Numeracy Weekly Plan

Day 5- Monday
LI/ Success / M&O /Quick Activity / Introduction / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
I can use a method to find more than one possible solution to a problem
·  Suggest numbers to find a given total, using apparatus if needed
·  Find a range of possible solutions to a total
·  Use a method to ensure that all possible solutions are found / M and O Starter:
Explain that you will say a number 1-20, giving the children the task of writing one way to make that number onto their whiteboards. Repeat several times increasing the numbers of answers you expect each time and the number of seconds.
Quick Activity:
Discuss result of M and O activity- were there many differences in everyone’s answers? Discuss different operations etc. Pair share ways they liked to use and why.
Write up 2 + 8 = 10, write 20 +80 directly underneath and recap previous learning as to how the number has changed. Repeat with 200+800 and 2000+ 8000 if possible. Ask what do we notice about these equations/ sums? Reinforce that by using our known number facts and applying our skills we can work out others. Give an example of this for subtraction to extend HA 8-3= 5, 80-30=50 etc. / Write ? + ? = 10 on the board. Ask for volunteers/ everyone to record an answer on whiteboards. Discuss all the possible answers, including use of 0 + 10 and vice versa.
Can they think of a strategy to make sure they use all the possible ways?
Encourage them to work through in order to use all the possibilities and model this for them.
0+10= 10, 1+9= 10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10 etc and discuss patterns. / Write on the board
? + ? = 3
? + ? = 6
? + ? = 15
? + ? = 18
? + ? = 25
? + ? = 37
Give different groups different questions to start with dependent on ability.
They must find all the possible answers to each equation… hopefully remembering to do so in an organised way so that they don’t forget anything!
Encourage children to use modelled strategy to help them check they have not missed a solution. All group activities focus on finding possible solutions to addition sums as focus of lesson is to challenge methodical reasoning. / Write the equations for the answer 50 and begin to investigate possible solutions using multiplication / Choose one on the equations from MA group. Ask the class how many possible answers they think there might be. Discuss if their strategies have worked and work as a team to find all the possible answers- allowing them to direct you. / Proforma for recording
For less able children
Day 6- Tuesday
LI/ Success / M&O/ Quick Activity / Introduction / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
I can choose and carry out the correct operation
·  Recognise the four operations- add, subtract, multiply and divide.
·  Put the correct operation in a gap to make the number sentence correct.
·  Make a judgement when looking at a missing operation number sentence, depending on the size of the numbers. / M and O Starter:
Repeat of yesterday’s starter to practise known number bonds- explain that you will say a number 1-20, giving the children the task of writing one way to make that number onto their whiteboards. Repeat several times.
Quick Activity:
Write 20 up on the board- explain that the children must read the number in their head then turn to a partner to say what number goes with it to make 100. Make sure that LA are near adult support or a few HA children to assist. Continue with other number to test bonds to 100- 35, 40, 50, 21, 37.
! / Discuss how focus of the lesson is to choose which operation is suitable- recap operation and range of words they use for each. Write 18 ? 22= 40 onto the board. Ask children to turn to a partner and debate which operation goes in the gap. Discuss how they can eliminate possibilities- a larger number in the answer position must mean the smaller numbers have been added to or multiplies, and reverse for subtraction and division. Repeat with subtraction, multiplication and division examples to illustrate-71- 28= 43, 70 x6= 420 and 32 divided by 2 = 16.
Write up a clear rule i.e. A smaller number in the end means subtract or divide…
A bigger number in the end means add it up or times! / Reinforce LI of lesson is to find which operation fits in the gaps of given sums. Discuss if it would be possible to have the same sum, same answer but different operation? Finalise that there is only one right answer for each sum.
HA- ‘Number Equations’ -all 4 operations, 3 digit numbers
MA- ‘Number Equations’ - all 4 operations, 2 and 3 digit numbers
LA-‘Number Equations’- all 4 operations in simple form to use known number bonds, multiples of 5 and 10. / Extension provided on sheets, to make up a selection of missing operation sentences for a partner to solve. / Use this time to discover which children can look at a missing operation number sentence and make a judgement according to the size of the numbers. Volunteers who managed to work onto the extension activity can write their made up sentences on the board for the class to solve. / 3 x differentiated ‘number equations’ sheets.
