AMDF PhD Top-up Grants

The Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (AMDF) supports sufferers of mitochondrial disease and their families, funds essential research into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cures of mitochondrial disorders, and increases awareness and education about this devastating disease.

AMDF Scholarships are charitable grants offered to an Australian research institution or university to top-up a PhD scholarship for research on mitochondrial disorders. Students must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or have Permanent Resident Status and not be under bond to any foreign government.

AMDF PhD Top-Up Scholarships “top-up” researcher’s existing NHMRC, ARC or similar scholarship. The scholarships are comprised of two components:

•a top-up amount bringing the total stipend to $27,000 per year for a science graduates and $30,000 per year for a medicine graduates

•a $3,000 per year travel allowance

Scholarships will be awarded for 1 year in the first instance but can be extended up to a maximum period of 3 years, subject to satisfactory performance reviews and availability of funding. The annual review would normally correspond to the usual University process for confirmation and annual review of PhD students, with the scholar’s annual report to also be submitted to the AMDF Board.

Scholars should be available to make periodic contact with the AMDF Board and be able to participate in fund-raising and educational events as requested by the AMDF Board.

Applications will be evaluated by the AMDF Scientific and Medical Advisory Panel based on the academic record of the student and the recommendation of the supervisor regarding the suitability of the student for research training. If the panel approve of the research, the application will be forwarded to the AMDF Board for final approval.

Before sending your application please ensure that all sections have been completed as specified, including the required signatures in the certification section.


  1. Research must be focused on primary mitochondrial disease
  2. All application information must be submitted
  3. Applicant must have a position at an Australian institute


  1. Contribution to Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention of mitochondrial disease & direct patient benefit - 40%
  2. Scientific merit/ innovation, soundness of methodology & feasibility of achieving outcomes – 25%
  3. Track record of applicant & co-investigators and quality of research environment to perform work efficiently/accurately - 25%
  4. Budget details (reasonable, justified and potential value of investment to AMDF) - 10%


NAME:Click here to enter text.

ADDRESS:Click here to enter text.

PHONE:Click here to enter text.

EMAIL ADDRESS:Click here to enter text.

CITIZENSHIP/RESIDENCY STATUS:Click here to enter text.

TERTIARY INSTITUTION:Click here to enter text.



PHD START DATE:Click here to enter a date.

EXPECTED DATE OF PHD COMPLETION:Click here to enter a date.

SUPERVISOR(S):Click here to enter text.

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS:Click here to enter text.

Please include certified copies of your

qualifications and academic record

AWARDS/PUBLICATIONS:Click here to enter text.

Please give details of any awards

and research papers published

CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Click here to enter text.

(Please give details of any other PhD awards or

financial assistance you are currently receiving

or have an application in progress for)


Provide an outline of your research proposal, this should be brief but include key information in a way that can be understood by AMDF Scientific Review Panel.

No more than 4 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt font).

Include the following:

  • Aims and purpose of the research
  • An explanation of the project’s relevance to mitochondrial disease
  • How you will undertake the research
  • The expected outcomes of your project
  • The impact your project will make on the mitochondrial disease community
  • The expected budget of your project

Click here to enter text.


In no more than 250 words, use simple language to indicate the purpose of the study and how it relates to mitochondrial disease and the expected outcomes. This will be used by the AMDF for marketing purposes.

Click here to enter text.


Ensure the following documentation is submitted with this application:

•1 x completed Application form with signatures

•1 x certified copy of your academic transcript

•1 x copy of proof of citizenship / permanent residency

•Letter of recommendation by proposed/current PhD supervisor (to be sent separately to the e-mail below).


AMDF Grants Officer –

AMDF PhD Top-up Grant – Information and Application FormPage 1