting

21st March: Zennor PC

7. POLICE MATTERS a) Crime Report: There was no Report this month as PCSO Webb was away.

8. COUNCILLOR REPORTS FROM MEETINGS ATTENDED: Councillor Evans reported on the Gilbert Hall Trustees Meeting that she attended on 21st March. Items discussed included the Defibrillator and the lack of 999 signal in the phone box. Also the Big Lunch, which the Trustees had decided that they would not be able to help coordinate this year.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.25pm to allow Edwin Carter to speak on behalf of the Trustees of the Gilbert Hall regarding the phone box and the defibrillator.

The Chairman reopened the meeting at 7.31. The Chairman agreed that the PC wanted to work with the Trustees on this and would invite Mr Carter to the meeting when Martin Fagan had confirmed his attendance.


a) Applications:

PA17/01289 Proposal: Change of use of land adjacent to Chylasson Barns to domestic curtilage and erection of timber outbuilding for domestic use. Location: Chylasson Barn Access to Chylasson Farm Nancledra TR20 8NG. Applicants: Adam Rowe & Sarah Samuelson. A discussion took place regarding previous similar applications and the Chairman asked for Councillor Mitchell’s opinion. Councillor Mitchell declared an interest as he sits on the Planning Committee but said that in principle the application seems to sit within national planning guidelines, but may want to look at it being annexed to the main building rather than being owned by someone else. The Chairman proposed that the plan be recommended for approval with the proviso that the newbuilding must remain under the same ownership as the house. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Hollow and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to submit this decision to Planning.

PA17/01848 Proposal: Agricultural Building. Location: Land N of Lower Amalwhidden Holmans Moor Road, Towednack. Applicant Miss Kaczmarczyk: Discussion took place about the inaccuracies of the architect’s plans, the need to know more regarding the sewage treatment plant and the impact the build would have on the neighbouring fisheries business. Councillor Mitchell confirmed that the applicant had one free resubmission of the plans or he could withdraw and start again. The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.43 to allow the applicant to clarify some points of accuracy for the meeting and reopened the meeting at 7.45. The Chairman proposed that due to the number of inaccuracies in the plans the application be turned down. Should plans be resubmitted to include an Environmental Impact assessment and details of sewage treatment then the Council could be consulted again at their next meeting on the amended plans. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to submit this decision to Planning.

All members of the Public left the meeting except Mr & Mrs Carter.

b) Decisions: None

c) Appeals: None

d) Pre –apps: None


a) Byway 28: The Clerk read out the notes from the meeting that PCSO Webb had requested on 17th March with the Chairman, the Clerk and Mr Alan Roberts. The Clerk also read out two letters that had been received from Lu Wray & Gordon McIntosh regarding Byway 28. Councillor Mitchell left the meeting at 8.00pm and returned at 8.04pm. The Clerk then read out the response from Cornwall Council regarding the request submitted after the last meeting for Cornwall Council to adopt Byway 28. A discussion took place and it was agreed to write to Mr Wood as per the request of the Police and the notes of the meeting. Mr Roberts would be copied in on the letter. The Chairman said that neither the Police nor the Parish Council could get involved any further as it was a civil matter.

b) LMP: The Clerk had received notification of the LMP allowance for 2017/18 which will be £1638.63. The Chairman reported that this will leave a shortfall of approximately £1,000 based on this year’s cuts. The Clerk had also received a quote from Chris Curnow for the work next year. After discussion regarding what paths had to be maintained and what could be maintained the Chairman proposed that the Council accept the LMP funding from Cornwall Council and invite Chris Curnow to the next meeting to discuss where savings could be made. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to send the acceptance form back to Cornwall Council and to write to Chris Curnow sending details of the LMP footpaths and request that he attend the meeting on 25th April to discuss his quote.


The Chairman said that the survey had gone out and was called Cornish Matters, not Dark Skies. The deadline for returning them was 31st March. Cornwall Council had written to say they were totally behind the Dark Skies Project and were keen to get Dark Sky status. The Chairman reported that he was due to go to the Isles of Scilly soon and would take Dark Sky meter readings when he was there as they had not been done in the past.


This had already been reported in the Chairman’s statement.

13. BIG LUNCH 2017 – 17th & 18th June:

The Chairman reported that the Council had supported this event for the last two years. A lengthy discussion took place about whether it would be feasible to run a Big Lunch this year or not with the Trustees not wanting to be involved this time. The Chairman felt it was important to have community events and suggested holding it but on a smaller scale where everyone brought their own food etc. and joined together for a picnic at Cledry Meadow but with nothing provided for them. After a number of proposals being withdrawn due to no seconder the Chairman proposed deferring a decision to the April meeting and inviting Julie Curtis and anyone else that might be interested in being involved to try and move it forward. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried 2-1.


a) Church Road:

The Clerk read out a letter from Julie Curtis and the PCC. After a lengthy debate as to what money could be used for the repairs, Councillor Evans proposed that the Council accepts the PCC’s offer of £500 towards the repairs for the road and instruct Cormac to proceed with the repairs forthwith. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Hollow and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to write to Julie Curtis and the PCC thanking them for their offer of £500 and accepting it. The Clerk to check if the Cemetery Fund can be used for the road repairs. The Clerk to write to Cormac to give them the go ahead for the work and to notify the PCC once a date has been arranged. Councillor Hollow agreed that he would be prepared to oversee the work.

Councillor Mitchell left the meeting at 8.35pm and returned at 8.38pm.


a) Stock Fencing & Hedging: This item would be deferred to the next meeting as Councillor Brookes was not present to report.

16. CLERK:

a) Contract: The Chairman signed the Clerk’s contract.

b) Training: The Clerk reported back on the training that she had so far attended (Wednesday 15th March – Roles & Responsibilities & Community Engagement) and what she was still due to attend (Wednesday 29th March Law & Procedures & Wednesday 19th April Finance & Freedom of Information). The Clerk requested that she be allowed to purchase the 10th Edition of Charles Arnold Baker’s book Local Council Administration. The Chairman proposed that the Clerk be able to purchase this book. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Clerk to purchase this book.


a) Summary of month’s accounts: These were circulated and are attached as an Appendix to the minutes. Receipts totally £4359.62 were approved for payment.


The Chairman read out correspondence as follows:

The Cornwall Ramblers regarding work they had recently completed on local footpaths.

Cledry Calling regarding a Social Evening on 31st March at 7.30pm at the Gilbert Hall.

19. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 25th April 2017


Councillors will contact the Clerk no later than Monday 17th April with items they wish to be included.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.

Signed …………………………….. Chairman Date……………………..