Michelle L. Burton, Principal

LaMeka Harrison, Assistant Principal

Greensville County High School

Emporia, Virginia 23847

Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap by Rick DuFour, Becky Dufour, Robert Eaker and Gayle Karhanek identifies one of the critical questions that schools must answer as “How will we respond when students don’t learn?”….”Every school should have a plan that guarantees students who are struggling to learn an essential skill or concept will receive additional time and support in a way that is timely, directive, and systematic”. Most educators believe that students should have every opportunity to be successful. However, those same educators say, “The schedule won’t allow it.”

Below are three examples that are prescriptive. Teachers analyze data regarding student achievement. Using that data, students are placed, invited or encouraged to attend remediation (SMART Lunch, Campfire, or 3-R).

We will go through each example and hopefully provide each administrator with something that can be utilized at their specific school.


Bell Schedule:

1st Period8:05-9:32

2nd Period9:37-11:06


3rd Period12:01-1:28

4th Period1:33-3:00

Weekly Schedule:

Departments / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Math / Tutorial A / Supervision / Tutorial A / PLC Meetings
English / Tutorial B / PLC Meetings / Supervision / Tutorial B
Science / Tutorial A / Supervision / PLC Meetings / Tutorial A
Social Studies / Tutorial B / Tutorial B / PLC Meetings / Supervision
Fine Arts / PLC Meetings / Tutorial A / Tutorial A / Supervision
CTE / Supervision / PLC Meetings / Tutorial A / Tutorial A
Language/ESL / PLC Meetings / Supervision / Tutorial A / Tutorial B
Special Education / Tutorial B / PLC Meetings / Tutorial B / Supervision
Health and PE / Supervision / Tutorial B / Open Gym / PLC Meetings
Guidance / Supervision / Students / Supervision / Students / PLC Meetings
Recovery Lab / Supervision / Supervision / PLC Meetings / Open Gym

Tutorial A11:06-11:31Working with students…Supervision


Tutorial B11:06-11:31LUNCH

11:31-11:56Working with students….Supervision

Supervision Schedule:


Location / Supervisor
Cafeteria Line 1 / Dean of Students (A)
Cafeteria Line 2 / Guidance Counselor 1 (A)
Cafeteria Line 3 / Student Assistance Counselor (A)
Eating Area / Assistant Principal 1(A), Career Development Counselor (A), Math Teacher 1(B), TBD (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Counselor 2 (A), PE Teacher 1 (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Counselor 3 (A), PE Teacher 2 (B)
Location / Supervisor
Gym Hallway / PE Teacher 3 (A), PE Teacher 4 (B), ….includes picnic area behind the gym
Modulars/Trailers / PE Teacher 5 (A), PE Teacher 6(B)……includes picnic area behind the gym
Picnic Area (Transportation) / CTE Teacher 1 (A), CTE Teacher 2 (B),
200 Wing / CTE Teacher 3 (A), CTE Teacher 4(B)
300 Wing / CTE Teacher 5 (A), CTE Teacher 6 (B)
2200 Wing / CTE Teacher 7 (A), CTE Teacher 8 (B)
2300 Wing / CTE Teacher 9 (A), CTE Teacher 10 (B)
3200 Wing / CTE Teacher 11 (A), CTE Teacher 12 (B)
3000 Wing / CTE Teacher 13 (A), CTE Teacher 14 (B)


Location / Supervisor
Cafeteria Line 1 / Intervention Specialist I (A)
Cafeteria Line 2 / Intervention Specialist II (A)
Cafeteria Line 3 / Athletic Director
Eating Area / Assistant Principal 2(A), Principal (A), Math Teacher 1 (B), Assistant Principal 1 (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Spanish Teacher I (A), French Teacher I (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Assistant Principal 3
Gym Hallway / Latin Teacher (A), Spanish Teacher 2 (B)
Modulars/Trailers / Spanish Teacher 3(A), Spanish Teacher 4(B)….Inlcudes the picnic area outside the gym
Picnic Area (Transportation) / Math Teacher 2 (A), TBD (B)
200 Wing / Math Teacher 3, (A), Math Teacher 4 (B)
300 Wing / Math Teacher 5 (A), Math Department Chair (B)
2200 Wing / Math Teacher 6 (A), Math Teacher 7(B)
2300 Wing / Math Teacher 8 (A), Math Teacher 9 (B)
3200 Wing / Math Teacher 10 (A), Math Teacher 11(B)
3000 Wing / Math Teacher 12 (A), Math Teacher 13 (B)


