Club Rules


1.1The name of the club shall be “Wargrave Cricket Club” (the “Club”).

1.2The colours of the club shall be brown, green and yellow.

1.3The Club shall be managed by a committee (the “Committee”), which shall be constituted in accordance with section 7.

1.4The Club shall be affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board or any successor body (the “ECB”)


The Club premises are situated at the Recreation Ground, Recreation Road, Wargrave, Berkshire, RG10 8BG (the “Property”).


The objects of the Club shall be:

3.1to initiate, organise, promote, support and provide sporting, recreational and social activities including, in particular, the game of cricket at all levels within the community and within the sport, providing opportunities for recreation, coaching and competition;

3.2to provide facilities to and for the Club’s members to participate or be involved in such sporting, recreational and social activities;

3.3to ensure that all members of the Club abide by the ECB code of conduct (or any successor code) and the laws of cricket;

3.4to adopt, implement and observe such policies as the ECB may from time to time issue

3.5to manage the pavilion at the Property and administer the playing facilities at the Property (subject to the terms and conditions of any lease, tenancy or licence affecting or applicable to all or any part of the Property from time to time).


4.1Any person may apply for membership regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. The Club shall accordingly be operated on a non-political, non-discriminatory and non-sectarian basis (but membership may be limited on a non-discriminatory basis according to the facilities available from time to time).

4.2Election to membership shall be at the absolute discretion of the Committee but having regard to the non-political, non-discriminatory and non-sectarian basis referred to in section 4.1. An appeal against any refusal to grant membership may be made to the Committee in accordance with these rules and any complaints procedure from time to time in force.

4.3The Club may have such different classes and categories of membership and subscriptions as the Committee may from time to time determine(including, without limitation, in respect of sports other than cricket). Any person who holds the position of Life Member, President or Vice-President of the Club shall automatically be a member of the Club for so long as such position is held if such person is not already a member of the Club in a different category or class.

4.4Every person who wishes to become a member shall sign an application form in such form as may from time to time be approved by the Committee and shall pay such subscription feeas shall from time to time be determined by the Committee. By signing such application form, every such applicant and member shall be deemed to agree to submit to and to abide by these rules (as from time to time in force) and any code of conduct from time to time issued or adopted by the Club.

4.5The Club shall maintain a list of the members of the Club. A person who has satisfied the requirements of section 4.4of these rules shall become a member of the Club when their name is included in the list of members. A copy of the list shall be kept at all times at the Club’s premises.

4.6A member may relinquish their membership of the Club by giving one month’s written notice to any member of the Committee.

4.7A member shall cease automatically and without further formality to be a member of the Club if he or she fails to pay the appropriate subscription for such membership by the date specified for the payment of such subscription.

4.8A member will also cease to be a member of the Club in the circumstances set out in sections5 and 6.

4.9When any person ceases (for whatever reason) to be a member of the Club, their name shall be removed from the list of members.

4.10Any person whose application for membership has been refused, terminated or suspended shall not be permitted to use the Club and its facilities whether as a guest or otherwise.

5Termination and suspension of membership and expulsion

5.1The Club expects all members to set and maintain high levels of good conduct and behaviour, including on and off the field of play.

5.2All complaints about or regarding the behaviour of any member shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary.

5.3The Committee shall have the power in its absolute discretion to suspend and/or (whether or not the relevant member has previously been or is then suspended) expel any member for:

5.3.1objectionable conduct; or

5.3.2conduct which brings or is likely to bring the Club into disrepute; or

5.3.3persistent or repeated breaches, or a material breach of, the rules of the Club.

5.4The Committee’s power under section 5.3shall only be exercisable if at least three-quarters of all the members of the Committee have approved the exercise of such power.

5.5If the Committee is proposing to suspend or expel a member or to terminate the membership of a person pursuant to these rules, written notice shall be sent on behalf of the Committee to the relevant member. Such notice shall specify the date on which such suspension, expulsion or termination is to take effect (which shall not be less than 14 days after the date of such notice). Such notice shall also indicate that the member concerned shall have the right to make written representations to the Committee. Such person shall not be entitled to be represented legally or otherwise at any such meeting of the Committee.

5.6If the Committee determines to expel any member or to suspend or terminate the membership of any person, notice of such determination (the “Notice”) shall be given in writing to the relevant person within 7 days of the date of such determination. Such Notice shall give details of the determination made by the Committee, the reason(s) for such determination and that person’s right to appeal against the determination under the rules.

5.7Any member whose membership has been suspended or terminated and any member who has been expelled from the Club (the “Relevant Member”) may appeal against any such decision by giving notice in writing to the Secretary within 14 days of the date on which the Notice is issued by the Committee under section 5.5.

