A warm welcome to you and your children! We have been delighted at how the children have settled into Nursery so far and hope they have enjoyed their first few days. We are sure that the children will quickly get to know staff and our routines. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of Nursery staff.
Nursery Team: Miss Hill, Mrs Ray, Mrs Campbell, Mrs McFarlene
A few polite notices.
The children’s safety is of paramount importance. Please can all adults be sure to close all gates and doors behind them, including those that lead onto the road at the bottom of the driveway, path and those leading onto the playground.
Water Bottles
Your child is welcome to bring a water bottle to nursery to keep on the shelf above the coat pegs. Please can this be clearly named and be filled with water only.
Voluntary Donations
Each half term we ask for a donation of £4 that is used to enhance children’s learning experiences. We are able to use this money to purchase items to support our learning about different topics such as Chinese New Year (food tasting), Harvest (exploring and tasting a variety of real food), watching real caterpillars grow and change and to buy ingredients for the children to engage in baking and cooking activities. Donations can be given to Nursery staff. Many thanks to those that have already contributed.
To ensure that we can return all items of clothes, can we request that they areclearly labelled. We would very much appreciate if you could check regularly after washing items that names are still clearly marked.
At nursery children have their own wellies for outdoor play when it is wet and for using in the woodland area. If you haven’t already done so please could you provide your child with a pair of named wellies they can keep at nursery.
Plastic bags
Due to water play, muddy play and toilet accidents, we are in need of any carrier bags. We would be very grateful for any spare that you have or if you could provide a couple to keep in your child’s bag.
Many Thanks ~ Nursery Team