Location / Supervisor
Cafeteria Line 1 / Counselor 2 (A)
Cafeteria Line 2 / Student Assistant Counselor (A)
Cafeteria Line 3 / Counselor 3 (A)
Eating Area / Assistant Principal 1 (A), Assistant Principal 3 (A), Assistant Principal 2 (B), Career Development Counselor (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Dean of Students(A), Counselor 1 (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Intervention Specialist 1 (A), Intervention Specialist (B)
Gym Hallway / Math Teacher 1…includes picnic area
Modulars/Trailers / TBD ….Includes picnic area behind gym
Picnic Area (Transportation) / Science Teacher 1 (A), Science Teacher 2 (B)
200 Wing / Science Teacher 3 (A), Science Teacher 4 (B)
300 Wing / Science Teacher 5 (A), Science Teacher 6(B)
2200 Wing / Science Teacher 7 (A), Science Teacher 8 (B)
2300 Wing / Science Teacher 9 (A), Science Teacher 10 (B)
3200 Wing / Science Teacher 11 (A), Principal (B)
3000 Wing / Science Teacher 12 (A), Science Teacher 13 (B)
Open Gym ( B Only) / Athletic Director


Location / Supervisor
Cafeteria Line 1 / Principal (A)
Cafeteria Line 2 / TBD (A)
Cafeteria Line 3 / Career Development Coordinator (A)
Eating Area / Assistant Principal 1 (A), Assistant Principal 3 (A), Assistant Principal 2 (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Art Teacher 1 (A), Art Teacher 2 (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Theater Teacher (A), Orchestra Teacher (B)
Gym Hallway / Dance Teacher (A), Band Teacher (B)…includes picnic area
Modulars/Trailers / English Teacher 1(A), Chorus Teacher (B)
Picnic Area (Transportation) / Intervention Specialist 3
200 Wing / English Teacher 2 (A), English Teacher 3 (B)
300 Wing / English Teacher 4 (A), English Teacher 5 (B)
2200 Wing / English Teacher 6 (A), English Teacher 7 (B)
2300 Wing / English Teacher 8 (A), English Teacher 9 (B)
3200 Wing / English Teacher 10 (A), English Teacher 11 (B)
3000 Wing / English Teacher 12 (A), English Teacher 13 (B)


Location / Supervisor
Cafeteria Line 1 / Social Studies Teacher 1 (A)
Cafeteria Line 2 / Social Studies Teacher 2 (A)
Cafeteria Line 3 / Social Studies Teacher 3 (A)
Eating Area / Assistant Principal 1 (A), Assistant Principal 3 (A), Principal, Athletic Director
Commons Area (Front Door) / Social Studies Teacher 4 (A), Social Studies 5 (B)
Commons Area (Front Door) / Social Studies Teacher 6 (A), Social Studies 7 (B)
Gym Hallway / Social Studies Teacher 8 (A), Social Studies 9 (B)…Includes picnic area
Modulars/Trailers / Social Studies 10 (A), Social Studies 11 (B)…Includes picnic area behind gym
Picnic Area (Transportation) / Social Studies 12 (A), Social Studies 13 (B)
200 Wing / Social Studies 14 (A), Special Education Teacher 1 (B)
300 Wing / Special Education Teacher 2 (A), Special Education Teacher 3 (B)
2200 Wing / Special Education Teacher 4 (A), Special Education Teacher 5 (B)
2300 Wing / Special Education Teacher 6 (A), Special Education Teacher 7 (B)
3200 Wing / Assistant Principal 2
3000 Wing / Assistant Principal 3
Open Gym (B Only) / Intervention Specialist 2 (A), Intervention Specialist 3 (B)


