Academy Student Handbook
2014 - 2015
The purpose of the Student Handbook is to give school district students and their parents/guardians an understanding of the general rules and guidelines for attending and receiving an education in our schools.
In a case of conflict between a board policy and the provisions of this handbook, the board policy most recently adopted by the board will prevail.
Students and parents/guardians should be aware that the document is reviewed annually, because policy adoption and revision is an ongoing process. These changes generally will supersede the provisions found in the handbook, which will become obsolete by the newly adopted policy. The handbook is not a contract between the school and parents/guardians or students. It can be amended at any time at the discretion of the Woodland Hills School District. If policy changes are enacted during the school year, the administration will communicate those changes to students, staff and parents/guardians.
Elementary Handbook
Elementary Building Phone Extensions 4
Administrative Office Directory 5
Sign-Off Sheet 6
Title I Home/School Compact 2014 - 2015 7
School Board of Directors 8
School Board Meetings 8
Curriculum 8
Parent Alert System 8
Emergency School Delay or Closings 9
School Bus Regulations 9
Registration 9
Grading Periods For Academy 9
Open House 10
Elementary Parent-Teacher Conference Dates 10
School Hours 10
Reporting Absences 10
Where do you go for help? 10
Academy Dress Code 11
Public Notice 12
Use of Student Photos 12
Technology 12
Foreign Language 13
Physical Education 13
The 5 Wells 13
Parent Volunteers 13
2014 - 2015 School Calendar 14
2014 - 2015 Important Dates 15
2014 - 2015 Elementary Building Principal’s/Phone Extensions
Woodland Hills Academy (412.824.2450)
Principal: Mrs. Kelly Berthold (x 4120)
126 Monroeville Avenue
Turtle Creek, PA 15145
Assistant Principal (x 4122) RTI Specialist (x4130)
Main Office/Attendance (x 4110) Social Worker (x4131)
Nurse (x 4150)
Edgewood Elementary (412.731.2238)
Principal: Ms. Janet Carter (x 2120)
241 Maple Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Assistant Principal (x2122) Social Worker (x 2130)
Main Office (x 2110) Nurse (x 2150)
Dickson Elementary (412.731.5816)
Principal: Ms. Allison Kline (x3120)
7301 Schoyer Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Assistant Principal (x 3122) Social Worker (x 3130) Main Office (x 3110) Nurse (x 3150)
Fairless Elementary (412.271.1317)
Principal: Ms. Jean Livingston (x 3220)
531 Jones Avenue
North Braddock, PA 15104
Assistant Principal (x3222) Community Liaison (x3230)
Main Office (x 3210) Nurse (x3250)
Shaffer Elementary (412.371.4535)
Principal: Dr. Deborah Vereen (x2220)
37 Garden Terrace
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Assistant Principal (x 2222) Social Worker (x2230)
Main Office (x 2210) Nurse (x2250)
Wilkins Elementary (412.824.3231)
Principal: Mrs. Karen Bloch (x2320)
362 Churchill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Assistant Principal (x 2322) Social Worker (x2330)
Main Office (x2310) Nurse (x2350)
Woodland Hills School District
Administrative Office Directory
2430 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Phone 412.731.1300 Fax 412.731.2974
Administration / ExtensionMr. Alan N. Johnson, Superintendent
Ms. Ali Nespoli, Executive Assistant / 0183
Mr. Gerald Chessman, Assistant to the Superintendent / 0181
Business Manager / 0121
Director of Curriculum and Instruction / 0155
Director of Special Education / 0134
Supervisor of Facilities / 0192
Transportation Coordinator / 0185
Technology Department / 0103/0107
Sign-Off Sheet
Please remove this sheet and return to your child’s Homeroom teacher by
Friday, August 29, 2014
I have received a copy of the student handbook for the 2014 - 2015 school year. The policies and procedures contained within this booklet have been discussed with my child. We have also discussed the Woodland Hills School District Title I Home/School Compact 2014 - 2015 (see following page).
Child’s Name Child’s School
Child’s Grade Child’s Homeroom
Custodial Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Custodial Parent/Guardian Signature
City Zip Telephone Number
Woodland Hills School District
Title I Home/School Compact 2014 - 2015
Education is a joint responsibility of the school and the home. To insure that the interests of each are served, it is important that we develop and maintain a program of communication and cooperation between the home and the school. This agreement is a first step in that program.
