
3. As a result of the ending of Indian people’s time indentureship the West Indian peasantry ______.

6. A person who owns his or her own land.

8. The easiest way to get land was to buy land that was ______

11. Island noted for its many free villages.

12. (New term) People became sharecroppers under this system.

15. In order to sell the new crops grown by peasants new ______were established

17. Under this system planters rented land to workers.

21. Name of a free village in Jamaica.

22. many persons had to migrate out of this territory in order to acquire land of their own.

23. In Guyana free villages were set up before enslavement ended by ______enslaved Africans.

24. Many people did not have the money to buy land or to afford equipment so they simply ______,


1. A way to pool resources, especially money.

2. Land owned by the government was called ______land.

4. Group of very mountainous islands in the British Caribbean.

5. Because of their new crops, the peasantry helped Caribbean societies to be less ______on imported food.

6. The establishment of free villages and of the peasantry enabled Africans to be fully ______

7. In Antigua, St. Kitts and Barbados it was very difficult to become a peasant because of the ______of land.

9. In Trinidad these people often sold land to get workers to stay near their estates.

10. Some peoples incomes increased enough from farming to make them qualified to _____.

13. Another term used instead of “peasant” is ______farner,

14. A crop grown by peasants in St. Vincent.

16. A very important cash crop grown by Indo-Caribbean peasants.

18. This territory in South America attracted many free people in search of land.

19. This group helped provide the funds for people to buy land

20. By 1820 this country was a republic of peasant farmers.