  • The entire school will be open.
  • Lunch can only be eaten in the cafeteria or in the room of a teacher…not in the locker bays or in the stairwells.
  • Be punctual to duty areas. Safety is dependent on your being there.
  • Supervise the entire area. For example, if you are assigned to a wing…you are responsible for supervising the entire wing. Walk around… look into the stair-wells.
  • If you are assigned the gym hallway, you are responsible for the picnic area, the back hallway, the hallway leading up the Recovery Lab.
  • If you are assigned the commons area (front door), you are responsible for the area up to and including the gym. If you are assigned the commons area (media center), you are responsible for the area from the gym, down the hallway to fine arts, and to the outside door to the small gym.
  • If you are assigned the picnic area at transportation, you are responsible for the picnic area, the hallway in front of guidance, and the front of the building.
  • Please address any in appropriate behavior.


  • All departments have two days assigned during tutorials.
  • ALL students must attend a minimum of 2 tutorials per quarter (4 for the semester). You can assign more for a student. They should be a part of your quarterly grade. Your department (PLC) has to determine the percentage.
  • Penalties for not attending:

-1st Offense-Teacher contacts parent

-2nd Offense- Loss of off campus lunch pass (if junior or senior) for one day

-3rd Offense-Loss of off campus lunch pass for two days and lunch detention

-4th Offense-Loss of off campus lunch pass for one week and lunch detention

  • If students are assigned tutorials and they not attend, ask an administrator to see that they get to you…
  • There will be a bell at the ½ way point of lunch.
  • Tutorials are expressly for remediation or make-up work…not for rehearsals.

PLT Meetings

  • School Board Policy requires that each faculty member has one hour per week.
  • Department chairs will cover the specifics in department meetings and assist in setting up the scheduled meetings within your department.
  • Minutes are required

***Adapted from Falcon Feast at Green Hope High School, Cary, NC 2011-2012.***


Campfire is a student selected form of remediation. The first 30 minutes of the day or 30 minutes before first period begins, students can participate in remediation. Any student that has a 75 or below is encouraged to attend Campfire for that subject a minimum of 1 time per week and a maximum of 4 times per week.

Students are responsible for making the necessary arrangements with their teachers. For example students that have missing assignments would check to see when the teacher has morning tutorial or office hours. Students then sign up with the teacher and gets a pass. On the designated day, students use the pass to work with the teacher on specific and/or prescriptive assignments.

Teachers may invite students to Campfire if a specific lesson is being taught for a second time or if students need a refresher on a specific skill. Teachers may also use this time to assist students with special projects.

Campfire is from 7:30-8 am

Course / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Social Studies / X / X / X
Math / X / X / X / X
English / X / X / X
Science / X / X / X
CTE/JROTC / X / X / X / X
Spanish / X / X
Media / X / X / X / X


3-R is the name for the 45 minute in-school remediation block.

3-R is held weekly on Wednesday until three weeks prior to the Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests.

During that time 3-R increases to 4 times a week.

A remediation plan is developed for each student based on their performance for each core area. Each 4.5 weeks, students take a benchmark assessment. Teachers use the data from the benchmark assessment to categorize the students into three groups:

Tier 1: Green / Tier 2: Yellow / Tier 3: Red
Students performing 100-75% / Students performing 74-55% / Students performing 54% and below

When meeting once weekly, students alternate the class they attend. A student in Tier 3 for Math will attend Math week 1 and another subject on Week 2.

During intensive review, priority is given to subjects in which students are performing at the Tier 2 and students at the Tier 3 level who have almost progressed to Tier 2. The students will attend the Tier 2 class twice a week and once for the remaining subjects.

The remediation schedule changes each 4.5 weeks or when the teacher indicates that the students is performing at the Tier 1 level.

3-R is also a time for students not enrolled in SOL classes to attend a class to improve their grade and/or complete missing assignments.