5.8The Committee shall appoint a sub-committee (the “Appeals Committee”) to hear any such appeal. The Appeals Committee shall consist of 2 members of the Committee and an independent member appointed by the Committee. The Appeals Committee shall be chaired by a member of the Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Club. Any member of the Committee who is associated with the Relevant Member or who was involved in the complaint about the Relevant Member (other than as a member of the Committee voting on the decision to suspend or expel the Relevant Member or to terminate the membership of the Relevant Member) shall not be entitled to sit on the Appeals Committee.

5.9The Appeals Committee shall consider the Relevant Member’s appeal promptly and in any event within 14 days of the appeal being received by the Secretary. Notice of the meeting of the Appeals Committee shall be given in writing to the Relevant Member who shall be entitled to attend the meeting of the Appeals Committee, to be accompanied to such meeting by a friend or other representative (but, for the avoidance of doubt, not by a legal representative) and to make representations to the Appeals Committee at such meeting. The Relevant Member shall not be entitled to be present when the Appeals Committee considers its decision.

5.10The decision of the Appeals Committee shall (except in the case of fraud) be final and binding on all parties.

5.11Any member who has been suspended or expelled or whose membership has otherwise been terminated shall not be permitted to use the Club and its facilities whether as a guest or otherwise.

6Subscriptions and other funds

6.1Members of the Club shall pay such annual subscriptions as shall from time to time be proposed by the Committee and subsequently approved by the members at aGeneralMeeting.

6.2If the members at a General Meeting fail (for whatever reason) to approve the annual subscriptions proposed by the Committee, the annual subscriptions applicable immediately before such General Meeting shall continue to apply until such time as any revised annual subscriptions are proposed by the Committee and subsequently approved by the members at a General Meeting.

6.3Annual subscriptions shall be payable on such occasion(s) in each year as the Committee may from time to time determine.

6.4Members shall also pay such match fees as may from time to time be determined by the Committee. If any member has failed to pay any match fees within one month of the due date for payment of such match fees, the Committee may, in its absolute discretion:

6.4.1suspend the membership of the defaulting member for so long as the default subsists; and/or

6.4.2if the default subsists for a period of at least three (3) months, terminate the membership of the defaulting member.

6.5The Club shall not be required to refund or repay all or any part of any subscriptions or match fees paid by a member who is suspended or expelled or whose membership is terminated.

7Officers and the Committee

7.1The Committee shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting by those members entitled to vote and shall be responsible for the general management of the Club.

7.2The Committee shall consist of :

7.2.1the following officers (the “Officers”):

(a)the Chairman;

(b)the Secretary;

(c)the Treasurer;

(d)the Facilities Manager ;

(e)the Adult Cricket Coordinator; and

7.2.2the following individuals (who may but need not be members of the Club):

(a)the Colts Cricket Coordinator;

(b)the Welfare Officer; and

7.2.3together with any members appointed under paragraph 8.2.12.

7.3The Officers must be members of the Club. The Officers and each other member of the Committee shall serve in an honorary capacity only, shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.

7.4No member of the Committee shall acquire any interest in property belonging to the Club (otherwise than as a trustee for the Club) or receive remuneration or be interested in (otherwise than as a member of the Committee or the Club) any contract entered into by the Committee.

7.5The company or firm in which any member of the Committee may be interested in any way may charge and be paid all the usual professional charges for any business done by him or her or his or her firm or company when instructed by the other members of the Committee to act in a professional capacity on behalf of the Club.

7.6A member of the Committee shall withdraw from any meeting of the Committee at which his or her own instruction or remuneration, or that of his or her firm or company, is under discussion.

7.7The Committee shall meet at least 4 times per year.

7.8The Committee may determine its own method of operating subject to the following rules;

7.8.1at least 4 members of the Committee must be present for a Committee meeting to be valid;

7.8.2meetings of the Committee shall be held in person; virtual or electronic / telephone meetings are not permitted but a written resolution signed by all the members of the Committee is valid. Such members can each sign a separate copy of the written resolution and need not therefore all sign the same copy;

7.8.3decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of those present and voting;

7.8.4in the case of any equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote; and

7.8.5the Chairman shall chair meetings of the Committee. If the Chairman is not present at the time fixed for the meeting, any other Officer may, with the agreement of a majority of the Committee members present, chair the meeting.

7.9The President shall also be elected at an Annual General Meeting, shall serve in an honorary capacity only, shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.

7.10Vice Presidents and Life Members shall be appointed by the Committee and shall serve in an honorary capacity for as long as the Committee so desire.

