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May, 2018


American Holistic Nurses Association Mandatory Disclosures and ZB Parallels With Nursing

2 American Holistic Nurses Association - Mandatory Disclosures to ZB I Participants

  • No Conflict of Interest (COI)
  • Conflict of Interest (Faculty who have authored books about ZB I)
  • Mary Alice Cullinan - ABCs of ZB
  • David Lauterstein - The Deep Massage Book/How to Combine Structure and Energy in Body Work, Life in the Bones
  • Fritz Smith, MD - Inner Bridges, ZB Core Study Guide®

3 AHNA Mandatory Disclosure Form to ZB I Participants

  • See the last page in this document.
  • Review the mandatory disclosure form with all the nurses in the ZB I class.
  • Request each RN or NPto document the Instructor and Table Assistant(s) made the required disclosures for the NURSING DISCLOSURE OUTLINE – APPLIED ZERO BALANCING I FOR REGISTERED NURSES.
  • The nurse signs at the bottom of13.
  • The nurse will tear off only the page identified with13on it and give it to the Instructor.
  • The Instructor will collect and send all the nurse’s number13forms to the Office along with other required class documents.

4 Paradigm – Define Holistic Nursing

Holistic Nursing

Holistic Nursing is defined as “all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal” (American Holistic Nurses’ Association, 1998).

Florence Nightingale, who is considered to be the founder of Holistic Nursing, taught nurses to focus on the principles of holism: unity, wellness and the interrelationship of human beings and their environment.

5 ZB as a Holistic Energy Modality for Nursing (and other Healthcare Professions)

Zero Balancing is for ALL Nurses!

  • ZB principles and Holistic Nursing principles are similar
  • Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice 2nd Ed:

“Holistic nurses embrace a professional ethic of caring and healing that seeks to preserve the wholeness and dignity of self and others.” p. 11

“Holistic nurses do incorporate complementary/alternative/ integrative modalities (CAM) into clinical practice to treat people’s physiological, psychological, and spiritual needs.” p. 2

Holistic nursing provides a context in which nurses can consider, understand, and appreciate all the aspects of human experience that contribute to patterns of life, health and illness.” (Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice 2nd ed. p.5)

6 Zero Balancing and Nursing Theory

ZB Parallels with Nursing Theory– Rogers

Rogers: Science of Unitary Human Beings / ZB Principle or Precept
Human Energy Field/Environmental Energy Field
Dossey BM, Keegan L, Barere C.Holistic Nursing A Handbook for Practice. 7th ed. Burlington, MA: Johnes & Bartlett Learning, 2016. Print. p. 116 / Works with both energy fields and structure of the body.
Study Guide p. 11
“Aims towards promoting a harmonic interaction between the person and his environment, and reinforcing the cohesion and wholeness of a person’s energy field.”
Papathanasiou, Ionna. Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives. American Journal of Nursing Science 2.1(2013): 1-5. Web. p. 3 / “If you can balance something to
without judgment or comparison by holding it in its own space, it will naturally move to its highest possible benefit”.
Study Guide p.11

7 Zero Balancing and Nursing Theory (continued)

ZB Parallels with Nursing Theory– Newman

Neuman: Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness / ZB Principle or Precept
“Proposed a health care system model: the person is treated as a whole system with individual interlinked parts and subparts”.
Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives p. 3 / Works with both energy fields and structure of the body.
Study Guide p. 11
“Health refers to a person’s ability to interact with his environment and to integrate thinking, feeling, and processing of the information contained in all natural systems.”
Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives p. 3 / “Thought, energy and matter are intimately related and interconnected. All information is expressed through vibrational patterns and frequencies. In ZB we can approach all Field information through touch.”
The Wisdom of ZB: Principles and Precepts, David Laden 9-7-2015 email

8 Zero Balancing and Nursing Theory (continued)

ZB Parallels with Nursing Theory – Watson

Watson: Theory of Transpersonal Caring and Caring Science / ZB Principle or Precept
“Challenges the individual to draw upon …deeper sources of inner healing...”
The Science of Energy Therapies and Contemplative Practice, Denner, p. 326 / “If you can balance something to neutral without judgment or comparison by holding it in its own space, it will naturally move to its highest possible benefit”.
Study Guide p. 11
Role of Intentionality. “Watson contends that intentionality is a mindful conscious awareness, centering the practitioner’s focused attention on the client.”
The Science of Energy Therapies and Contemplative Practice, Denner, p. 327 / “Intention is the plan of action; a design; an aim that guides action. In ZB we use intention to frame the session and we use attention in our fulcrums.”
Core Zero Balancing Study Guide 3rd Ed. p. 74
“In ZB we work with attention (concentration of awareness upon an object; a close or careful observing or listening)…All information is gathered in the present moment.”
The Wisdom of ZB p. 1