Last name. First name / Grade / Pre-test / 1st BenchMark / 3rd 9weeks / 2nd BenchMark / 3rd BenchMark / 4th 9 weeks / Final Grade / SOL Score
World History II
Student 1 / 84.3 / 56.7
Student 2 / 80 / 83.3
Student 3 / 95.7 / 81.7
Student 4 / 92.9 / 85
Student 5 / 90 / 65
Student 6 / 72.9 / 51.7
Student 7 / 81.4 / 66.7
Student 8 / 50
Student 9 / 75.7 / 61.7
Student 10 / 82.9 / 78.3
Student 11 / 80 / 80
Student 12 / 74.3 / 68.3
Student 13 / 92.9 / 91.7
Student 14 / 81.4 / 76.7
Student 15 / 84.3 / 71.7
Student 16 / 57.1 / 53.3
Student 17 / 80 / 90
Last Name / 12/10/2015 / 12/11/2015 / 1/5/2016 / 1/6/2016 / 1/7/2016 / 1/8/2016
Student 1 / pre-Geo / pre-Geo / WHis I- / WHis I- / ESci / ESci
Student 2 / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A
Student 3 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period
Student 4 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7 / Holding Teacher B / Holding Teacher B / Holding Teacher B / Holding Teacher B / Holding Teacher B / Holding Teacher B
Student 8 / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci / Alg I / Alg I
Student 9 / AF / AF / AF / AF / AF / AF
Student 10 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period
Student 11 / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci
Student 12 / W His I / W His I / Alg I / Alg I / WHis I / WHis I
Student 13 / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A
Student 14 / Econ / Econ / Econ / AF / AF / AF
Student 15 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period
Student 16 / WHis I - / WHis I / WHis I / stay in 2nd period / Pre-Geo / Pre-Geo
Student 17 / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A / Holding teacher A
Student 18 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period
Student 19 / W His I / W His I / W His I / W His I / W His I / Holding Teacher B
Student 20 / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C
Student 21 / Alg I-E/G / W His I / WHis I / Alg I-E/G / WHis I / WHis I
Student 22 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / AF / AF / AF
Student 23 / Holding Teacher D / Holding Teacher D / Holding Teacher D / Holding Teacher D / Alg I / Alg I
Student 24 / AF / AF / AF / WHis I / WHis I / WHis I
Student 25 / Skills / Skills / pre-Geo / pre-Geo / Skills / Skills
Student 26 / W His I / WHis I / Alg I / Alg I / WHis I / WHis I
Student 27 / ESci / ESci / Alg I / Alg I / ESci / ESci
Student 28 / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci / ESci
Student 29 / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period / Alg I / Alg I / stay in 2nd period / stay in 2nd period
Student 30 / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C / Holding Teacher C
Student 31 / W His / W His / W His I / W His I / Holding Teacher D / Holding Teacher D


Below are the teachers who will have 3-R and the students needing to attend. At the bottom of each list is the teacher who will be holding that teacher’s 2nd block class.

Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Ms. Harris– Cafeteria / GEOMETRY
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Student 13
Coach Astrop-Gym / BIOLOGY
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Mrs. Rose – Rm. 117 / EARTH SCIENCE
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Student 13
Student 14
Ms. Stephenson – Library
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Mr. Ellis – Band Room / READING
W. JONES-RM. 130
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Ms. Small – Rm. 210 / ALGEBRA II
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Student 12
Mr. Ellis – Band Room / WORLD HISTORY
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11



7:25 a.m………………………………………………………………………………………………Leave Gym

7:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m……………………………………………………………………………First Period

8:55 a.m. – 10:15 a.m……………………………………………………………………..Second Period

10:20 a.m. – 11:05 a.m………………………………………………………………3-R Remediation

11:10 a.m. – 12:50 p.m……………………………………………………………………….Third Period

11:10 – 11:30Lunch A

11:35 – 12:00Lunch B

12:00 – 12:25Lunch C

12:25 – 12:50Lunch D

12:55 p.m. – 2:08 p.m……………………………………………………………………….Fourth Period