The administration and teaching staff will:
1. Strive to be aware of the individual needs of each child.
2. Reinforce/strengthen each child’s reading/math concepts and skills.
3. Regularly communicate with parents/caregivers regarding their child’s progress.
4. Organize and notify parents/caregivers of opportunities to discuss the program and contribute suggestions for improvement.
My child’s school years are very important. I agree that his/her achievement and attitude will be enhanced by my participation. Therefore, to the best of my ability, I will:
1. Make sure my child gets enough sleep each night.
2. Make sure my child is at school on time.
3. Give my child a quiet place to study and/or do homework.
4. Review my child’s assignments/work with him/her daily.
5. Check that my child’s homework is completed.
6. Spend at least 15 minutes a day reading to/with my child.
I plan to attend open house (September 23, 2013)
(Please check) ______YES ______NO
Education is important to me. It will help me become a better person. I know my parents/caregivers will help me, but I have to do the work. I agree to:
1. Be at school on time unless I am sick.
2. Take responsibility for my behavior.
3. Pay attention in class and do my work.
4. Complete my class work on time.
5. Return corrected work to my parent/caregiver.
Woodland Hills School District
Superintendent Mr. Alan N. Johnson
Assistant to the Superintendent Mr. Gerald chessman
Business Manager TBA
School Board of Directors
Mr. Regis Driscoll, President
Ms. Marilyn Messina, Vice- President
Mr. Robert Clanagan
Mr. Brian K. Estocin
Ms. Colleen Filiak
Mr. Jeffrey Hanchett
Mr. Fred Kuhn
Ms. Tara Reis
Mr. Robert J. Tomasic
School Board Meetings
The Woodland Hills Board of School Directors holds two regularly scheduled meetings each month; both are open to the public. The first Wednesday of each month is an Agenda Setting Meeting. The second Wednesday of each month is the Legislative Meeting. All meetings are scheduled at the Woodland Hills Administration Building at
7:30 p.m. unless advertised otherwise.
Students at the Academy will receive instruction in the following core subject areas: Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. All students will have 90 minutes of reading and mathematics instruction daily. In addition to core subjects all students will participate in Music, Art, Physical Education, and Technology. Eighth graders will receive instruction in Spanish..
The elementary curriculum in Woodland Hills is consistent with the guidelines set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Please refer any curriculum questions to the Curriculum Department at: 412-731.1300, ext. 0155 or ext. 0158.
Parent Alert System
Woodland Hills School District has acquired an up-to-date Parent Alert System to quickly communicate important information to parents. TeleParent through EdLine is an elite, industry-leading rapid communication service, designed specifically for the K-12 community, which addresses all of these needs. With this system you will be notified of any time-sensitive information in the event of a lockdown, relocation, evacuation or other emergency situation as well as changes in meeting times, and other communication materials that parents need to know. Please keep the district updated with your current phone numbers so that you will not miss receiving any of our TeleParent Broadcasts.
Emergency School Delay or Closings
If the School Superintendent and Director of Transportation determine it necessary to close schools or delay openings, the announcement will be made as early as possible, most likely by 6:00 a.m. A quick way to check is to call the NEWSLINE at 412.256.3324 or tune into:
· KDKA Radio 1020 AM and TV
· WTAE Radio 1250 AM and TV
· KQV Radio 1410 AM
· FROGGY Radio98 FM
School Bus Regulations
Student bus transportation is a privilege and convenience that is provided by the District to eligible students. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct concerning discipline procedures.
When a change of address or telephone numbers occurs, you are required to complete the necessary registration information at your child’s school.
The central registration office at the administration building is closed. Please contact your local neighborhood school for registration hours and information. To register your child for transportation only, please contact ext 0187. All other building phone numbers are listed on page 4.
Important Dates (also see page 15)
Grading Periods For Academy
Marking Periods / Marking Period Ends / Report Card Distribution1st / October 29 / November 6
2nd / January 21 / January 23
3rd / March 30 / April 1
4th / June 5 / June 5
Open House
Open House will be held on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 for students attending the Woodland Hills Academy. The time for Open House is 6:30 0 8:30 p.m. Please make every effort to attend this important event.