9 Comparison of Holistic Nursing Principles versus ZB Principles

ZB is for Nurses… Holistic Nursing Principles versus Zero Balancing Principles

Holistic Nursing Principles 1, 2 / Zero Balancing Principles 3
Intention for the well-being and highest good of the care recipient, p. 7 / Hold self and others in highest regard
Dynamic relationship of human health, disease, and wellness, p. 5 / Allow changes to occur with engagement, stillness and a clear disconnect
Self-reflection, self-assessment, self-care, healing and personal development, p. 8 / Be grounded and centered
Process of engagement, p. 10 / Work at interface
(clear boundaries)
1Holistic Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition
2 Holistic Educational Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2016, from / 3

10 ZB as a Holistic Energy Modality

In summary, Zero Balancing incorporates the benefits andvalues of healing and applies them through the art and science of nursing recognizing that “any and all interventions affect the whole… by fostering healing, health, wholeness and wellbeing.”

Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice 2nd ed. (p. 7)

11 Professional ZB I Continuing Education Awards

Parallels between ZBHA ZB1 and AHNA ZB1 – they are balanced!


A. Approved ContentSame Approved ContentIdentical ZB Core

B. CEs (60-minute hour) CNEs 50-minute hour Different multiplier (# minutes)

25 CEs x 60 = 1500 minutes30.0 CNEs x 50 = 1500 minutes Same # of minutes

---Nsg Disclosure Outline 30 minutes = 0.5 CNENew content

C. No profession-specific contentZB parallels with holistic nursing & theoryNew content

D.Each professional organization awards CEs - different parameters, standards, calculation methods and number of minutes per contact hour

For example

30.5 CNEsAmerican Holistic Nurses Association (ANA/ANCC)

25 CEs NCTMB (Massage Therapy)

25 CEs NCCAOM (Acupuncture, PDA)

19 CEs ProCert (Physical Therapy)

12 Reflection

  • What is the most significant information you have learned about nursing and Zero Balancing?
  • Describe it in terms of the” personal meaning of the educational material in their own lives and the lives of those they serve through nursing” (AHNA Holistic Educational Strategies).
  • Please share with the class.

See 13 AHNA Mandatory Disclosure Form to ZB I Participantson the next page.

13 AHNA Mandatory Disclosure Form to ZB I Participants

Request eachRN or NPto document the Instructor and Table Assistant(s) made the required disclosures for theNURSING DISCLOSURE OUTLINE – APPLIED ZERO BALANCING I FOR REGISTERED NURSES.

Sign 13 at the bottom of this page.

Tear off this pageonly and give it to the Instructor.

The Instructor will send 13 to the Office along with other required class documents.


Fill in the Instructor and Table Assistant name(s)declares the following about conflict of interest or potential for bias or promotion

  • The Instructor and Table Assistant(s) report this disclosure to students verbally in class and in writing using this form:

•Is a presenter ___ or Table Assistant ___ for this activity (check one).

•Has ___ or has not ___ written any books on Zero Balancing (check one).

•Has declared there is ___ or is not ___ a financial relationship or conflict of interest for this event or class with Zero Balancing Health Association for Zero Balancing I classes and activities (check one).

•Does ___ or does not ___ receive a royalty on ZB materials/products, etc. (check one).

•There is ___ or is NOT ___ the presence of undisclosed commercial interest, bias, or any promotional element during any ZB I educational activity (check one).

•Is ___ or is not ___ a contributing author of a case study(ies) in Experiencing the Power of Zero Balancing (check one).

•Read this AHNA Non-Endorsement of Modality Statement: Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.

•Read this 2-part AHNA approval statement the disclosures to participants:

1.a. This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation

1.b. Approval Expires 01/09/2020. AHNA approval #1275.

  • I acknowledge this Disclosure took place: ______

Print name (legibly) Signature Date