7.11The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Committee and of all General Meetings of the Club.

7.12The Committee shall cause minutes to be kept of all Committee meetings, and of all General Meetings. Any member of the Club may request to see any such minutes but such requests must be first approved by two Officers, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned.

8Committee’s powers

8.1Subject to these rules, the Committee shall have responsibility for the management of the Club and its affairs, property and funds.

8.2In furtherance of the Club’s objects (but subject to these rules), the Committee shall have power to:

8.2.1take out and maintain any insurance for any Officers or members;

8.2.2raise funds by appeals or subscriptions;

8.2.3open and operate bank accounts in the name of and for the Club;

8.2.4set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves;

8.2.5invest funds in any lawful manner;

8.2.6acquire, hold, dispose of and deal with all or any of the property and assets of the Club (including, without limitation, renting or making available the Club's premises and facilities to other clubs and organisations);

8.2.7co-operate with the ECB and any other body;

8.2.8subject to any consents required by law, borrow money and charge all or any part of the property of the Club with repayment of the money so borrowed;

8.2.9employ such staff (who shall not be members of the Committee) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects of the Club and to make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions for staff and their dependants;

8.2.10co-operate with other associations, charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar objects and to exchange information and advice with them;

8.2.11subject to section 7.2, appoint anindividual to fill any vacancy which occurs during any year amongst the Officers or any other member of the Committee.

8.2.12co-opt additional members of the Club on to the Committee for any period of time and on one or more occasions or to appoint an individual to assista member of the Committee.

8.2.13appoint sub-committees (including an Appeals Committee and a Management Committee) for any special object or purpose (and any such sub-committee shall have, subject to this section 8.2, any such powers as may be defined by or awarded to them by the Committee);

8.2.14appoint Vice Presidents and Life Members;

8.2.15indemnity the Officers and members of the Club acting properly in the course of running the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of the Club’s assets); and

8.2.16do all other things reasonably necessary to advance or further the Club’s objects.

8.3Any contract or other document to be entered into by or in the name of the Club shall be signed by any two of the Officers on behalf of and for the Club and its members.

8.4Any asset or property (including any freehold or leasehold property) of the Club shall be held on trust for the Club and its members. Where necessary or appropriate, any such asset or property shall be held in the names of up to four (4) Officers from time to time nominated by the Committee as trustees on trust for the Club and its members. If any such trustee shall cease to be anOfficer, he or she shall within 14 days of being requested so to do by the Secretary execute such documents as may be necessary or desirable to transfer such asset or property into the name of the Officer nominated by the Committee to be a or the new trustee. If any such retiring trustee shall fail or refuse to transfer any such asset or property under or pursuant to this section 8.4, the Committee may authorise any Officer to execute and deliver on that person’s behalf the necessary document(s). Accordingly, by signing an application form for membership, such applicant appoints any Officer from time to time as his or her attorney to execute on his or her behalf such document(s).

9Financial matters

9.1The Committee shall control the funds of the Club. No expense shall be incurred in the name of the Club except as previously authorised by the Committee.

9.2Any funds of the Club shall be deposited into such bank account(s) as from time to time determined by the Committee. All cheques and instructions concerning such bank account(s)shall bear the signatures of any two of the Officers.

9.3All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Club (including all surplus income and profits) shall be applied to further the objects of the Club and for no other purpose. No surplus assets and income will be distributed to members or third parties.

9.4No credit of any kind shall be given or allowed to any member by the Club.

9.5The Treasurer (or any other Officer when there is no Treasurer) shall:

9.5.1keep account of all moneys received and expended by or on behalf of the Club; and

9.5.2(unless the Committee determines otherwise) be the nominated person authorised to use the Club’s on-line banking facilities but shall not authorise or effect any payments via the Club’s on-line banking facilities unless such payment has first been approved in writing by any two Officers (one of whom maybe the Treasurer); and

9.5.3arrange for the preparation and submission of a financial statement made up to 31 October (or such other date as the Committee may approve) in each year (the “Financial Statement”) for audit by such person selected by the Committee to act as the Club’s Honorary Auditor in sufficient time to permit a copy of such Financial Statement to be presented to the Annual General Meeting. The Honorary Auditor shall be requested to examine the Financial Statement and certify its correctness and the Treasurer (or such other Officer as previously mentioned) shall report on the Financial Statement at the Annual General Meeting.

10Meetings of members

10.1All meetings of the members of the Club shall be called General Meetings. Once in each calendar year a General Meeting called an Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) shall be held.An AGM must be held no more than 15 months after the last AGM.