Elementary Parent-Teacher Conference Dates
All Levels (K-12) Thursday, November 6, 2014 12:30 pm – 8:00 pm
All Levels (K-12) Thursday March 19, 2015 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Parent Meetings (Required)
Parent meetings will be conducted during the 2014 - 2015 school year:
August 19, 2014 (mandatory)--2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
October 21, 2014-- 7:00 pm
January 20, 2015—7:00 pm
March 24, 2015—7:00 pm
May 19, 2015—7:00 pm
School Hours
School starts at 7:40 a.m.
Students are dismissed at 2:50 p.m.
Reporting Absences
It is important that you report your child’s absence. A written excuse is required for all absences as required by the compulsory attendance laws of Pennsylvania.
Please call your child’s school by 8:15 am to report an absence.
Students arriving after 12:00 Noon will be considered absent for the day.
Telephone calls to the school requesting messages from parents to be delivered to students should be restricted to emergencies only.
Where do you go for help?
If you are having a school related problem or need assistance, the District wants to help. Please follow these guidelines:
· If your problem or question concerns your child or your child’s teacher, first contact the teacher.
· If the situation is unresolved, then contact your child’s Assistant Principal or Principal.
· If your question deals with a specific function of the District, then call 412.731.1300 and ask for the specific department (Transportation, Title 1, etc.). Extensions are listed on page 5 of this handbook.
· When all contacts fail to give you the satisfactory answer, contact the Deputy Superintendent at 412.731.1300, ext. 0183.
· Addressing the Board of School Directors with a concern may be considered as a last resort.
· Today some people tend to call the news media first when they have a problem or complaint. This inevitably results in negative press for their child’s school. Please consider going through the listed “chain of command” when a problem arises.
Woodland Hills Academy Dress Code
Grades K-2
Shirts: 3 Button Polo (short or long sleeve), White or Light Blue
Bottoms: Navy or Khaki Pants or Shorts
Shirts: 3 Button Polo (short or long sleeve), White or Light Blue
Round Collar Peter Pan (short or long sleeve), white or light blue
Bottoms: Navy or Khaki Pants or Shorts
Navy or Khaki Skort with Knit short Liner (knee length)
Navy or Khaki Drop Waist Jumper
Grades 3-8
Shirts: 3 Button Polo (short or long sleeve), White or Light Blue
Oxford (short or long sleeve), white or light blue
Bottoms: Navy or Khaki Pants
Blazer: Navy or sweater (vest or cardigan)
Shirts: 3 Button Polo (short or long sleeve), White or Light Blue
Oxford (short or long sleeve), white or light blue
Bottoms: Navy or Khaki Low Waist Skirt (knee length)
Navy or Khaki Pants
Blazer: Navy or sweater (vest or cardigan)
No hats or hoodies are permitted to be worn in school. A sweater should be used if needed for warmth. Also, no vests should be worn over uniform shirts unless it is an Academy uniform vest. Seventh and eighth graders are not permitted to carry bookbags during the school day.
Progressive Consequences for uniform infractions:
1. Verbal warning from the teacher
2. 2nd verbal warning from the teacher
3. Phone call home from the teacher
4. Teacher issued consequence, i.e., no recess, morning detention, lunch detention, etc.
5. Student sent the Principal or Assistant Principal for conference.
6. Letter sent home to parents from the Principal.
7. Office referral where the Principal or Assistant Principal can provide a progressive series of consequences.
Woodland Hills School District provides a free, appropriate, public education (FAPE) to exceptional students consistent with the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 (P.L. 108-446) and Reauthorization 2006. To qualify as an exceptional student, the child must be of school-age, in need of specially designed instruction, and meet eligibility criteria for one or more of the following physical or mental disabilities: autism, deaf-blindness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment including deafness, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disability; speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment including blindness, and in the case of a child that is of pre-school age, developmental delay.
Identification procedures ensure eligible students receive an appropriate program consisting of individualized special education and related services. At no cost to the parents, these services are provided in compliance with state and federal law and planned to ensure meaningful educational benefit and student progress.
To identify students who may be eligible for special education, various screening activities are conducted on an ongoing basis. These screening activities may include: hearing, vision, physical and speech/language screening; a review of group-based data (cumulative academic records, ability and achievement test scores, enrollment records, report cards, and health records); and a review by the building-level team. When screening results suggest that a student may need special education services, Woodland Hills School District will with parent consent, conduct an evaluation. Parents who suspect their child may need special education services may also submit a written request for an evaluation to the school principal.