Overview 2 Background 3
Our Strategic Aims 2015-20184
Our Role5
Our Priorities 2016-20176
VISION 2020 UK is the umbrella organisation which leads collaboration and co-operation between organisations within the UK, which focus on vision impairment and operate on a national, regional or international basis.
Our Mission
To lead the collaboration of interested organisations in order to improve the eye health of the UK, prevent avoidable sight loss, and ensure inclusion and participation of people who have impaired vision in society.
Our Values
People at the centre of all we do
Independent and impartial
Openness and transparency
VISION 2020 is the global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness, a joint programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB).
Its vision is a world in which no one is needlessly blind and where those with unavoidable vision loss can achieve their full potential.
Our History
VISION 2020 UK was established in 2002 as part of the VISION 2020 global initiative.
It is a unique, cross-sector collaboration, which enables public, private and charitable interests to work together, to strengthen national health-care systems and facilitate national capacity-building.
VISION 2020 UK is a registered charity* which is governed by an elected Board of Trustees comprising experts from the eye health, sight loss and healthcare sectors. VISION 2020 UK is primarily funded by its member organisations, sharing an interest in eye health and sight loss.
*Registered as VISION 2020 (UK) LIMITED
Charity Number 1146746
Our Strategic Aims 2015-2018
We will know our mission is fulfilled when there is:
Person centred, integrated care and support of the highest quality
No needless loss of sight
A seamless pathway for those who have lost sight
An equal opportunity to participate in society
In order to achieve this we aim to:
1)Identify across the UK, where the eye health and sight loss services are less effective than they should be and to use evidence to effect change.
2)Raise awareness and to promote and influence, within the sector and beyond, ways to: prevent sight loss, including the ongoing need for eye research to reduce sight loss and improve eye health; improve services; and ensure the inclusion of people with sight loss in society.
3)Work with our partners to develop and promote good evidence and quality in:
- Prevention, awareness and public health
- Early detection
- Effective treatment
- Post diagnosis practical and emotional support
- Rehabilitation
- Self-help and Peer support
Our Role
VISION 2020 UK is the umbrella body for the eye health and sight loss sectors. It brings together charities, professional groups, providers and networks with links to eye health and sight loss. Our unique role is to bring together a diverse range of players to achieve our strategic objectives.
Service delivery in the UK currently relies on many diverse organisations working collaboratively. VISION 2020 UK has a unique remit, not just to bring the sector together, but also to advocate for those with sight loss with government and others who can influence change.
Challenges in the UK include: an aging population where sight loss is becoming an increasing factor; children with sight loss neither identified early enough nor given access to the support they need; a lack of access to treatments and support; individuals with multiple conditions (sight loss and dementia/ learning disabilities) not receiving quality care.
VISION 2020 UK brings together over 200 experts from the eye health and sight loss sectorsto evaluate models of integration and the methodologies that support them.
Developing impact measurements for our work is important in determining our effectiveness. There are five key documents which guide our work and these are: The UK Vision Strategy Outcomes; The Adult UK Eye Health and Sight Loss Pathway; The Children’s Eye Health and Sight Loss Pathway; The Sight Loss and Vision Priority Setting Partnership Report; and Seeing It My Way Outcomes.
Our Priorities 2016-2017
In order for VISION 2020 UK and its partners to fulfil its ultimate aim of creating a community free from the impact of sight loss we have outlined three priorities for 2016-2017. These areas have been highlighted as essential components in facilitating engagement with partners, creating standards, improving quality of care and ultimately influencing societal change.
1.Promote collaborative working to effect change
- Deliver work programmes related to gathering evidence, developing quality and promoting good practice
- Develop key partnerships throughout the sector and wider health and social care community
- Delivering our communications strategy to advocate on issues as the dedicated resource hub and voice of the sector
2.Deliver an Integrated Care Pathway
- Establish an Integrated Care Programme Board with clear terms of reference
- Evaluate current models of integration and the methodologies that support them
- Utilise the Special Interest Committees to not only deliver this pathway and ensure best practice but also focus on prevention through good public health and increased eye research
3.Create a sustainable income model
- Extend membershipsto health, social care, utilities and infrastructure organisations
- Generate income through fee based initiatives as well as projects
VISION 2020 (UK) Limited PO BOX 70172, London WC1A 9HH
Chair: Nigel Clarke CEO: Mercy Jeyasingham
Company No: 7850769 Charity No: 1146746