Calculators for them to check their ideas (only HA, if needed)
Day 7- Wednesday
LI/ Success / M&O / Quick Activity / Introduction / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
I can work with a partner to find all the possible answers to a problem
·  Recognise the four operations- add, subtract, multiply and divide and know which will make a number smaller or bigger.
·  Work as part of a team.
·  Think of ways to make 20 using + or –
·  Check that all of the methods in your group are different.
·  Record ways of making 20 using multiply or divide
·  Help others that are not sure to succeed. / M and O Starter:
Quick recall activity of number bonds to 10/20/100- silent activity with ‘show me’ whiteboards to assess understanding.
Quick Activity:
Use this opportunity to model the main activity. Write 5 at the top of the board and explain that we are going to work together to think of as many different ways to make the numbers up to 5 as we can.
Write 1,2,3,4,5 down the side of the board and challenge the children to find different ways of making those numbers 9encourage use of 4 operations) / Discuss use of Q. activity in practising number bonds etc and thinking of more than one possible answer (LI).
Discuss which different operations have been used and different methods of checking the answers (inverses, known number facts, discussion etc).
Explain that we have a groups challenge this session and show them the sugar paper with 1-20 down the side.
Discuss how will be muddling up the groups (mixed ability) to make sure we get lots of ideas. Explain that the groups will get 10 points if they find at least 2 methods for each number, as well as 1 point for every different method they find ( if 2 team members write 2+3=5, then only 1 point) / Send of in decided mixed ability groups.
They have to work as a team to record as many different ways of making numbers 1-20 as they can, using up to 4 operations. Discourage use of repeated addition/ subtraction too many times, as they seem to like this!
Have mini- plenary after 10 mins to ask each group to count up their tally so far- this will encourage those who may start to lose interest!
Stop 2 minutes before asking the children to sit on the carpet and ask the groups to double check that they methods they have each used in their group to find a number are different. / Keep going as long as you can so to earn as many points as possible for your team… but if there are no more ideas then check to see if you have repeated ideas more than once. / Traffic light the S2S and assess how the children have improved or not as the case may be. Discuss any issues that arise.
Select children from HA group to be invigilators and to add up the scores for each group (10 points for if the group manage 2 methods for 1-20 and an additional point for every different method of making a number).
While the volunteers are marking- extend the learning further by challenging the children on the carpet to each find 3 ways of making 100 and record onto whiteboards/ slips of paper.
Tell them the winning group and ask for volunteers to discuss why they might have won- team work emphasis! / 5/6 large sugar paper with 1-20 written down the side.
Post it notes- plenty per
Day 8- Friday
LI/ Success / M&O / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
I can invent number stories to illustrate a problem
·  Be able to read a sum aloud, recognising the 4 operations
·  Fill in the missing operations or numbers
·  Think of a simple number story to explain the sum to a partner
·  Think of more complicated number stories where the partner will have to listen carefully
·  Design own number sentence and story using more than 1 operation. / M and O Starter:
Write a range of numbers- 1-3 digit and the 4 operations on the board and ask the children to say them aloud when you point to them. This will reinforce the must of the lesson.
Explain that this lesson will be focusing on number stories to explain a sum. Check understanding/ use of number stories previously.
Discuss the 4 operations and other words the children like to use for then that give clues about what could happen in their number story. Make a list of ideas for each operation on the board i.e. sharing out sweets for divide by or one group of children meeting another group for add. / Write the sum 20 + 20 on the board. Invite the children to tell a number story to a partner about what could be happening. Ask what does the 20 stand for? What happens? How many will there be now? Share some of these and repeat for all four operations if not already covered in discussion. / Step 1- children must complete their sheet of missing operations and numbers to consolidate their learning from Tues and Weds lessons – making judgements about operations according to the size of the numbers.
Step 2 - MA and LA– Ask the children to find a suitable partner in their group and take turns to discuss possible number stories to match each now completed number sentence. Stop this group before the plenary and ask them to record their favourite number story in their book.
Step 2- HA- Write a number story for as many of the number sentences as possible. / Share your number story with a partner.
Listen to a partners number story…can you pick out the sum (equation?) / Traffic light the S2S and assess how the children have improved or not as the case may be. Discuss any issues that arise.
Share successful stories and ask children to tell me what sum the volunteers were explaining- talk about accuracy and detail. / ‘Filling in the gaps sheets’ differentiated for HA, MA and LA
MA and LA sheet to record their favourite number story- printed with LI.